the Larissa Valley diet The fact that everyone is famous and beloved LarissaThe valley, both on the stage and in life, is always perfect - it's difficult to argue. In its far beyond fifty its shape resembles the figure of a thirty-year-old girl, who constantly visits gyms. According to the diva, she does not exhaust herself with constant daily and long hours of training, plastic surgery, just from time to time the star arranges usual kefir unloading days, which gives quite good results. In fact, the diet of Larisa Dolina is a modernized diet of Dr. Saikov, who developed her recipe, taking into account the needs of the female body in calories, vitamins and nutrients during acute starvation. Depending on what exactly you will eat and in what quantities, you can lose up to seven kilograms per week, up to ten - for twelve days. If you compare and choose a suitable option for weight loss, then such a quick disposal of excess fat is quite difficult to achieve in other, more simple and loyal ways. To fix the results and do not recapture the weight discarded in this way, after the diet of Larisa Dolina, you need to start doing some kind of light sport. Let it be usual aerobics, yoga, dances, etc., where you can visit several times a week. It is not necessary to deplete your body before losing consciousness for all seven days, the main thing is to pump up the muscles of the hands, abdomen, buttocks. Remember that in any case, do not immediately attack all the products in the refrigerator, start eating improperly and lead a passive lifestyle. After all, in this case, after such a long-awaited weight loss, you will recover again, while the arrow of the scales will show much more than before the days when you decided to try the dietary prescription for Valley. And the results of such a fluctuation in weight will not lead to anything good. diet valley of larisa

Seven-day kefir diet: fast, tasty and healthy

The first few days you will usually want toeat more and more, but if you can overcome your brutal appetite and not succumb to this temptation, positive results in just a week you will definitely be guaranteed. To achieve the ideal weight for yourself, you need to alternate a week of weight loss with one or two weeks of normal nutrition. Weekly regimen or what and when to eat

  • The first day

Lovers of coffee this diet will definitely have tosoul, since they do not need to give up a tasty and fragrant drink. It should be drunk only in the morning and without sugar. But in the next twenty-four hours you can consume only four hundred grams of baked potato in the oven without salt and half a liter of one-percent kefir. Recipe for cooking the main dish without additives, seasonings and a lot of oil - is quite simple. Take two or three pieces of medium potatoes, rinse it thoroughly under running water, then pierce it several times with a normal fork and put it in a special shallow pan, after having wetted the bottom with creamy or olive oil. After the oven has warmed to the desired temperature, place the container and bake for about an hour.

  • Second day

In the morning - a standard cup with coffee without sugar, in the afternoon- about four hundred grams of fat-free cottage cheese and half a liter of kefir. Do not try to eat everything in one sitting, divide the portion several times so that you can satisfy your hunger, and your stomach does not begin to digest itself. The results of such snacks: rapid weight loss without harm to health, training yourself to small portions and the correct mode of eating.

  • Day Three

In the morning - coffee, in the afternoon - fruit and yogurt. As the diet of Larisa Dolina says, you can consume about four hundred grams of apples, oranges, apricots, cherries, peaches, pears and the like, except for bananas and grapes, since they are very high in calories. On what exactly it is necessary to stop - directly depends on the time of the year and your financial possibilities. But still it is not necessary to take in winter what is grown in the cold season in greenhouses, since in such fruits there are no vitamins at all.

  • Day four

Again, immediately after waking up, you should drinka cup of coffee, and throughout the day - to eat four hundred grams of boiled chicken breast. Salt, spices and other additives during cooking do not add. And, of course, one-percent kefir (half-liter), which is drunk on one throat every time you want to eat.

  • Day five

On this day you should eat the sameThe most that in the third - coffee, fruit and yogurt. Please note that the coffee should be only brewed, not soluble, otherwise there will be no effectiveness from its use. It is best to prepare this drink in a Turkish, and not in the machine, because in this case it will be more saturated and fragrant. The most common recipe for making coffee is to fill one teaspoon with a hill that has just been ground and fried without oil on a frying pan, pour cold water into it and cook until ready. As soon as the foam starts to rise, sharply remove the Turk from the fire, wait a couple of seconds and put it again. Repeat this procedure three times.

  • Day Six

In fact, this is one of the heaviest daysslimming, since besides coffee without sugar and one and a half liters of mineral water, nothing to eat all day is impossible. Note that the water should be non-carbonated, otherwise the liquid will stay in the body, instead of being immediately displayed. As you can see, the diet of a great singer is thought out to the last detail, so your body will not be exhausted during this period, and you will avoid dehydration.

