Who among you, dear readers, has not dreamed ofthe perfect diet that will allow you to easily and effortlessly get rid of extra pounds, cleanse your body and improve your well-being? Probably, there are only a few of them. But you can’t just go on a diet – you need to prepare for the upcoming lifestyle changes. And the ideal option for this purpose would be a rice fasting day.
Benefit from fasting days
There are many options for unloadingweight loss, but it is the rice fasting day that is considered the best, because this cereal has chic cleansing properties. Rice has a gentle effect on the body, removes toxins, excess fluid, and also thoroughly cleanses the intestines. Moreover, it is rice that contains the necessary amount of carbohydrates and proteins to burn fat. So a rice fasting day is not only a way to put your internal organs in order, but also a method for achieving a thin waist! Why is a rice fasting day more effective and safer than diets? Firstly, it is a real help to the body in cleansing. After all, our body works 24 hours a day without breaks and days off. Can you imagine how tired it gets from endless diets and fasting? By arranging a rice fasting day, you give your stomach a break and rest, because rice is much easier to digest and digest than the usual varied food. Thanks to such a food break, the body can start an internal self-cleansing mechanism, in which it quickly removes accumulated waste. After all, on other days he simply doesn’t have enough time and energy for this.
How to spend a good day on rice?
It is optimal to arrange a fasting day on riceat least once a week. The diet should include low-calorie dishes made from one type of food. Do not mix proteins, fats and carbohydrates during a fasting day for weight loss. This will reduce the effectiveness and worsen the result. When starting to work on a diet for a fasting day, it is important to remember a few simple rules.
- Do not start a fasting day on rice if you feel unwell or weak. It is better to postpone the idea until recovery.
- Do not arrange unloading days when you have a bad mood. After all, the main guarantee of success is a positive attitude!
- Choose for the purification of the body days when you do not have training and the level of physical activity is not too high. It is necessary that the body really rest.
- Plan not only the menu, but all day in thewhole. It is important that you are constantly busy with something, and there was no time to think about food. Read a book that has long been gathering dust on the shelf, watch a movie that you've wanted for a long time, chat with friends or just walk.
- Try to consume more water on weight during the unloading days. It is advisable to drink about 2 liters before mid-lunch.
- Competently exit from the unloading. Do not lean on the sweet, fatty, etc. Optimal use the next day, vegetable salads, fruits and juices. Poultry steamed meat and low-fat dairy products will allow you to get fuller quickly.
Preparation for a rice fasting day alsois extremely important. After you have set aside a day for unloading, prepare rice. This is a very important point, because eating just boiled cereals you will not get such a good result. Therefore, 4 days before the date, put the rice to soak in warm water, and be sure to change the water every day. The fact is that during the soaking process, a component is formed on the rice grains that absorbs harmful substances into itself and removes them from your body. Thanks to this component, metabolism improves, the liver and kidneys are cleansed. But you can also use boiled cereals. It is best to use brown rice for weight loss, but if this is not possible, then classic white rice will do.
Menu on a fasting day on rice
Soak in water for 3 days or boil100g of rice. It is important to remember that salt is not used at all these days. Divide the resulting volume into three equal portions: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Cooked rice can be stored in the refrigerator and heated before a meal in a steam bath. You can diversify the porridge with vegetables or fruits, but no more than 100g per day. But fresh greens are not limited, that is, you can safely add them to any meal. It is best to drink herbal decoctions or green tea an hour after a meal or half an hour before a meal.
What is a day off on rice?
Of course, fasting days for weight loss area good and affordable option. But not everyone can sit all day on just rice without salt and water. Therefore, softer variations of fasting days have appeared, in which 2-3 types of products participate. Here are some examples of such fasting days.
- Apple-rice unloading day
In general, this recipe is no different fromclassic fasting day. The only deviation from the rules is that instead of water and tea you can only drink apple juice. And if hunger has become so obsessive that you can’t stand it, you can treat yourself to a couple of medium-sized sweet and sour apples.
- Milk-rice unloading day
Another very popular option for unloadingdays for weight loss. Rice is boiled or soaked, as in the classic version, but is divided not into 3, but into 5 parts. Each meal must be drunk 300 ml of low-fat milk. Milk helps to feel full faster.
- Fitness day on rice
This option is chosen by people whoeveryone tries to stick to a healthy lifestyle. Boil or soak 1 cup of rice without salt for a day. Add 1 tbsp of sesame seeds and turmeric or curry seasoning to the porridge. During such a fasting day, you are allowed to drink green tea without sugar and regular water. As you can see, fasting days are a fairly simple procedure that you can safely arrange once a week. This way you will help your body become healthier, and your body slimmer and more beautiful. But do not forget about physical activity, because no diets or fasting will give you a toned silhouette without sports! We recommend reading: