For the first time about the diet of the Israeli doctor Kim Protasovlearned in the late 90's. Its popularity is due to its high efficiency and simplicity. Protasov's diet is distinguished by a variety of products that can be consumed in any quantity and without a certain regimen. It is ideal for those who suffer a severe hunger, inevitable with most diets. The basis of nutrition is dairy products with a fat content of not more than 5% and raw vegetables. Diet Kim Protasov is not designed for rapid weight loss. Observe it is necessary for 5 weeks, and the same time is required for a gradual exit from it. This method allows you to keep the achieved results for a long time and forget about the extra pounds for a long time. The action of the diet is based on the reduction of caloric content of food by excluding products containing starch and sugar. In this situation, the body is forced to look for an additional source of nutrition to provide itself with energy, and begins to actively consume fat stores. Unlike other low-carbohydrate diets, food is more balanced and therefore safe. The use of raw vegetables ensures the ingestion of fiber in the body, which helps to remove slags and to adjust the work of the intestines. Dairy products are a source of natural protein, as well as lactose and calcium, which contribute to the burning of fats in cells. In addition, it is allowed to consume small amounts of fats, without which many systems of the body suffer. Numerous reviews of women who have experienced the action of the diet, confirm its effectiveness. The received results are impressive: for 5 weeks you can reset to 15-20 kg. Some manage to maintain their weight for many years.
Recommendations on diet
The diet consists of several stages. A detailed description of the diet includes the distribution of approved foods by week. For the first 14 days, the diet of Kim Protasov suggests eating only vegetables and dairy products. Later in the diet is added more calorie food. Be sure to drink clean water - at least 2 liters a day. Tea and coffee without sugar are allowed. Daily it is recommended to eat 3 green apples and 1 egg. At this time it is useful to do sports and take vitamins. 1 and 2 weeks of diet This is the first stage of the diet, during which the metabolism in the body is normalized and the normal operation of the pancreas is restored. You can eat:
- raw vegetables (except potatoes and corn) in any quantities;
- fermented milk products (kefir, fermented milk, natural yoghurts without sugar, cottage cheese, cheese);
- salt is allowed, but very little.
The daily menu can look something like this:
- For breakfast, an egg, a carrot salad, dressed with natural yogurt, tea without sugar.
- Lunch consists of cottage cheese, fresh cucumber salad and a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
- For a snack - green apples
- For dinner - beetroot salad with cheese, yogurt, apple or tea.
You can vary the menu and make a salad fromdifferent vegetables with the addition of chopped eggs and grated cheese. It is possible to have an omelette with herbs, baked or steamed without oil. It is necessary to cook an unusual dish - pepper stuffed with cottage cheese. For lunch, soup from raw vegetables on yogurt or yoghurt (okroshka) is a good choice. At this stage, due to the lack of "fast" carbohydrates in the diet, the craving for sweets disappears and swelling disappears. The first results will be noticeable in the second week, the loss in weight will be about 3 kg. Perhaps this will happen before. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Do not forget about sports, which help to quickly cope with fatty deposits. 3-5 weeks of diet The next period is fixing, when there is an intensive dropping of weight. In the diet, the entire previous diet is preserved, 300 g of low-fat meat, fish, poultry are allowed. They should be prepared without adding oil, you can cook them, stew and fry. Include meat in the diet better during breakfast or for lunch. Seafood can be used to make salads with various dressings. Below is a list of foods that Kim Protasov's diet prohibits eating:
- all cereals (buckwheat, semolina, rice, millet, barley, oats, couscous) and legumes (peas, beans, soybeans, corn);
- potatoes, flour, sugar;
- nuts and seeds;
- sausage, ham, sausages, different smoked products;
- meat and vegetable broths;
- sweet fruit, packaged juices;
- alcohol.
After 5 weeks, the diet ends, but forthis time there are significant changes in the body. To avoid a stressful load, the transition to normal nutrition should be gradual. Then follows the description of the period of exit from the diet.
Important addition
The basic principle of an exit is a phasedadding new products. Gradually introduce carbohydrates and fats. It is necessary to watch, that thus the quantity of calories did not increase. The basic diet remains the same, only dairy food should become fat-free. Instead of animal fat added vegetable (no more than 3-5 teaspoons). Some apples are replaced with other fruits (except bananas, dates and grapes). For breakfast instead of vegetables used porridge (better buckwheat, oatmeal, millet). Dairy components are replaced with low-fat meat and other protein products, then boiled vegetables, broths and other familiar foods are added. After a diet, it is recommended to avoid eating sweets, macaroni, bread, baking for several months and to control the consumption of fats. This will consolidate the results obtained for many years. It is contraindicated to people with allergies to recommended foods, as well as to diseases of the digestive system. You can use it once a year. In addition, the diet is well suited for cleansing the body of toxins.