  • Day Seven

Coffee, fruit (four hundred grams), one percentkefir is all that you can pamper yourself on the last day of a diet. In one week of such weight loss, you will feel how not only your weight has changed, but also the attitude towards food. If before it was necessary to eat quite a lot at a time for full saturation, then such a diet by the Valley will lead to the fact that even half of the apple for dinner will be quite enough. Valley Diet The basic principles and rules of the diet Diet LarissaThe valley is not a simple set of menus, which you can follow as you like, but a set of rules that you need to adhere to for seven days to get positive results. Of course, this recipe for weight loss does not suit everyone, so if you have problems with health, metabolism, it is better to choose a more gentle option. So, the first rule, which should be remembered - to eat all week, you need often and gradually. If you, for example, get up and eat at six-seven in the morning, after breakfast it should take about two hours. Schedule the meal schedule in more detail: 7-9-11-13-15-17 hours. To kefir and products at work do not spoil, use a special container and thermos. According to Dolina, her diet works wonders, but before the representatives of the fair sex are going to start the process of losing weight, within a few days, you should cleanse your body and arrange it to unload. For example, you can stop eating fatty, fried, sweet. Also, you can prepare yourself a so-called "whisk" - a salad that will help remove slags and clean the intestines. The recipe for this magical and healthy dish: raw vegetables and fruits (apple, carrots, cabbage, beets) rub on the grater, then refuel with a small amount of olive oil. It is recommended to eat it in the evening or on the weekends, when you do not need to go anywhere. Also a week before the diet, you can drink tea from the dog rose, so that the results of weight loss were much higher. Another nuance (and it surely will not like many) is an enema for seven days, which will help achieve a more rapid effect. You can replace this procedure with a laxative, but you should consult a specialist beforehand. You do not need a prescription to buy such a medicine, but the doctor will help you calculate the dose correctly, so that later you do not have to lie in the infectious department for the rest of the week. The diet of Larisa Dolina should be kept up to the smallest detail, so do not try to make your changes in any recipe. If it is indicated that kefir should be 1%, do not buy home or too fatty. Even if you can not eat food without salt, for a week you still have to give it up. Agree, for a quick effect, you can eat fresh food for seven days. Almost everyone knows that before breakfast, lunch and dinner, you should drink a glass of purified or filtered water, so that you do not overeat afterwards, but feel easy hunger. The valley recommends drinking infusion of herbs, which is more useful and gives much better results during weight loss. The recipe for preparing the broth: fifty grams of St. John's wort, calendula and chamomile must be poured with boiling water (about two hundred grams) in the morning and insist for an hour. Before each meal, drink about fifty grams a week. Acquire herbal tea or tea is better in the pharmacy, to exclude the presence of preservatives and all kinds of harmful additives. During unloading it, do not drink a lot of liquid (not more than half a liter), while excluding from the diet black tea, drinks, carbonated and sweet water, compote. It is best if it is filtered boiled or mineral water, from which gas was released the day before. Next week, when you are not on a diet, consume no more than one and a half liters of liquid. diet valley

Diet: Precautions

A few days before the diet, be sure to visitat the doctor, hand over all analyzes and be convinced that you really need to lose excess weight. Any procedure of weight loss is a serious stress for the body, so you should have a completely healthy stomach, otherwise the results of fasting can be sad: gastritis, ulceration, etc. In addition, often girls just think that they have fat, but in fact everything is in order. Also, no one canceled the vitamin deficiency, the scale of which will unpleasantly surprise you. With a shortage of vitamins, hair begins to fall out, the skin becomes dull, acne, acne, nails break, a person starts to get sick all the time. Thus, even an ordinary runny nose can lead to a bed rest for several days. Therefore, during a diet at a certain time, eat these four hundred grams of fruit, and the rest of the week - vegetables. In this case, the results will not be so sad. If necessary, you can drink ordinary and inexpensive vitamins, which are sold in any pharmacy. Another sad point that often happens to those who can not control themselves is anorexia, when the human body can no longer take food in any form. So do not get involved in diets, take a break for at least a week, and after the desired results are achieved, stop draining yourself. Next time, you can resort to such an experiment six months later. Sit on kefir exactly seven days, no more and no less. To get out of the diet you need to gradually increase the portions, not breaking the regime. That is, start eating a small amount of cereal for breakfast, at nine o'clock, for example, a gram of one hundred vegetable salad, in 11 - fruit, at an hour of the day a thin soup and so on. Over-use of food can cause unpleasant heaviness, pain and even curl of the bowels after prolonged starvation. If you get used to completely unsalted food, do not go back to old habits. Remember that salt retains water in the body, and this will lead to a repeated set of extra pounds. If necessary, you can slightly pepper some dishes, but the fewer spices you put, the healthier you will be. The same goes for the sweet, because if you could limit yourself even for such a short period, then in the future sugar and sweets are absolutely unnecessary. Use with honey honey, dried fruits, etc. products to saturate your body with glucose. Remember that such a diet is not a panacea, so do not rely on it if you have a really serious problem with being overweight. The Valley Councils are suitable only for those who have the willpower and who urgently needs to lose seven or twelve kilos to the holidays in order to look slim and graceful. But if you do not know how to limit and restrain yourself, then after such manipulations you will quickly recover quickly, because your body will start making reserves after starvation. We advise you to read:

