diet with gastritis in children The last few years gastritis confidently leadsamong diagnosed diseases in both adults and children. True signs are attacks of severe pain in the abdomen, constipation, heartburn, nausea. In this situation, it is necessary not only to identify the disease and eliminate its causes, but also to pay special attention to infant nutrition. Henceforth, it must comply with all strict rules and norms. And do not forget to follow the instructions made by your doctor.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Gastritis

Gastritis, like any other seriousdisease, passes several stages: from acute to chronic. In any case, it is dangerous to health. An acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa is called acute gastritis. As a rule, the disease always begins suddenly: there is a sharp pain in the upper abdomen (just above the navel) or in the right upper quadrant, which is accompanied by nausea and even vomiting. Perhaps an increase in body temperature (up to 39 ° C), upset of the stool. If your child has all of the above symptoms, then it's time to analyze what he could eat. After all, most often the acute form of gastritis occurs when you use any products (missing or harmful to health). To date, there are several reasons why your child showed gastritis. It can be:

  • Food poisoning (check the expiration date of everything that the kid ate the day before);
  • Use of foods that irritate the stomach lining;
  • Reaction to medications and allergies.

At the first symptoms of acute gastritis immediatelycall a doctor. In this case, without diagnosis, which is carried out by experienced specialists, can not do. It is very easy for an incompetent person to make mistakes and not to notice more serious surgical pathologies (appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, etc.). Some diseases are dangerous for the life of a small patient, so the doctor should help with the correct diagnosis. Call an ambulance, and not the local pediatrician, because the first will arrive much faster. And do not refuse from hospitalization: it is better to leave quietly from the waiting room, knowing that there is no surgical pathology, than worry and shudder for any reason. Pay attention, after the normalization of the condition the child will want to eat. But the first three days, as long as the inflammation of acute gastritis lasts, the diet should be limited to light diet foods. For example, you can offer oatmeal, rice, buckwheat from cereals. All of them should be cooked on water, and not on milk. Good for mashed potatoes. It should also be devoid of fat (ie without butter, gravy). An excellent nutritious dish in this case is soup on vegetable broth. By the way, do not buy instant food, since it can only worsen a child's condition. Diet in children with gastritis has its limitations. In no event should you give sausages, sausages, chips, crackers, chocolate, fizzy drinks. Give preference to dishes cooked on steamed, weak tea and compotes, dry biscuit and dried bread. It's great if you get a steamer so that the food is nutritious and harmless. So, for example, you do not have to use sunflower oil and a lot of salt. Think about the menu of the child, take into account the fact that the food should be fractional and frequent - 5-6 times a day. Serve dishes warm, not hot and not cold. Do not overfeed a child and try to strictly observe the regime these days: a small patient should sleep well, walk outdoors and eat only healthy food. With all the restrictions, dietary nutrition is extremely effective and often it is it that heals the baby's body. If the acute process is overcome and treated quickly enough, the chronic form can last for years. Chronic gastritis is manifested by regular pain in the right hypochondrium, in the upper part of the abdomen and near the umbilical zone. At the same time, the child often feels sick, burping and heartburn, constipation and diarrhea, often a lack of appetite. Also a sure sign not only of chronic gastritis, but also of other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, are plaque on the tongue and bad breath. Nevertheless, the diagnosis of chronic gastritis is rarely placed on children. There are several reasons for this. First - the doctor has the right to make such conclusions solely on the basis of some studies, including after endoscopic examination of the stomach (or gastroscopy). The procedure is unpleasant and not even all adults endure, what to say about small children sensitive to any irritants. That is why such a step is being taken only when not one of the previously selected treatment courses has brought its positive results. Important in diagnosis is that the pain in the abdomen, as a rule, is rarely associated exclusively with the stomach. The world medical practice has long proved that in this case children are diagnosed with functional disorders of several parts of the gastrointestinal tract: liver and bile ducts, intestines (first of all, intestinal microflora), esophagus. Incorrect work of the above mentioned organs has a bad effect on the state of the stomach, which is often signaled by frequent pains in this area. children's diet with gastritis

Why the child has a gastritis

Naturally, chronic gastritis does not occur on a flat surface. This is facilitated by a number of factors. Among them:

  • Healed in due time or improperly treated acute gastritis, which goes into a chronic form;
  • A hotbed of chronic infection in the body;
  • Parasites;
  • Malnutrition of the child;
  • Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Endocrine pathology;
  • Excessive physical and mental stress, constant stress.

After you go to the clinic, the doctorcarefully examine a small patient, hold tests and make tests. Only after that he will develop an individual treatment that will help you in your particular case. In addition to medicines, it includes a strict diet. After all, proper nutrition is always the basis of health, and in our case also a source of recovery. Remember once and for all: the little man's menu is very different from ours. Dietary table number 1 is one of the fifteen tables, which was developed by the Soviet dietician Mikhail Pevzner. Thanks to such a diet, the inflammatory process decreases, ulcers heal better, the secretory and motor functions of the stomach are normalized. Despite the limitations that the diet contains, it is still balanced and contains the necessary amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. children's diet for gastritis in children

Proper nutrition with gastritis

What you can not eat when exacerbating First of all, it should be clearly remembered which foods must be excluded from the children's diet. So, harmful are considered:

  • Any products made from butter and puff pastry (patties, buns), any fresh bread;
  • Steep and fatty broths, strong vegetable broths (including stews), borscht on pork or mutton meat, okroshka and soup;
  • Fatty grades of meat and fish;
  • Canned food and smoked products, all kinds of sauces;
  • Fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka), salted cheeses, sour cream (only in limited quantities);
  • Fried and hard-boiled eggs;
  • Bean, millet and corn porridge;
  • White cabbage, sorrel, onion, cucumber, home preservation;
  • Sour and fiber-rich fruit;
  • Chocolate, ice cream;
  • Carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee.

What the menu consists of Despite this long list of banned products, there are many useful things at your disposal:

  • Dried bread, dried biscuits and biscuits;
  • Welded on water and mashed vegetables;
  • Soups from vegetables, milk porridge, soups-mashed potatoes;
  • Meat boiled, steam or baked;
  • Low-fat fish, cooked also steamed or boiled;
  • Steam omelet or soft-boiled eggs (in this case you should be sure of the quality of the egg);
  • Milk, natural yoghurt, non-acidic cottage cheese;
  • Sweet berries and fruits (boiled and baked), jelly, kissels;
  • Manna, oat, buckwheat groats, pasta, rice;
  • As for drinks, it is best to give the child loose tea, juices, compotes, decoctions and water (cleaned of impurities and without gas).

Making up the menu, do not forget that the foodshould be fractional and frequent, as mentioned above. Take care that your child does not eat dry. Sandwiches cooked in a hurry, can cause a serious exacerbation. Food that is ready for use should be at room temperature. Do not overfeed the children. Strictly observe the regime of the day and always walk with the baby at least two hours a day. Do not forget that despite the illness, the child needs to develop. For this, amateur dancing or fitness is perfect. You and you can independently master with him a bicycle and rollers in the summer, skates and skis in the winter. The main thing is not to neglect the sport. After a sedentary lifestyle leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body and poor digestion of food. And this is not the goal you are pursuing. An approximate menu (according to the recommendations of the diet table number 1) for one day may look like this:

  • 1st breakfast: steam omelet with vegetables, tea with milk.
  • 2nd breakfast: baked apple with sugar.
  • Lunch: vegetable vegetable soup, steam meatballs with boiled beets, fruit jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: decoction of dogrose with crackers.
  • Dinner: boiled or baked low-fat fish (without peel), mashed potatoes, a glass of juice or compote.
  • At night: a glass of warm milk.

If your child is diagnosed with gastritis (andnot important, acute or chronic), do not panic and do not think that on this healthy, full life of your loved one is over. Perhaps it's just time to analyze the issues of nutrition and physical activity in your family. Diet can serve as an excellent basis for a daily diet. This is especially true if the child has chronic gastritis. After all, in this case, unfortunately, for a couple of days the body can not be restored. And the treatment can last for years. But always look for the positive side. So, your child will form the concept of healthy and healthy food, learn what can and can not. Surely it will prove useful in adult life. After all, not everything can be approached sensibly to proper nutrition and creating a menu for yourself and your family. Equip patience, understanding and desire to overcome the ailment. After all, this is the only way to restore a young organism and provide the child with a healthy and fulfilling life. We advise you to read:

