causes of drug dependence The problem of drug addiction can be spoken endlessly,touching on various aspects of this ailment, unhealthy attraction, criminal activity. It all depends on the approach and point of view on a very complex topic. However, the important thing is that every year drug addicts become more and more. The most terrible thing is that mostly young people, often teenagers, who do not suspect that they are waiting for them in a month or two after the first fun tablets or injections. It is generally believed that most often drug addiction involves children from disadvantaged families, marginalized young people who already have criminal experience, or adults who survived a severe shock and broke down morally. However, this opinion is only partially true. Drug dependency does not choose who is in front of her. A scrap of a successful top manager or a difficult teenager of a single mother. Before the first dose everyone is equal. And it does not really matter, "herb" it was or immediately "gerych." Irreversible processes in brain activity begin almost instantaneously. The question is: how much time will pass from the first dose to the first break-up. And is it possible to get rid of it? receiving serotonin and dopamine with drugs, the body ceases to develop them independently, which, in fact, leads to dependence

Harmless drugs do not happen

As if narcotic substances are divided intoseveral categories. And almost every country has its own definitions of banned and permitted drugs. In Russia, as in other CIS countries, the spread of cannabis derivatives is a criminal offense, not to mention hashish and other, even more powerful opium-based drugs. At the same time smoking marijuana in the Netherlands became part of the national culture. And Holland is not the only one. A number of countries in Europe, South and North America, Australia have in the legislation provisions on marijuana. However, practically all over the world, they agree on opiates - a whole group of drugs obtained from opium poppy. It also serves as a raw material for medicines: the known morphine for many years was part of the painkillers. Now replaced by non-addictive derivatives: morphine, codeine, papaverine and others. But in a skillful hands, a cure for a headache can turn into a drug. Therefore, the list of banned and seemingly innocent drugs, whose circulation is limited, is growing every year. This is the whole war of traditional pharmacists and "black" geniuses, who constantly deduce new formulas. A similar situation with psychotropic drugs. They became reliable allies of drug dealers. Chemical compounds are known which, from the first use, break the necessary connections in the brain, and the person almost instantly sits down on the "wheels". The most controversial drug is considered to be smoking mixtures, the fight against which is more and more like a war with windmills. While officials introduce another malicious formula into the list of banned substances, the alchemists of our time create a new one. Alas, it is possible to punish very few, and in any case, the punishment is much more humane than the flour on the stake of medieval gold producers from mercury. And they did not take away and did not maim human lives. successful drug dependence treatment is carried out in several stages

How drugs are destroyed

The modern classification of means of obtaining doubtful buzz in Russia and CIS countries looks like this:

  • categorically prohibited substances, which include opiates (primarily heroin), hashish and psychotropic substances;
  • narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs, the turnover of which is limited and under the control of the relevant departments;
  • psychotropic drugs, whose turnover is also limited;
  • substances used in pharmaceutical production.

This is, in the language of officials. Each of the drug groups is a time bomb. The object of defeat is the human brain. In the role of the clock mechanism - the type of drug, the duration and volume of its use. But the result is almost always the same - an explosion. And death. Sometimes fast. Sometimes long and painful. Everything depends on the strength of the addict's organism, the participation of relatives who are constantly struggling with a terrible illness that has afflicted a loved one. Sometimes the agony is stretched for several decades. But can this life be called a normal life? A faultless answer to the question will give the eye to the addict, not even mutilated by the black saucer of the dilated pupil. If a person finds the strength to refuse a dose, she is always with him, in his mind. He knows exactly what awaits him after the cherished prick, puff or tablet. And forget about this sensation can never, never for a minute. treatment also takes place in the therapist

Drugs in the past - a reality?

The media periodically slip up optimisticthe history of the cured, for example, of heroin addiction - one of the most difficult. But these are isolated cases, and the psyche, consciousness, perception of the world, once crippled, will never become the same. The sun will not shine so brightly as it was before. It will not be so feverish to pound the rain, as it was before. It will not be so contagious to laugh the child, as was "before". Everything will become different and will be perceived through the film of the negativity of the experience, absorbing the light and feeling the joy of life. Otherwise, why after long-term treatment, years later, failures occur and drug addiction again loudly declares itself? The whole life of a drug addict is a struggle with oneself. It is important that there are loving people nearby who are ready to support, and not reproach, in time to lend a helping hand and help to refuse "a call to a friend." And who is he, this friend? In the language of the thieves and police - "huckster." The seller is "dope," as the drugs are called. A small fry in the gigantic mechanism of criminal business that has penetrated into all spheres of society: from marginal bottoms to successful tops. And if disadvantaged children, hitting a bad company and trying to keep up with their peers, obediently draw in a strangling pair of toxic glue "Moment", then the "golden youth" glamorously inhales the path of whitish cocaine. But, like the boy from the dark, damp basement, the major, blinded by the spotlights of the night club, begins his journey to nowhere. Of course, if there are not those who can stop. Only can it? The problem of abandoning drugs is primarily not in physical, but psychological dependence. Any drug affects the production of serotonin, which is often called the hormone of joy or happiness, which is not entirely true, but the essence reflects. Getting into the blood of this neurotransmitter just causes pleasant pleasures, good mood, positive thoughts and colors the world around in bright colors of optimism. Another victim of narcotic substances is dopamine, which has similar features. Receiving serotonin and dopamine with drugs, the body ceases to develop their own, which, in fact, leads to addiction. Until now, an antidote has been invented that can once and for all force a drug addict to forget about the lived minutes of happiness in the first period of drug use, when euphoria, extraordinary enthusiasm and ecstasy are the main sensations. But also it is not given to the person suffering from drug addiction to find a worthy equivalent to withdrawal of the withdrawal syndrome - manifestations of physical dependence on drugs. "Breaking" is inevitable when you stop using the source of forbidden pleasures. The withdrawal of heroin addicts is the hardest thing to endure. They are concerned about the constant availability of a spare dose. However, cheaper drugs, usually handicrafts, the place of "production" can be any kitchen, cause a severe withdrawal syndrome. Sometimes the breaking lasts up to a month and a half! Completely remove the pain is almost impossible even with the help of substitution therapy. How can you return even glimpses of the joy of life. I've come across such a description of my condition as a drug addict who has been treated: the feeling of a rag in a public toilet, dirty, smelly, unnecessary. completely recover from drug addiction is possible only with a very strong desire of the most dependent

Marijuana: smoking or not smoking?

If the names of heavy drugs, such as heroin,"Screw", "shirki" or cocaine themselves sound ominous, then "shalakurs", as marijuana smokers call themselves, are convinced that their innocent hobby will not lead to serious consequences. However, this is another misconception. At first, beginning lovers of amusing smoke are convinced that they will be able to quit at any time, when they want, and do not notice how they become dependent. Here you can draw an analogy with alcohol or tobacco. But if the presence of these bad habits allows a person to remain a socially adapted and useful society for a long time, then everything happens very quickly with drugs. And here marijuana lovers look like an intermediate link: on the one hand, they smoked, caught their portion of buzz and live without a new dose a month or two. On the other, like any other addict, does not notice the moment when the month is reduced to two weeks, and two weeks - to one. In many cases, smokers "travki" end with heroin and other heavy drugs. Only time for this transition from one quality to another goes more. You can refer to the experience of countries where the so-called light drugs are legalized or decriminalized. But so far no one has been able to prove that the use of marijuana has a beneficial effect on the human body. This drug addiction, perhaps, expressed not so bright and horrific.

Prevention and advocacy - weapons against drugs

Another extremely unpleasant aspect of usedrugs - the spread of serious diseases among drug addicts. Often, innocent people become victims of virtually incurable infections. Among diseases, the palm tree is occupied by:

  • hepatitis C;
  • AIDS.

The dangers of these diseases,it says a lot. The main thing is that they are incurable. Anyone can be at risk. Viruses are transmitted through sexual contacts and through the blood. But if personal life is really a personal matter and a person should understand that he can wait in case of unprotected intimacy with an unfamiliar partner, then with blood as an intermediary between the carrier and the victim everything is more complicated. For example, how can one hundred percent protect the child from the fact that he accidentally pricks the used drug addict? And the wild cases of slipping the needles in mailboxes or putting them on seats in public places, alas, are not the result of a sick fantasy, but a harsh reality ... Nobody has invented an effective weapon against drugs yet. All sorts of prohibitions, criminal liability, compulsory treatment, early death are not stopped by producers, along with distributors, or drug addicts. Further involvement in drug addiction can be countered only by a healthy lifestyle and by propagating the dangers that forbidden substances contain. This is a huge work, hard work, which requires maximum efficiency, and not performance for the sake of a tick. Everyone knows that a healthy lifestyle is good. But it requires work on yourself, certain efforts for sports, self-discipline. It is important that this process begins in the family and the child sees before his eyes a positive example of his parents who will support in the kindergarten and school. And then we will have a hope that our society will become healthier in all senses of this word, and the curve of newly identified drug addicts will go down.

