diet with acute gastritisToday, gastritis is one of themost common diseases. This disease causes irritation or inflammation of the gastric mucosa. A person feels discomfort and pain in the upper abdomen, in the stomach area. There are two types of disease progression:

  • Acute gastritis - the disease develops suddenly. With timely and correct treatment, recovery occurs quite quickly.
  • Chronic gastritis - develops in case of wrong and / or untimely begun treatment of acute form of the disease. Treatment, as a rule, takes a very long time.
  • Fortunately, getting rid of gastritis is not that difficult.difficult. A gastroenterologist will prescribe the necessary examination and select the most suitable medications for you. But any treatment for gastritis will be much more effective if the patient adheres to a certain therapeutic diet.

    General recommendations

    If you have been diagnosed with acutegastritis, it is necessary to immediately start a therapeutic diet. And the very first stage of the diet for acute gastritis is fasting. This is very important in order to give the gastric mucosa rest. When fasting, it is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible (boiled water or unsweetened tea) to prevent dehydration. After the pain has subsided, low-fat broth is gradually introduced into the patient's diet - you can remove the fat with a paper napkin. Rice and egg broths are also very useful. The next day, you can make cream soup. It is very easy to prepare - boil rice, potatoes or eggs, rub through a large sieve, mix thoroughly with broth and serve with white croutons. Crackers also need to be made at home - from dried, thinly sliced ​​white bread. When the pain in the stomach area disappears completely, the diet should be gradually expanded. Boiled eggs, liquid semolina porridge with a small amount of butter cooked in water, fruit jelly are introduced into the menu. Not only the menu, but also the meal schedule is very important. Remember that after abstaining from food, the gastrointestinal tract gets out of the habit of working. That is why after fasting, food should be taken in small portions, increasing the amount of food gradually. And in the future, follow the regime. Between meals, it is necessary to maintain an interval of 2 to 3 hours, no more. Portions should be small - the so-called "fractional" nutrition. For some more time - about three months - it is necessary to follow a diet to allow the stomach to return to its normal working state. During these months, it is recommended to eat potatoes or vegetables - pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets, spinach puree, meat or fish meatballs, regular boiled meat. You can drink water, black or green tea and strained compotes.acute gastritis diet

    Sample menu

  • Fasting for two days. In a day you need to drink at least two liters of liquid.
  • This stage lasts two days. We alternate low-fat broths with mucous decoctions with crackers, every three hours. In no case do not forget to drink - at least one liter of liquid per day.
    • For the first breakfast we prepare egg broth with the addition of yolk. You can also take a small cracker or a piece of stale bread.
    • The second breakfast: a small amount of semolina porridge, cooked on the water. It is acceptable to add a small piece of butter.
    • Lunch: Slimy broth, and for the second course - dumplings, as well as semolina porridge, cooked in water, with a small piece of butter.
    • Snack: fruit jelly, unsweetened tea.
    • Dinner: egg, boiled soft-boiled, cracker, lightly sweetened tea.

    Reduced acidity with gastritis

    Gastritis can occur against the background of bothboth high and low levels of acidity. And when treating gastritis with low acidity, special attention is paid to nutrition and diet. Which, however, is not surprising, because this disease is characterized by insufficient secretion of gastric juice. The main tasks of this diet are to select a gentle regime for the patient's body, as well as stimulating the production of the amount of gastric juice necessary for normal digestion. The process of digesting food is a very complex chemical process. And it begins even before the meal itself. At the sight of a beautifully decorated dish, the production of gastric juice begins. That is why the appearance and taste of food are very important with low acidity. But, of course, one beautiful table setting is clearly not enough. It is very important to choose products that have a juice-producing effect. Such products include rich meat, fish and vegetable broths, salted fish, fruit and vegetable juices. But we should not forget that the patient's gastrointestinal tract is weakened and not all foods are suitable for the patient. Nutritionists offer patients the following products:

    • Cucumbers or white dried bread.
    • All porridges, except pearl barley, are wiped.
    • Pasta.
    • Low-fat milk, kefir, yoghurt.
    • Cheese curd and fresh cottage cheese.
    • Soaked herring and smoked, low-fat fish.
    • Steamed eggs, steamed, soft-boiled eggs.
    • Low-fat ham, boiled sausage or sausages.
    • Slightly sweetened fruit or vegetable juices and mashed potatoes.
    • Cooked and stewed vegetables: zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes without peel, beets, carrots, green peas, asparagus. And also fresh raw vegetables, green salad, dill.

    It is necessary to limit the consumption of parsley,green onions, cinnamon, citric acid and salt - this can provoke an even more severe course of the disease. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, fresh bakery products, fatty meats, food products prepared with a lot of spices, fried potatoes, eggs, meat, sweets and chocolate.nutrition with acute gastritis

    Increased acidity with gastritis

    For patients with increased gastric acidityjuice is not at all sweet. Both literally and figuratively. The menu is very limited - it is necessary to strictly exclude the following products:

    • All kinds of sauces, except sour cream.
    • All kinds of seasonings. Even salt must be strictly limited.
    • Sharp, salted, smoked and pickled products.
    • All kinds of carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea.
    • Any fruits and vegetables, except carrots.
    • Any sweets, even sugar.

    Ideally, you should consult a gastroenterologist who will select an individual diet for the sick person.

    Preparation of products

    Of course, a diet for acute gastritis is simpleis necessary. But it is very important not only to choose the right products, but also to cook them properly. Do not forget that the prepared dish should not irritate the stomach and linger in it for a long time. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to fry and stew products with added fat - it is best to bake them in the oven or boil them. Boiled vegetables and meat should be served only in mashed form. When cooking, it is allowed to use sunflower, olive, soy or fresh butter. It should be taken into account that with gastritis, the stomach's resistance to infections is greatly reduced, so careful hygiene is necessary when preparing and serving food to the patient. Dishes should be treated with boiling water, and vegetables should be thoroughly washed before and after cleaning. Unfortunately, very often a sick person stops following a diet immediately after the pain disappears. But this should never be done - nutrition with acute gastritis directly affects a person's well-being. And if you ignore the diet, there is a very high risk that acute gastritis will return again. We recommend reading:

