age difference 15 yearsThe age difference is not an obstacleto build a strong romantic relationship and create a family. Unions where one of the spouses is 15 years younger than the other are no longer uncommon today. If earlier only men were granted such a privilege, now women have followed their example - more and more often beautiful mature women can be seen with younger companions. In this article, we will tell you what difficulties can arise in a relationship between a man and a woman if one of them is 15 years younger, how to behave with a mature or, conversely, younger man and what are the prospects for the development of such a relationship.

What to expect from a man who is 15 years older than you

Of course, all men, like women, are different,и судить всех строго по одним критериям было бы ошибочно. Поэтому мы будем рассматривать мужчин по трем основным типам. Представителей сильного пола зрелого возраста можно условно разделить на закоренелых холостяков, ловеласов и тех, кто лично на себе испытал все «прелести» возрастного кризиса. Отношения с каждым из представленных типов мужчин будут иметь свои особенности — и отрицательные, и положительные. Отношения с закоренелым холостяком К этому типу относятся те мужчины, которые только в 40-45-50 лет решили связать себя пугающими ранее супружескими узами, поскольку осознали весь ужас одиночества и испугались перспективы состариться, так и не построив семью. Проснувшись однажды в своей пустой, лишенной домашнего уюта холостяцкой квартире, они неожиданно для себя осознают, что им пора искать жену и заводить детей. Такой мужчина, необремененный ранее заботой о семье и ее благополучии, как правило, состоялся в своей профессиональной деятельности, обеспечил себя материально на несколько лет вперед, возможно, даже обзавелся собственным жильем. Раньше он считал, что семья только усложнит ему жизнь и помешает реализовать свои амбиции, теперь же чувствует себя уверенно и, соответственно, готов взять на себя всю ответственность за жену и детей. Союз со «старым» холостяком очень благоприятен по двум основным причинам. Во-первых, он уже скопил богатый жизненный опыт, стал намного мудрее в жизненных вопросах, поэтому не будет провоцировать конфликты и самоутверждаться путем выяснения отношений. Относительно понравившейся ему женщины или девушки у него только серьезные намерения – он рассматривает ее уже как мать его будущих наследников. Во-вторых, он созрел для детей и будет прекрасным, заботливым, принимающим участие в жизни ребенка отцом. Этот фактор может являться для женщины как плюсом, так и, к сожалению, минусом. Все зависит от того, готова ли она к появлению детей. Здесь не имеет значения возраст самой женщины – у некоторых материнский инстинкт просыпается только в зрелом возрасте, а другие и в 18 лет уже горят желанием стать мамой. Отношения с мужчиной-ловеласом Он разбирается в женщинах, ведь за спиной у него, как правило, множество романов и даже несколько браков. В семейных отношениях он далеко не новичок – знает как вести себя с женщиной, как ей угодить, как подбодрить, какие подарки следует дарить, не забудет позвонить и предупредить, когда долго задерживается. Предыдущие жены его многому научили. Но, помимо огромного числа плюсов, есть и свои негативные стороны. Так как у него было много женщин, то ему, конечно же, есть с чем и с кем сравнивать. Он привык к разнообразию, поэтому в плане отношений очень избалован. Его новая избранница должна сочетать плюсы всех тех женщин, которые были до нее, иначе рискует также стать для него бывшей. Это достаточно сложное испытание для женщины. Если вы влюбились в мужчину старше себя, да еще и ловеласа, то будьте готовы к тому, что от предыдущих браков у него наверняка остались дети, поэтому он уже никогда не будет принадлежать вам полностью. Отношения с женатым мужчиной В определенном возрасте у любого мужчины наступает переломный момент, когда он начинает анализировать свою жизнь — что сделано, что не сделано, что будет дальше, — и для некоторых такой самоанализ не проходит бесследно и без последствий: именно про таких представителей сильного пола и говорят «бес в ребро ударил». Классический вариант: мужчина достаточно рано женился, скорее всего, на ровеснице, было это лет 20 назад, жена полностью погрузилась в жизнь детей, нередко обделяя его вниманием и не восхищаясь им как мужчиной. На этом рубеже и случается известный всем средневозрастной кризис. Мужчина начинает обращать внимание на молодых женщин, с одной из них он заводит роман, что помогает ему вновь ощутить себя молодым и привлекательным. Молодые девушки, решающиеся на отношения с женатым мужчиной, как правило, питают на его счет большие и несбыточные иллюзии. Мужчина в большинстве случаев просто потешит свое самолюбие, да и продолжит жить с женой, потому что ему жалко перечеркивать столько лет своей жизни. Даже если он решится все-таки на развод, который наверняка будет нелегким для всех, с конфликтами, выяснениями отношений, делением имущества и прочими малоприятными последствиями, то и это еще не гарантия желанного счастья. Молодая любовница, мечтающая о роли жены, добившись своего, часто разочаровывается, ведь роман с нечастыми встречами и совместное проживание – вещи совершенно разные. Исчезает уже та романтика тайных встреч, появляется ряд обязанностей (стирка, готовка и т.п.) – и вот вы уже та же жена, только на полтора десятка лет моложе. Разочарование может постигнуть не только вас, но и мужчину, что еще больше пошатнет такие отношения. Есть также вероятность, что все сложится благополучно, ведь некоторые супруги расстаются мирно, без претензий друг к другу, и прошлые отношения становятся трамплином для построения новой крепкой семьи. age difference 15 years old male

Pros and cons of a relationship with a mature man

Development of relations between a man and a womandepends not only on their interests, the environment in which they were brought up, the upbringing itself, the environment, the attitude towards the opposite sex, life goals and ideals, but also on age. The age difference leaves its mark on the relationship, whether we want it or not, and its influence can be both positive and negative. We suggest you understand all the pros and cons of a union with a man who is fifteen years older than you. Advantages It should be noted that there are actually many positive aspects in a relationship with a mature man, because a man, as we know, “grows up” much later than a woman, so even a difference of 15 years, if we take into account the peculiarities of the psychological development of the stronger sex, is not that great.

  • Severity of intentions

An adult man, as a rule, already clearly knows,what he wants. The riot of hormones is long gone, so in a woman he now values ​​not so much external attractiveness, but her inner world. If he is carried away by you, it means that you stand out from your peers in some way besides appearance - you are wiser than them, it is more interesting to communicate with you, it is fun with you, you share his interests, etc. Such a man will not get involved in sorting out the relationship, zealously proving his case - he prefers meaningful conversations in which the opinion of each partner is taken into account. He will not leave after an argument, slamming the door, because he is not 20 years old; he prefers to peacefully settle differences. But he expects exactly the same attitude from his chosen one. Relationships with a mature man have prospects - if you have interested him, then you can be sure of the seriousness of his intentions.

  • Material stability

Even if you do not pursue mercantile goals inrelationships with a mature man, his financial security will be a plus in any case. You can do what you really like in life, what brings you pleasure in addition to income, and this will have a very positive effect on your relationship. You can do something for yourself, for example, get another higher education, enroll in some courses, etc. In addition, you will have more time for your beloved and children. A man who is financially secure is a reliable support and support for a woman, and this is very important in family relationships. After all, most of the problems that young couples face are primarily material in nature.

  • Wisdom, tolerance and respect

Young people, unfortunately, are capable of showingresponsibility and be purposeful, as a rule, only in those areas that are related to their career and personal growth. In love relationships, they tend to be stubborn and impatient. That is why for many young girls the age difference is more of a plus than a minus - with a mature man they feel needed and protected. It is sometimes easier to find a common language with a mature man, because he is ready to listen to you and try to take your place. Of course, quarrels are possible in any couple, no one is immune from this, regardless of age. But still, they will happen much less often and with less destructive consequences for the relationship.

  • Help in personal growth

If a man is several years older than you, then he,accordingly, and wiser - you, without even noticing it, will be drawn to him. It is not for nothing that there is a proverb "who you hang out with...". This will contribute to your personal development and improvement - you will become wiser, more tolerant, more restrained. Plus, a mature man can always help with advice on professional issues, contribute to the development of your career or business. Disadvantages Of course, such an age difference cannot pass without leaving a trace, leaving a negative imprint on your relationship. But you should take this calmly, there is nothing terrible about it, because some shortcomings can be found in any relationship, not only with a mature man, but also with a peer.

  • Jealousy

Of course, jealousy is common among many men,regardless of age, but in the case when a woman is dating an older man, this problem is especially relevant. Despite the fact that the man has already established himself both professionally and financially, and, it would seem, is confident in himself, the feeling of jealousy is not alien to him. He worries, even if he does not show it, that his young lover will leave for a peer. He may have doubts about your constancy, because once he was young and can put himself in your place. In some cases, his suspicions can develop into paranoia with its inherent prohibitions and excessive control.

  • Reproaches

The age difference when a man is significantlyolder than his chosen one, often gives rise to various kinds of reproaches on his part. Of course, this is not a common feature of all mature men, but it is still characteristic of some - they believe that by providing for a woman financially, and helping her, for example, in business or career, they can remind her of this during a quarrel or cite it as an argument in a dispute.

  • The former family

Having decided to have a relationship with a man whoolder than you by 15 years, you should be prepared for the fact that before you he had a serious relationship, a family, in addition, he probably has children who connect him with those past relationships. It is good if the former spouses separated peacefully and wish each other only happiness, but this does not happen in all families. Clarifying the relationship with your ex-wife can negatively affect your relationship. Children also do not always support a father who has decided to build a new family, especially with a young woman.age difference 15 y / o woman

How to behave with a man, if he is over 15 years old

15 years is a significant difference.Of course, it doesn't always feel the same. For example, if you're 25 and your partner is 40, this age gap seems very big, but when you're 40 and he's 55, it's not so noticeable. In any case, this distance will always be there between you, so it's important to know how to behave correctly to maintain such a relationship.

  • Do not be in him a sense of jealousy

The younger you are, the more attention you getyou are representatives of the stronger sex - a mature man is unlikely to be provoked by this fact to jealousy, on the contrary, he will be pleased that there is such an attractive young woman next to him. But if you begin to reciprocate the signs of attention shown to you, flirt with other men, even if in jest, to amuse your vanity, then this will make him jealous. He will begin to compare himself with younger men, and this comparison may not always be in his favor.

  • Do not attempt to correct a man

Even at 30 years old, it is already possible to re-educate a manIt is practically impossible, and at 40 and above – even more so. He has already formed his own system of views, interests and values, so all your attempts will lead to nothing at best, and at worst – will push your loved one away from you. It is better for you to discuss your views on life and goals in advance. It makes sense to continue such a relationship only if you want the same thing.

  • Do not interfere with the communication with children from a previous marriage

If a woman can become an ex, then children -never; they remain a part of a man's life. Do not limit their communication, do not try to quarrel them - it is better to try to improve relations with his children, no matter how old they are. Congratulate them on holidays, invite them to visit, take an interest in their life. By drawing attention to yourself, you will only worsen your relationship with your beloved.

  • Try to match your choice

You should give up frivolousyouthful outfits that expose too much of the body, so the age difference will be less noticeable to others and your lover will have fewer reasons to be jealous. If he prefers to wear stylish expensive things, then it wouldn’t hurt you to reconsider your wardrobe. Also leave provocative makeup in the past. Don’t be afraid that a stylish, restrained image will make you look older, on the contrary, it will emphasize your natural beauty and make you more feminine.

  • Develop

As we have already said, mature men valuea woman and her inner world. Therefore, try to develop in the areas that interest you, read more, be interested in events happening in the world, as well as areas that interest your chosen one. Frivolous young ladies who have nothing but appearance are unlikely to interest a serious mature man for a long time. In addition, the age difference is manifested not only externally, but also in terms of outlook on life. If you develop, work on yourself, then you will have much more in common with your beloved.

  • Listen to his advice

No matter how old a man is, hewants to feel needed by his beloved woman. If you listen to his opinion, it will be very valuable and pleasant for him, and useful for you, because he is not only older than you, but also wiser. Let him solve your problems and help with advice - this will have a positive effect on your relationship with him.

Relationship with a man who is 15 years younger

Unions of mature men with young womenhave long been a given and do not cause strong condemnation from the public. Someone may call your couple "dad and daughter", but nothing more. But if a woman is dating a man younger than herself, especially when the age difference is more than ten years, then the situation is completely different - such a union is condemned not only by society, but often by loved ones. What is the reason for such injustice? Why, if a woman at 40-50 years old still looks young and attractive, she cannot start a romantic relationship with a younger man? All this is prejudice, and nothing more. Of course, women are more vulnerable in this regard. Firstly, many young people are interested in mature women only for their material well-being, and secondly, women age much faster than men, so the risk that a young lover will find a younger woman in the future is also high. How to behave with a man if he is 15 years younger Even if a man is much younger than you, this is not an obstacle to building a strong romantic relationship. There will be difficulties, of course, without them any relationship is unthinkable. The main thing is to behave correctly and not be afraid of judgment. Who cares what others think about it? We have prepared some advice for you that will help you avoid difficulties in such relationships and protect yourself from possible problems.

  • Rate your chosen one objectively

Because of falling in love, we are sometimes ready to close our eyeson a lot, and this can become the cause of future disappointments. To protect yourself from emotional trauma, take a closer look at your young gentleman. He should give you not only his company, but also a sense of protection, stability, attention and love. If this is not the case, then it is quite possible that the young man is primarily interested in your material wealth.

  • Do not focus on your age

Don't focus on quantityyears you have lived. If you constantly tell yourself that you are old, that your relationship is a mistake, then you will eventually convince your chosen one of this too. On the contrary, forget about your age. When a woman dates a younger man, she herself begins to grow younger and blossoms anew.

  • Put your feelings in order

Very often women confuse being in love witha young man with a maternal instinct, a desire to care for someone, or pity. Such relationships are deprived of a future in advance. If you do not feel love or simply sexual attraction to the young chosen one, then perhaps it is worth ending this "affair".

  • Do not turn into a mommy

The age difference does not give you the rightlecture your younger lover. Of course, you are wiser than him in some matters, but try to convey your experience not so obviously that it does not turn into moralizing. Otherwise, he will start to look at you not as an attractive woman, but as a mother.

  • Love yourself and take care of your beloved

Youth, unfortunately, is short-lived, with each passing dayWe do not become younger every year, so in order to remain desirable and beautiful for longer, you need to make a lot of effort. Next to a young lover, you simply have no right to look unattractive. It is not necessary to resort to radical measures for this, decide on dangerous operations, etc., it is enough to simply provide full skin and hair care and not neglect makeup. Wanting to look younger, some women begin to wear youthful clothes and do bright makeup - this is a gross, unforgivable mistake. With such actions, you will only emphasize your age and even add another five years to yourself.

  • Bring clarity to the relationship

So that your future life will work outsafely, it is advisable to discuss all plans for the future in advance and find out each other's interests. Perhaps your man wants to have a child, but you already have children and do not want to become a mother again, or maybe vice versa. Of course, all people are unique in their own way, each has their own attitude to life and their own values, so it is quite difficult to predict how the relationship will develop in a couple where one of the partners is younger. It is also important to take into account that there is a difference not only in calendar age, but also in psychological age. Some young people have a more mature mindset than adult men. Likewise, some young girls are wiser than more mature women. Therefore, listen first of all only to your heart - and everything will work out for you! We recommend reading:

