diet for blood group 1 positiveModern women are provided with the following services:a great variety of both newfangled and traditional diets, time-tested and scientifically-scientific experts, weight loss methods. However, now we will talk about a unique way to combat extra centimeters, which does not work on the principle of limiting food consumption, does not reduce everything to counting calories, which is the main requirement in literally every diet. This method is a diet for blood group 1 positive or negative, with some nuances depending on the blood type. Recently, this method of combating excess weight has been trying to shed the label and definition of "diet", as it is more like an optimized, balanced way of eating. It will not be difficult to adhere to it not only for a long period, but also throughout life. But what is the reason for the excitement around the diet based on blood group? The concept of building a diet is based on the provision that it is necessary to include those foods that were consumed by people at the time when a specific blood group arose in a historical context. What is noteworthy is that this effective method of fighting for an ideal figure has found many clinical and medical confirmations, perhaps even more than any other. The diet for blood group 1 is aimed at increasing metabolism, as a result of which the process of losing weight occurs naturally, without a sharp hormonal failure. It has also been clinically proven that this diet has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the development of natural microflora, and even strengthens the immune system and increases the body's defenses. In some cases, the disappearance of allergic diseases, as well as skin pathologies, is noted, natural cleansing from toxins occurs, the work of all organ systems is optimized, and this is against the background of rapid weight loss without risk to health. After all, the diet is not reduced to a minimum and is not limited to the use of any one type of product, the balance of all nutrients and microelements in the body is maintained.

Diet for blood group I and weight loss

By giving preference to one or another type of diet,a woman necessarily expects to get an immediate result and achieve the desired - weight loss. As mentioned above, the method of fighting extra centimeters by blood type does not involve intense, titanic physical exercises, a lady who chooses such a diet for herself will not feel discomfort caused by hunger. The menu is designed so that the body itself, without much effort, will get rid of toxins. Among nutritionists, it is customary to classify blood by concept. If we talk about the first group, then experts call it "hunter". Historically, this group is the most ancient, the diet of that time consisted of protein foods, mainly meat. If you believe scientific research, then people with this blood type are distinguished by a strong digestive system and a high level of metabolism. Therefore, there are all the makings to quickly and permanently lose extra centimeters in the waist area. The essence of the diet for blood group 1 positive and negative is long-term - this is not a week-long marathon for intensive weight loss, which will quickly remind you of itself, but a way of life. The menu should be followed for more than one week, but then the body itself will enter the specified mode, the work of all organs will be optimized and you will not have to radically change your usual diet. People with the first blood group generally react critically to a sharp change in products, which can immediately result in gastritis and increased acidity. The diet for blood group 1 negative or positive will be more effective and will noticeably help you lose weight if you follow a number of recommendations in the diet.

  • High content of proteins in the diet. Diet for blood group 1 (positive and negative) is simply obliged to include protein, protein foods. Ideal in this case will be food products: meat (nutritionists recommend refraining only from fatty pork), and seafood and any fish are also good. To increase metabolism, there must be a liver.
  • Particular attention must be given to compliancediets for the first group of blood of negative rhesus with cereal. Paradoxically, but it is necessary to limit as much as possible the use of oatmeal, wheat, flour products. It is permissible to use all kinds of beans, as well as buckwheat. This rule applies to diets for the first blood group of positive rhesus.
  • Experts point out that the diet shouldcategorically exclude cabbage, except for colored and broccoli, to refrain from corn, and also flour products from it, to avoid various kinds of preservatives, marinades and sauces.
  • People who follow a diet for blood group 1,you need to use herbal drinks, for example, calming chamomile, sage, valerian or rose hips, green tea, lime drinks, red wine is not forbidden. You can not abuse strong drinks, for example, coffee, since it is a stimulant that can cause an increase in appetite.
  • For a diet for the blood group of 1 positive rhesusenriched the menu with products that contain a large number of iodine, for example, sea kale, for optimal performance of the endocrine system, iodized salt should be included.
  • With regard to specialized vitamin supplements and trace elements, it is best to focus on the intake of B vitamins, you can also enrich the body with manganese and iodine, potassium and calcium.
  • Diet for blood group 1 negativeinvolves stimulation of the production of thyroid hormones. This can be provided by such kinds of products as radish, turnip, radish, daikon - they are rich in enzymes that increase the amount of the hormone. For a more comfortable use, you can drink their juice with a celery root or carrots.

Diet for blood group I and table for an optimal diet

diet for blood group 1Nutritionists have developed a special classificationproducts, and also established their effectiveness in terms of weight loss. For convenience, all this was presented in a table, so women who are going to resort to the method of weight correction using this method must be familiar with the list of these products. The diet for blood group 1 table is compiled taking into account two main categories: products that can increase weight, if there is a need for this, and the second category includes a menu that will effectively help to lose those annoying extra centimeters in the waist area. Let's try to announce a menu that can involuntarily contribute to accelerated weight gain. Wheat, as well as corn and all their derivatives, such as flour products, slow down metabolism and reduce the effective action of insulin. The diet for the first blood group, positive Rh factor, prohibits the use of lentils and cereals, they provoke the suppression of the production of hormones of the endocrine thyroid gland, which in turn can lead to the development of diabetes, and it will immediately manifest itself not only in excess weight, but also in poor health. Experts claim that the diet for the first negative blood group should also adhere to these rules. If we take dairy products into account, then in this category there will not be a single type of useful product for people with the first blood group. This is explained by the fact that it is practically not absorbed, but only disrupts the well-established functioning of the body, clogging it. Cottage cheese, almost all types of hard and soft cheeses are very harmful, it is worth saying that mozzarella, yogurts, and ice cream are somewhat less harmful. From time to time, it is allowed to include soft cheeses in the menu, for example, feta, feta cheese or butter. Some vegetable crops included in the diet for blood group 1, the table positions as harmful: avocado, traditional potatoes, white cabbage and olives. They are rich in carbohydrates and various fats, and the method of combating excess weight for the first blood group should be based on protein and protein foods. If we touch on vegetable oils, then the ones that add weight include pistachio, olive and olive oils, as mentioned above, peanut crops, and sunflower vegetable oil can be consumed in moderation. The diet for blood group 1 highlights a number of products that provide the fastest weight gain from the category of fruits, as well as juices made from them. These include, for example, citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits, eating melons can add kilograms quite quickly, respectively, orange juices have a similar effect. Cabbage juices should not be included in the diet. All this is explained by the fact that they stimulate the stomach, secrete food juices. A person with the first blood group clearly begins to feel a sense of hunger and strive to eat, they also slow down metabolism, disrupt metabolism.

Products for weight loss and diet for the blood group

However, for the blood type diet 1 tableincludes a list of products that naturally, even if consumed in large quantities, eliminate excess weight, get rid of toxins and increase the performance of all body systems. For example, an irreplaceable source of vitamin B is the liver, this group of vitamins has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Along with this, it is important to eat red meat, the diet for the first blood group, negative Rh is especially focused on protein, so it is important to include seafood in the menu, as well as fish, preferably lean varieties. If you focus on meat consumption, then let it be young lamb, beef, veal or lamb, avoid pork, fatty bacon, as well as semi-finished products in the form of sausages. Seafood, which will bring a woman's figure closer to ideal parameters, should include white fish: halibut, cod, sardines or tuna, as well as red, represented by salmon, pink salmon. As for squid or shrimp, these types should be included in the menu only periodically. Vegetables and fruits that help reduce centimeters in the diet for the first blood group negative should be present: prunes, fresh plums are great, various types of dried fruits, broccoli, spinach, artichokes can be consumed in large quantities. They stimulate the stomach, which immediately increases metabolism and allows you to quickly lose weight. It is important to remember that a diet selected taking into account the blood group is not a short-distance run, but a kind of protracted marathon that will turn into a way of life. This method of combating excess weight is very effective, but you should take it consciously, follow all the recommendations for a long time in order to form a habit and then the desired extra pounds will be lost, and the figure will acquire attractive lines. We advise you to read:

