the Larissa Valley dietThat the well-known and beloved LarisaDolina always looks perfect both on stage and in life – it’s hard to argue. At well over fifty, her figure resembles that of a thirty-year-old girl who constantly visits gyms. According to the diva, she does not exhaust herself with constant daily and multi-hour workouts, plastic surgeries, but from time to time the star arranges regular kefir fasting days, which gives pretty good results. In fact, Larisa Dolina’s diet is a modernized diet of Dr. Saikov, who developed her recipe taking into account the needs of the female body for calories, vitamins and nutrients during acute fasting. Depending on what exactly you eat and in what quantities, you can lose up to seven kilograms in a week, up to ten in twelve days. If you compare and choose a suitable weight loss option for yourself, then such a quick elimination of excess fat is quite difficult to achieve in other, simpler and more loyal ways. To consolidate the results and not to gain back the weight lost in this way, after the Larisa Dolina diet, you need to start doing some light sports. Let it be regular aerobics, yoga, dancing, etc., where you can go several times a week. It is not necessary to exhaust your body to the point of unconsciousness throughout the seven days, the main thing is to pump up the muscles of your arms, stomach, and buttocks. Remember that in no case should you immediately pounce on all the products in the refrigerator, start eating unhealthily and lead a passive lifestyle. After all, in this case, after such a long-awaited weight loss, you will gain weight again, and the scale will show much more than before those days when you decided to try the Dolina diet recipe on yourself. And the results of such weight fluctuations will not lead to anything valley of larisa

Seven-day kefir diet: fast, tasty and healthy

The first few days will be familiar to want to eat everything and more, but if you can overcome your brutal appetite and do not give in to such temptation, positive results in just a week will definitely be guaranteed. To achieve your ideal weight, you need to alternate a week of losing weight with one or two weeks of normal nutrition. Weekly regimen or what and when you need to eat

  • The first day

Coffee lovers will definitely enjoy this dietto your liking, since they do not have to give up a tasty and aromatic drink. It should be drunk only in the morning and without sugar. But in the next twenty-four hours you can consume only four hundred grams of baked potatoes in the oven without salt and half a liter of one percent kefir. The recipe for preparing the main dish without additives, seasonings and a large amount of oil is quite simple. Take two or three pieces of medium potatoes, wash them well under running water, then shallowly pierce them several times with a regular fork and place them in a special shallow baking tray, having previously soaked the bottom with butter or olive oil. After the oven has warmed up to the desired temperature, put the dish there and bake for about an hour.

  • Second day

In the morning – a standard cup of coffee without sugar,during the day – about four hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese and half a liter of kefir. Do not try to eat it all at one sitting, divide the portion into several times so that you can satisfy your hunger, and your stomach does not start to digest itself. The results of such snacks: rapid weight loss without harm to health, accustoming yourself to small portions and the correct eating regime.

  • Day Three

In the morning – coffee, in the afternoon – fruit and kefir.According to Larisa Dolina's Diet, you can eat about four hundred grams of apples, oranges, apricots, cherries, peaches, pears and similar products, with the exception of bananas and grapes, as they are very high in calories. What exactly you should choose directly depends on the time of year and your financial capabilities. But still, you should not take in winter what is grown in greenhouses during the cold season, as such fruits are completely lacking in vitamins.

  • Day four

Again, you should drink immediately after waking up.cup of coffee, and throughout the day - eat four hundred grams of boiled chicken breast. Do not add salt, spices or other additives during cooking. And, of course, one percent kefir (half a liter), which is drunk one sip each time you want to eat.

  • Day five

On this day you should eat the same foodthe same as in the third - coffee, fruit and kefir. Please note that the coffee should be brewed, not instant, otherwise there will be no effectiveness from its use. It is best to prepare this drink in a Turk, and not in a machine, since in this case it will be more rich and aromatic. The most common recipe for making coffee is to pour one heaped teaspoon of freshly ground and roasted without oil in a frying pan beans into a container, pour cold water there and cook until done. As soon as the foam begins to rise, quickly remove the Turk from the heat, wait a couple of seconds and put it back. Repeat this procedure three times.

  • Day Six

In fact, this is one of the hardest days.weight loss, since apart from coffee without sugar and one and a half liters of mineral water, nothing else can be consumed all day. Please note that the water should be non-carbonated, otherwise the liquid will be retained in the body instead of being immediately excreted. As you can see, the great singer's diet is thought out to the smallest detail, so your body will not be too depleted during this period, and you will avoid dehydration.

  • Day Seven

Coffee, fruit (four hundred grams), one percentkefir is all you can indulge yourself with on the last day of the diet. In one week of such weight loss, you will feel how not only your weight has changed, but also your attitude to food. If earlier, to be completely satiated, you had to eat quite a lot at one time, then such a diet by Dolina will lead to the fact that even half an apple for dinner will be quite enough.Valley DietBasic principles and rules of the diet Larisa's DietДолиной – это не простой набор меню, которому можно следовать так, как хочешь, а свод правил, которым необходимо придерживаться на протяжении семи дней, чтобы получить положительные результаты. Безусловно, данный рецепт похудения подходит не всем, поэтому если у вас есть проблемы со здоровьем, обменом веществ, лучше подобрать более щадящий вариант. Итак, первое правило, о котором следует помнить – питаться всю неделю нужно часто и понемногу. Если вы, к примеру, встаете и едите в шесть-семь утра, после завтрака должно пройти около двух часов. Распишите график приема пищи боле подробно: 7-9-11-13-15-17 часов. Чтобы кефир и продукты на работе не портились, используйте специальный контейнер и термос. По утверждению Долиной, ее диета творит чудеса, но перед тем, как представительницы прекрасного пола соберутся приступить к процессу похудения, в течение нескольких дней следует очистить свой организм и устроить ему разгрузку. К примеру, вы можете перестать употреблять в пищу жирное, жаренное, сладкое. Также вы можете приготовить себе так называемую «метелку» – салат, который поможет вывести шлаки и прочистит кишечник. Рецепт создания этого волшебного и полезного блюда: сырые овощи и фрукты (яблоко, морковь, капуста, свекла) трутся на терке, затем заправляются небольшим количеством оливкового масла. Употреблять его рекомендуется вечером или на выходных, когда никуда не нужно идти. Также за неделю до диеты вы можете пить чай из шиповника, чтобы результаты похудения были гораздо выше. Еще один нюанс (и он точно многим не понравится) – это клизма на протяжении семи дней, которая поможет добиться более быстрого эффекта. Заменить такую процедуру можно слабительным, но предварительно следует проконсультироваться со специалистом. На то, чтобы приобрести такое лекарство, рецепт не нужен, но врач поможет правильно рассчитать дозу, чтобы впоследствии вам не пришлось всю оставшуюся неделю лежать в инфекционном отделении. Диета Ларисы Долиной должна соблюдаться вплоть до самых мелочей, поэтому не пытайтесь вносить свои изменения в какой-либо рецепт. Если указанно, что кефир должен быть однопроцентный, не покупайте домашний или слишком жирный. Даже если вы не можете есть пищу без соли, на неделю все же придется от нее отказаться. Согласитесь, для быстрого эффекта можно поесть пресную пищу в течение семи дней. Практически все знают, что перед завтраком, обедом и ужином следует выпивать стакан очищенной или фильтрованной воды, чтобы впоследствии не переедать, а чувствовать легкий голод. Долина рекомендует пить настой из трав, который более полезен и дает гораздо лучшие результаты во время похудения. Рецепт приготовления отвара: пятьдесят грамм зверобоя, календулы и ромашки необходимо утром залить кипятком (около двухсот грамм) и настоять в течение часа. Перед каждым приемом пищи всю неделю выпивайте по пятьдесят грамм. Приобретать травяной сбор или чай лучше в аптеке, чтобы исключить наличие консервантов и всевозможных вредных добавок. Во время разгрузочных ней не пейте много жидкости (не более пол-литра), при этом исключите из рациона черный чай, напитки, газированную и сладкую воду, компот. Лучше всего, если это будет фильтрованная кипяченная или минеральная вода, из которой накануне выпустили газ. В следующую неделю, когда вы не сидите на диете, употребляйте не более полутора литра жидкости. diet valley

Diet: Precautions

A few days before the diet, it is imperativeVisit a doctor, take all the tests and make sure that you really need to lose weight. Any weight loss procedure is a serious stress for the body, so you must have a completely healthy stomach, otherwise the results of fasting can be sad: gastritis, ulcers, etc. In addition, often girls just think that they have fat, but in fact everything is fine. Also, no one has canceled vitamin deficiency, the scale of which will unpleasantly surprise you. With a lack of vitamins, hair begins to fall out, skin becomes dull, acne, pimples appear, nails break, a person begins to get sick constantly. Thus, even a common cold can lead to bed rest for several days. Therefore, during the diet, at a certain time, eat the specified four hundred grams of fruit, and the rest of the week - vegetables. In this case, the results will not be so sad. If necessary, you can drink regular and inexpensive vitamins that are sold in any pharmacy. Another sad moment that often happens to those who cannot control themselves is anorexia, when the human body can no longer accept food in any form. Therefore, do not get carried away with diets, take a break for at least a week, and after the desired results are achieved, stop depleting yourself. The next time you can resort to such an experiment is after six months. Sit on kefir for exactly seven days, no more and no less. You need to exit the diet gradually, gradually increasing the portions, without violating the regime. That is, for breakfast, start eating a small amount of porridge, at nine o'clock, for example, a hundred grams of vegetable salad, at 11 - fruit, at one o'clock in the afternoon a light soup, and so on. Excessive consumption of food can cause unpleasant heaviness, pain and even intestinal obstruction after a long fast. If you get used to completely unsalted food, do not return to old habits. Remember that salt retains water in the body, and this will lead to a re-gain of extra pounds. If necessary, you can lightly pepper some dishes, but the less seasoning you put, the healthier you will be. The same applies to sweets, because if you were able to limit yourself even for such a short period, then in the future you will not need sugar and sweets at all. Drink honey, dried fruits, etc. with tea to saturate your body with glucose. Remember that such a diet is not a panacea, so you should not rely on it if you really have a serious problem with excess weight. Dolina's advice is only suitable for those who have willpower and who urgently need to lose seven to twelve kilos for the holidays in order to look thin and graceful. But if you do not know how to limit and restrain yourself, then after such manipulations you will quickly gain weight again, since your body will begin to make reserves after fasting. We advise you to read:

