whey for hair "Drink, children, milk - will be healthy" - wordsMany people remember this song from childhood. About the benefits of milk is said and written already very much. But dairy products are useful not only to ingest. There are other ways to use it. Take, for example, milk whey. That's really, really - the "elixir of beauty". The ancient Greeks also knew about its medicinal properties. For example, Hippocrates used this product in the treatment of many diseases. Today, the serum is used not only as a therapeutic drug. It is also used for dietary nutrition, and as a very effective cosmetic. All this is due to the unique composition of the product. The serum contains more than 200 biologically active substances. What is not in it - vitamins E, C, A and B, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, digestible proteins, lactose, nicotinic acid and many other useful microelements. With the help of this product, you can improve immunity, get rid of depression and cellulite, cleanse the body and lose weight, prepare various face masks and nails. And, of course, very useful whey for hair. By the way, it is often used in the manufacture of professional shampoos and balms. Why do hair become weak, dull and slow growth? Typically, the reason is that the body can not provide the scalp with enough nutrients. As a result, the hair follicles simply "fall asleep." That's where the whey will come to the rescue. Substances included in its composition, enhance metabolic processes and provide additional nutrition. As a result, the hair becomes strong, shiny, stops falling out and begins to grow faster.

Milk whey - do it yourself

What is this milk whey and where is it?to take? If you have ever made a home-made cottage cheese, then this product is definitely familiar to you. Serum is a liquid that remains after heating the milk. And to cook it, as you already understood, it is quite possible at home. And in several ways.

  • Method one

Take the necessary amount of milk, pour inBowl and leave for a while in a warm place. Wait until it turns sour and begins to curl. Pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Once the milk boils, turn off the cooker and allow it to cool. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve or gauze. The serum is ready. And the remaining cottage cheese can be used at its discretion - it is very tasty and healthy.

  • Method of the second

For him, besides milk, you will need a lemon orvinegar. Put the milk on the stove and, as soon as it starts to boil, add a little vinegar or lemon juice. Collect the resulting cottage cheese with a spoon, and strain the serum carefully. All is ready. By the way, only freshly prepared "elixir" should be used for cosmetic purposes. Do not do it "in reserve". Moreover, cooking does not take much time. If you use the second method, you will get this product in just 15 minutes. However, if you do not want to make the serum yourself, you can buy it already in ready-made form. As a rule, it is sold in grocery stores. Just make sure that it does not contain fruit additives. They are good and useful if you plan to drink whey, but for cosmetic purposes you need a "clean product". whey dairy for hair

Home remedies for hair care

How to use the serum correctly? There are a lot of ways. For example, you can make shampoo out of it. For this, in addition to whey, you will need a decoction from the root of burdock. It is also very simple. Take one large spoonful of dry and chopped burdock root - it can be bought at a pharmacy. Add 500 milliliters of boiling water, put on a plate and cook for 10 minutes on low heat. Cool down. The broth is ready. Mix with serum in a 1: 1 ratio. You can wash your hair. Wash off this compound with warm water, adding a little lemon juice. This shampoo is recommended to use twice a week, instead of your usual. Very soon you will notice that your hair has become silky and smooth. Also very effective and popular are various hair masks, cooked on the basis of milk whey. They are easy to prepare at home.

  • For example, a mask of white clay

Mix clay with serum in equal proportions. Add two or three small spoons of olive oil. Apply the mixture to the hair. Keep recommended 20-25 minutes.

  • Another useful and nutritious means for strengthening hair is the mask "Hercules"

Take one glass of whey and heat it until50 degrees. Add the oatmeal and mix thoroughly - a thick slurry should be obtained. Carefully apply it to the roots of the hair, and then distribute it along the entire length. Put on a cellophane shower cap and tie a warm handkerchief on top. You can wash off in half an hour.

  • Mask "Rye"

This tool is considered one of the most effective. To prepare a mask you will need:

  • Rye bread
  • milk serum
  • colorless henna
  • Burr oil

Take a few - five or six - pieces of ryebread and cut the crust. Put in a bowl and pour slightly warmed serum. It will be enough to take 0.5 liters. Leave in a warm place for about four hours. Strain the resulting mass through a cheesecloth or fine sieve. Add two large spoons of colorless henna and one - burdock oil. Stir and apply on hair. Next, as usual - polyethylene and a warm kerchief. About an hour you can do your own thing. It will be necessary to wash off with the help of shampoo.

  • Simplified recipe of the same mask

It will do, if you do not have at handall the necessary ingredients or no opportunity to wait four hours. "Works" is also very effective. It is recommended to apply it to clean damp hair. Wash your head as usual, and roll the "turban" from the towel over your head. While the hair dries, pour the bread with whey. Wait until it is completely soaked - it will take about 10-15 minutes. After that, mash it with your hands in such a way as to make a gruel. Apply it first to the roots of the hair, and then distribute it along the entire length. Put a shower cap or plastic bag on your head. Wrap it with a dry terry towel and walk like this for 40-50 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water. True, you have to work hard - especially if you have long hair. It is not easy to wash bread crumbs. But the result is worth it! If you make this mask regularly, then very soon you will notice that the hair has become obedient, shiny and magnificent.

  • Mask for owners of blond hair

Prepare a decoction of chamomile. To do this, take four large spoons of chamomile - it is sold in any pharmacy - and add a glass of water. Place on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for five minutes. Then cool and strain. Mix it with a small amount of whey. Add two or three drops of apple cider vinegar. Apply on hair and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Regular application of this composition will make the hair strong and shiny. These "miraculous forces" are possessed by this seemingly very simple product - milk whey. And most importantly, in order to experience its useful properties, you will not need any additional financial costs, or tedious salon procedures. All that is necessary is to buy a package of milk. Everything is very simple. And your hair will be very grateful to you. Shall we try? We advise you to read:

