Civilization not only simplifies people's lives, butand brings a lot of inconvenience. For example, a modern woman would rather buy an expensive shampoo at a drugstore than make a hair mask using folk recipes. And it's not about laziness (although few people would want to grind burdock roots for half an hour to get just 3 tablespoons of a medicinal product), but about ordinary inability to adapt. We have forgotten how to wash clothes by hand and boil them in huge basins. We no longer grind meat in hand grinders. And it simply would not occur to us to carry a carpet from the 8th floor into the snow in order to clean it. Therefore, an egg mask for us exists only in the form of a ready-made bottle bought in a store. And in vain. A natural hair mask can bring much more benefit than a dubious cosmetic product. Why dubious? It's very simple. Can you tell me how many eggs the manufacturer used for one product with a volume of 200 milligrams (let's assume that there are eggs in it)? No? Where exactly did he buy the raw materials for the masks and balms? In order to finally disabuse you of the omnipotence of cosmetics, we suggest turning the bottle over and looking at the composition on the label. How many natural ingredients are there? That's right! So let's learn how to create cosmetics ourselves. Especially since you don't have to rub burdock roots. On the agenda is an egg mask for strengthening hair.
Advantages of the egg mask
Every morning we fry ourselves an omelette or scrambled eggs, nosuspecting how useful the product is we hold in our hands. At least for problematic hair, an egg mask is a real panacea. Such a product gives hair strength. And all because (according to scientists) one egg contains up to 6.3 grams of protein, which in turn helps to strengthen hair. An egg mask is especially recommended for weakened hair, daily subjected to drying with a hair dryer, "torture" with hot curlers or curling irons. In addition, you can significantly moisturize your hair if you introduce an egg mask into your weekly "diet". Probably, every girl at least once faced the fact that after dyeing her hair began to resemble straw. An egg mask can counter this annoying misunderstanding due to its high cholesterol content. Yes, yes, the same cholesterol that clogs blood vessels when consumed as food, when applied externally turns out to be simply an indispensable assistant. Fats, which are rich in raw chicken eggs, will also come in handy. They strengthen the cuticle, prevent split ends and protect hair from winter breakage (we all know how aggressively severe frost affects the hair). In addition, the egg mask treats dandruff and itching caused by dry scalp. As you can see, the product has a lot of advantages. Now is the time to learn how to use them in practice.
Egg mask: secrets of use
Before you write down a bunch of hair mask recipes, you need to learn a few subtleties of using egg mixtures.
- First, the egg mask is applied exclusivelyon dry hair. If you have been washing your hair for a long time, you can apply it on dirty strands. Those who decide to wash their hair and apply a mask on their wet hair, threaten to wash the mixture with eggs from the face all the time.
- Secondly, to mix ingredients is better not with a fork, but with a whisk. This will ensure homogeneity of the mixture. And the process of making hair masks will be faster and easier.
- Thirdly, the eggs must necessarily be at room temperature. So do not forget to get them out of the refrigerator in advance.
- Fourthly, if you don’t want to “fry”omelette on your hair, wash off the mask only with warm water. Moreover, the cooler the water, the less risk there is that the egg mask will curdle at the most inopportune moment.
Recipes of egg masks
We offer you several mask recipes that you can easily make yourself:
- If your strands are dry and brittle, the egg will save youmask with high fat content. In this case, olive oil will act as fat. Mix the yolk, a tablespoon of butter and the same amount of lemon juice. Dilute the mixture in 100 milliliters of cool boiled water, mix well. After that, distribute the egg mixture over the entire length of the hair and allow it to soak well.
- For those who only dream of dry skin and who are forcedwash your hair every day because of the increased oiliness of the hair, an egg mask with alcohol will come in handy. Mix the unchangeable yolk with a teaspoon of water and alcohol (it can be replaced with vodka or cognac). The mask is ready.
- But eggs are not only chicken. Re-saw, by the way, also have a huge nutritional value. Cosmetologists remembered this in time and offered their customers a simple hair mask consisting of 2 tablespoons of honey, 5 quail eggs and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix all the ingredients, apply the entire length of the strands and wrap the head with a warm towel.
- There is also a universal recipe for eggmask. For its preparation mix 2 yolks and one tablespoon of glycerin, 9% of vinegar and castor oil. According to experts, this mask heals from hair loss and enhances hair growth.
If you have tried all the recipes, but your hair stilland your hair continues to fall out and split, then perhaps the problem lies elsewhere, and you should see a doctor. But we wish that the egg hair mask works wonders, and that you delight others with strong and healthy hair. We recommend reading: