bronchitis in children Annually in the period from autumn to spring more than 60%children aches with various respiratory diseases, and every year the percentage of cases increases. Among all respiratory diseases in terms of severity, bronchitis ranks second. Treatment of bronchitis in children with modern drugs can completely cure the disease and prevent the emergence of complications and chronic form, most importantly - completely undergo a strengthened course of treatment.

Danger of bronchitis in children of different ages

Medical treatment of bronchitis in many waysdepends on the age of the small patient, as often strong drugs are required. As a rule, bronchitis in children occurs in mild or acute form, but if you do not give proper attention to treatment, it is quite possible that the disease will become chronic. In most cases, children suffering from chronic bronchitis are more susceptible to various viral and infectious diseases, as their immune system weakens over time. Bronchitis is sufficiently treatable, but constant monitoring of the child's health is necessary to prevent complications and development of the chronic form of the disease. Sometimes bronchitis in children takes place in a light enough form, so parents do not pay much attention to it, not worrying about it, but in vain, because bronchitis often leads to thinning of the bronchial mucosa and, as a consequence, to predisposition to allergic reactions. Bronchitis is considered an acute infectious disease, which usually develops as a complication after a previous viral disease, for example, influenza or herpes. In this case, the body can not fight with pathogenic bacteria, which quickly infect large and small bronchi. It is believed that bronchitis begins with infection of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, which then spreads to the bronchi, hitting them. The main risk group for bronchitis is children suffering from allergies, asthma or having congenital deformities of the bronchi, although it is not uncommon in these days to injure children who are not at risk, since it is still an infectious disease. A variety of medicinal and folk remedies are used to treat this respiratory disease, which are extremely effective. In the case of chronic bronchitis, as a rule, longer complex treatment and quality care are required. symptoms of bronchitis in children

Symptoms and complications of bronchitis

Initially, bronchitis develops as an ordinarya cold with a characteristic cold, redness of the throat, a strong cough without getting phlegm. Then the disease takes on more distinct forms - there is an increase in body temperature to 38 and above degrees, weakness, lack of appetite. Approximately on the 2-3 day of the course of the disease dry wheezing occurs in the bronchi and pains in the sternum. After another day, the dry cough changes to wet, then you can determine the form of bronchitis by the appearance of mucus. In the event that the mucus is clear, then there is an acute form of the disease, if the green with obvious signs of purulent discharge is chronic. In bronchitis, there is a fibrous change in the walls of the bronchi, a tightening of the connective tissue and extensive inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the organ with the transition to other tissues, which, in fact, causes symptomatology. The acute form of bronchitis with proper treatment goes to "no" after 3-4 days, flowing into an easy form, full recovery comes in 2 weeks, while chronic, accompanied by relapses and remissions, can last for years. The main fears are possible complications of bronchitis, as this disease can flow into a severe form, causing fibrotic changes in bronchial tissues, and is accompanied by severe shortness of breath and breathing disorders. Severe forms of bronchitis become the basis for severe lung damage and the cause of chronic obstructive respiratory disease. For the detection of bronchitis, the data obtained by X-ray examination, external examination and listening to wheezing are used, and in addition, based on blood tests for the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. It should be immediately clarified that self-treatment is unacceptable in the case of bronchitis, and the treatment of the child must necessarily be prescribed by a doctor who sees the symptoms and a complete clinical picture. Some folk remedies can be used by parents to strengthen the baby's immune system, restore and promote health, but in no case as a primary treatment. This will only aggravate the problem, bringing the disease to a chronic form, and the child will be ill 2-3 times a year, and sometimes more often. correct treatment of bronchitis in children

Treatment of bronchitis in a child under 3 years old

As a rule, in children under 3 years of ageBronchitis develops as a complication after a cold or due to congenital obstruction of the bronchi, and in the second case even a child who has not left the hospital can get sick. It should be noted immediately that at a temperature above 38 degrees, children of this age are hospitalized, and treatment at home is highly undesirable, since the child must be constantly under control because of the possibility of sudden deterioration of the condition. In most cases, children of this age are immediately diagnosed with obstructive bronchitis, as there is shortness of breath. The manifestation of dyspnoea in children under one year is the respiratory rate of more than 40-60 breaths per minute. Based on the diagnosis, the following medicines are prescribed: antibiotics (intramuscularly or in tablets depending on the condition of the baby), a drug for getting rid of dyspnea, an antipyretic, preparations for restoring intestinal microflora, inhalation against the development of obstruction, nasal drops, tablets or cough syrups . Medicinal products must necessarily appoint a doctor and adjust the treatment in case of ineffective drugs. The most commonly prescribed antibiotics for babies are: Sumamed, Cefuraxin, Zinnat and the like. To eliminate shortness of breath, as a rule, a solution of Euphilin is prescribed. The choice of preparations for coughing is extremely wide, therefore tablets and syrups can be prescribed, for example, Lazolvan, Ambrolan and so on. Since the first day of antibiotic use, children younger than 3 years of age also need to give drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora, usually prescribed drugs such as Latsidofil or Bifidobacterin. The remaining drugs are aimed at treating symptoms, for example, antipyretics and drops in the nose are selected strictly individually depending on the reaction of the child to the selected drug. Depending on the reaction of pathogenic microflora, antibiotics can be prescribed for other drugs that are more potent, so it is very important that a qualified doctor treat the child. treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies

Terraria and medications for the treatment of bronchitis in children older than 3 years

Acute and light forms of bronchitis are excellentmedical treatment, but it is still very important that a qualified pediatrician is involved in the selection of medications. Children older than 3 years can be treated at home and are hospitalized only if the disease is severe. Drugs are selected in accordance with the severity of the existing symptoms and age characteristics of the patient. To effectively treat inflammatory processes in the bronchi appointed antibiotics, mucoactive and expectorant drugs, inhaled bronchodilators, as well as medications that remove certain symptoms, for example, antipyretic. The most commonly used for the treatment of bronchitis are two types of antibiotics - penicillin group drugs and macrolides, which are extremely effective in fighting infections that cause inflammation. Many parents believe that the appointment of antibiotics is too serious a measure, but this is not so, because the rapid development of the pathogenic environment can lead to the development of a more serious respiratory disease - pneumonia. The duration of antibiotics for acute forms of bronchitis is at least 7-14 days. With mild disease, no more than 7 days. Expectorants are used according to the instructions or prescriptions of the attending physician. In cases when there are severe swelling of the respiratory tract, diuretics can be prescribed, including Furasemide for removing excess fluid from edematous areas. In addition, the sick child is prescribed complete rest and bed rest, since excessive activity during illness can lead to its aggravation or transition to a chronic form. Antipyretics are taken on schedule, after the normalization of body temperature, the use of mustard and hot tubs based on mustard is recommended. The frequent use of hot drinks is welcome. The use of drugs must necessarily be coordinated by the doctor on the basis of their effectiveness. Correctly medical treatment of acute bronchitis allows to completely cure the child in 2-3 weeks. Completely healthy from bronchitis the child is considered when even minor symptoms pass, and in this case it is impossible to leave the treatment after the slightest improvement in the condition. treatment of bronchitis in a child with expectorating syrups

Treatment of chronic bronchitis in children older than 3 years

Treatment of chronic bronchitis in children israther difficult process, aimed not only at treating a systematically manifested disease, but also on improving the overall immunological state of the child. As a rule, children with a chronic form of bronchitis get sick several times more often, and the child's morbidity can be caused not only by weather change, but also by moving to another climatic zone, for example, by a trip to the sea. This state of affairs is really depressing, as the child grows with weakened health, and the situation with each year will worsen, because chronic bronchitis creates fertile ground for the development of excessive sensitivity to allergens. As a rule, during an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis the disease always proceeds in acute or severe form, and sometimes even with severe attacks of suffocation. During the phase of activation of the disease, the treatment of children is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and its consequences and is not too different from the treatment of usual acute bronchitis, but, as a rule, the cure comes much later, at 3-4 weeks. Completely cure chronic bronchitis in a child is a very difficult task. The thing is that even after the symptomatic treatment and the disappearance of the inflammatory process in the bronchi, the organism still has a pathogenic microflora, which also makes itself felt when the conditions unfavorable for the child's organism occur. Reduce the risk of actual morbidity by continuously monitoring the child's health status, as well as therapy aimed at improving health. Such therapy involves observing the daily routine, breathing and physical exercises, chest massages, hardening, active lifestyle, including frequent trips to nature or recreation in the village or in children's health camps. Welcome to include in the diet of vitamin supplements.

Folk remedies in the fight against bronchitis

Folk remedies can be used inas an additional means to traditional drug therapy, but one should not rely solely on the strength of herbs and refuse antibiotics and modern medicines, as this can lead to aggravation of the course of the disease. Some folk remedies do have a positive effect, having a generally restorative and tonic effect on the body, so still their use in treating a child is welcome. If the child's body temperature is normal, you can use warm soothing baths before going to bed with the addition of an extract or broth of chamomile, sage of St. John's wort, mint and essential oils. These bathrooms act as an easy inhalation and accelerate the healing process. In addition, at normal body temperature or after taking antipyretics, it is recommended to do inhalation on potatoes with soda, this helps to thin the mucus accumulated in the bronchi and to remove it quickly. Separately it is necessary to say about the collections of medicinal herbs, used to prepare a warm drink for the patient. For the preparation of herbal tea for children over 3 years old, you can use a ready-made breast-feed, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. In addition, it is recommended to drink tea mint-chamomile tea or tea, prepared on the basis of a combination of hips and St. John's wort. In warm drinks you can add raspberry jam and honey, but you need to remember that honey should be added only to warm water and in no case to boiling water, as this will significantly reduce its useful qualities. In addition, it is possible to prepare warm milk with honey, but again, honey should be placed in slightly warm milk, this will preserve its properties. Warm milk with honey is an excellent expectorant, and the taste of this drink is pleasant, which is especially useful when it comes to treating a child. Use of medicinal herbs is better coordinated with the attending physician.

Prevention of bronchitis in children

The problem of preventing bronchitis in childrenkindergarten and school age is extremely acute, as each child for a long period of time is in close contact with their peers, and its defeat by pathogenic microflora can not be ruled out. The main measure of prevention is the exclusion of visiting crowded places at the peak of the incidence of respiratory diseases. It is very important to teach the child to hygiene and the need to wash their hands. In order to reduce the risk of the child's disease with bronchitis, general restorative medications are recommended, including hardening with a contrast shower and performing physical exercises in the fresh air. To strengthen immunity, one must adhere to the correct diet and include in the diet foods rich in vitamins. Particular attention should be paid if the child falls ill with a cold, as this disease can easily pass into bronchitis. In order for this to happen, you need to provide the child complete peace, bed rest and quality treatment of medicines. In the event that a "chronic bronchitis" was diagnosed earlier, a common cold may become a cause for concern and special care for the child.

