causes of drug dependence We can talk about the problem of drug addictionendlessly, touching upon various aspects of this disease, unhealthy attraction, criminal activity. Everything depends on the approach and point of view on a very complex topic. However, the main thing is important: every year there are more and more drug addicts. The worst thing is that they are mostly young people, often teenagers, who do not suspect what awaits them in a month or two after the first pill or injection. It is generally accepted that most often, children from disadvantaged families, marginal youth who already have criminal experience, or adults who have experienced a severe shock and are morally broken are involved in drug addiction. However, this opinion is only partly true. Drug addiction does not choose who is in front of it. The offspring of a successful top manager or a difficult teenager of a single mother. Before the first dose, everyone is equal. And it does not really matter whether it was "weed" or "heritage". Irreversible processes in brain activity begin almost instantly. The question is: how much time will pass from the first dose to the first withdrawal. And is it possible to get rid of it?receiving serotonin and dopamine with drugs, the body ceases to develop them independently, which, in fact, leads to dependence

Harmless drugs do not happen

as if narcotic substances are divided intoseveral categories. Moreover, almost every country has its own definitions of prohibited and permitted drugs. In Russia, as well as other CIS countries, the distribution of cannabis derivatives is a criminal offense, not to mention hashish and other, even stronger opium-based drugs. At the same time, smoking marijuana in the Netherlands has become part of the national culture. And Holland is not the only one. A number of countries in Europe, South and North America, Australia have reservations in their legislation regarding marijuana. However, almost the entire world is unanimous in its opinion regarding opiates - a whole group of drugs obtained from the opium poppy. It also serves as a raw material for medicines: the well-known morphine has been part of painkillers for many years. Now it has been replaced by non-addictive derivatives: morphine, codeine, papaverine and others. But in skilled hands, a headache medicine can turn into a drug. Therefore, the list of prohibited and seemingly innocent drugs, the circulation of which is limited, grows every year. This is a whole war between traditional pharmacists and "black" geniuses, tirelessly deriving new formulas. A similar situation is with psychotropic drugs. They have become reliable allies of drug dealers. There are known chemical compounds that, from the first use, break the necessary connections in the brain, and a person almost instantly gets hooked on "wheels". The most controversial drug is considered to be smoking mixtures, the fight against which is increasingly resembling a war with windmills. While officials add another harmful formula to the list of prohibited substances, modern alchemists create a new one. Alas, very few can be punished, and in any case, the punishment is much more humane than the torment at the stake of medieval producers of gold from mercury. And they did not take or cripple human lives.successful drug dependence treatment is carried out in several stages

How drugs are destroyed

The modern classification of means of obtaining a dubious high in Russia and the CIS countries looks approximately as follows:

  • categorically prohibited substances, which include opiates (primarily heroin), hashish and psychotropic substances;
  • narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs, the turnover of which is limited and under the control of the relevant departments;
  • psychotropic drugs, whose turnover is also limited;
  • substances used in pharmaceutical production.

This is if we speak in the language of officials.Each group of drugs is a time bomb. The target is the human brain. The clockwork mechanism is the type of drug, the duration and volume of its use. But the result is almost always the same - an explosion. And death. Sometimes quick. Sometimes long and painful. Everything depends on the strength of the addict's body, the participation of relatives who are constantly fighting the terrible disease that has struck a loved one. Sometimes the agony stretches out for several decades. But can this existence be called a normal life? The drug addict's eyes, even those not disfigured by the black saucer of a dilated pupil, will give an unmistakable answer to this question. If a person has found the strength to refuse a dose, it is always with him, in his mind. He knows exactly what awaits him after the cherished injection, drag or pill. And he can never forget this feeling, not for a minute.treatment also takes place in the therapist

Drugs of the past - reality?

In the media, optimisticистории об излечившихся, например, от героиновой зависимости — одной из самых тяжелых. Но это единичные случаи, и психика, сознание, восприятие мира, однажды искалеченные, никогда не станут прежними. Не будет так ярко сиять солнце, как это было «до». Не будет так задорно стучать дождь, как было «до». Не будет так заразительно смеяться ребенок, как было «до». Все станет по-другому и будет восприниматься сквозь пленку негатива пережитого, поглощающего свет и ощущение радости жизни. Иначе почему после длительного лечения, спустя годы, происходят срывы и наркотическая зависимость вновь громко заявляет о себе? Вся жизнь завязавшего наркомана — это борьба с самим собой. Важно, чтобы рядом были любящие люди, готовые поддержать, а не упрекнуть, вовремя протянуть руку помощи и помочь отказаться от «звонка другу». Да и кто он, этот друг? На языке блатных и полицейских — «барыга». Продавец «дури», как еще называют наркотики. Мелкая сошка в гигантском механизме преступного бизнеса, проникшего во все сферы общества: от маргинальных низов до успешных верхов. И если неблагополучные дети, попав в плохую компанию и стараясь не отстать от сверстников, послушно втягивают удушающие пары токсичного клея «Момент», то «золотая молодежь» гламурно вдыхает дорожку белейшего кокаина. Но, как и мальчишка из темного сырого подвала, мажор, ослепленный софитами ночного клуба, начинает свой путь в никуда. Конечно, если рядом не окажется тех, кто сможет остановить. Только сможет ли? Проблема отказа от наркотиков кроется в первую очередь не в физической, а психологической зависимости. Любой наркотик оказывает влияние на выработку серотонина, который часто называют гормоном радости или счастья, что не совсем верно, но суть отражает. Попадание в кровь этого нейромедиатора как раз и вызывает приятные ощущения удовольствия, хорошее настроение, позитивные мысли и раскрашивает окружающий мир в радужные тона оптимизма. Еще одна жертва наркотических веществ — дофамин, обладающий сходными чертами. Получая серотонин и дофамин с наркотиками, организм перестает их вырабатывать самостоятельно, что, собственно говоря, и приводит к зависимости. До сих пор не изобретено противоядие, способное раз и навсегда принудить наркомана забыть о пережитых минутах счастья в первый период приема наркотиков, когда эйфория, необычайный подъем и восторг — основные ощущения. Но и не дано человеку, страдающему от наркозависимости, найти достойный эквивалент снятию абстинентного синдрома — проявления физической зависимости от наркотиков. «Ломка» неизбежна при прекращении употребления источника запретных удовольствий. Тяжелее всего переживают отмену наркотиков героиновые наркоманы. Именно они озабочены постоянным наличием запасной дозы. Впрочем, и более дешевые наркотики, как правило, кустарного происхождения, местом «производства» может быть любая кухня, вызывают тяжелый синдром отмены. Порой ломка длится до полутора месяцев! Полностью снять болевые ощущения практически невозможно даже с помощью заместительной терапии. Как нельзя вернуть хотя бы проблески радости жизни. Доводилось сталкиваться с таким описанием своего состояния наркоманом, проходившим лечение: ощущение половой тряпки в общественном туалете, грязной, вонючей, никому не нужной. completely recover from drug addiction is possible only with a very strong desire of the most dependent

Marijuana: smoking or not smoking?

If the names of hard drugs, likeheroin, "vint", "shirka" or cocaine sound ominous in themselves, then "shalakury", as marijuana smokers call themselves, are convinced that their innocent hobby will not lead to serious consequences. However, this is another drug addict's misconception. At first, novice lovers of the laughing smoke are convinced that they can quit whenever they want, and do not notice how they become addicted. Here you can draw an analogy with alcohol or tobacco. But if the presence of these bad habits allows a person to remain socially adapted and useful to society for a long time, then with drugs everything happens very quickly. And here marijuana lovers look like a kind of intermediate link: on the one hand, he smoked, caught his dose of high and lives without a new dose for a month or two. On the other hand, like any other drug addict, he does not notice the moment when a month is reduced to two weeks, and two weeks - to one. In many cases, weed smokers end up using heroin and other hard drugs. It just takes longer to transition from one quality to another. You can refer to the experience of countries where so-called soft drugs are legalized or decriminalized for as long as you like. But so far no one has been able to prove that marijuana use has a beneficial effect on the human body. It is drug addiction, perhaps expressed less vividly and terribly.

Prevention and propaganda - weapons against drugs

Another extremely unpleasant aspect of usedrugs - the spread of serious diseases among drug addicts. Often, innocent people become victims of practically incurable infections. Among the diseases, the palm of primacy is occupied by:

  • hepatitis C;
  • AIDS.

About the dangers that these diseases pose,a lot has been said. The main thing is that they are incurable. Anyone can be at risk. Viruses are transmitted through sexual contact and through blood. But if personal life is truly a personal matter and a person must understand what can await him in the event of unprotected intimacy with an unfamiliar partner, then with blood as an intermediary between the carrier and the victim, everything is more complicated. For example, how can you one hundred percent protect a child from accidentally injecting himself with a used drug syringe? And wild cases of slipping needles into mailboxes or placing them on seats in public places, alas, are not the fruit of a sick fantasy, but a harsh reality ... No one has yet invented an effective weapon against drugs. All sorts of bans, criminal liability, forced treatment, early death do not stop either manufacturers and distributors, or drug addicts. The only way to counteract further involvement in drug addiction is a healthy lifestyle and propaganda of the dangers that illegal substances pose. This is a huge amount of work, intense work that requires maximum dedication, and not just doing it for the sake of it. Everyone knows that a healthy lifestyle is good. But it requires working on yourself, certain efforts to play sports, and self-discipline. It is important that this process begins in the family and that the child sees a positive example of his parents before his eyes, which will be supported in kindergarten and school. And then we will have hope that our society will become healthier in every sense of the word, and the curve of newly identified drug addicts will go down.

