Breastfeeding Diet You have been waiting for this for a long nine months. Nine months waiting for a miracle. And, finally, it happened - you became a mother. But with the entry into a new role for herself, the role of mother, a woman faces a huge number of questions and doubts. The main issue most women have is a diet with breastfeeding. In fact now mum answers first of all for health of the kid. Below we will talk about two types of diets when breastfeeding: a diet that excludes all foods that can bring the slightest harm to the baby, and a diet with breastfeeding, the purpose of which is to lose weight. Some mothers are very reckless about compliance with diets during breastfeeding, and any restriction at all. However, this is fundamentally the wrong position. After all, all the substances that enter the mother's body penetrate into the breast milk. But, you see, the usual diet of an adult person is not suitable for a child's body. The most strict diet during breastfeeding in the first three months of the baby's life, after that it is already possible to allow for small indulgences.

Diet when breastfeeding baby first months of life

Most often, pediatricians respond toMom's question about what products increase the amount of milk produced. This question arises from the fact that many mothers do not know how the lactation process takes place and what it depends on. For the production of milk meet the hormones oxytocin and prolactin. This happens in the following way: at the moment when the baby is sucking the breast, the nerve endings in the teats are irritated and send an impulse to the brain, which starts producing the above hormones. Prolactin provides a full lactation in the amount that the child needs at this stage of development. Oxytocin is responsible for ensuring that the milk produced is easily excreted from the thoracic ducts into the baby's mouth. Approximately the same effect is achieved when decanting milk. As can be understood from the foregoing, no products can affect the lactation process. The amount of milk produced depends only on how much your baby sucks. That is why it is so important to provide the child with free access to the breast and feed him on demand. After all, no one can stimulate lactation better than the baby himself, and no diet during breastfeeding does not affect the amount of milk. Almost the same is true about the quality of breast milk. Regardless of what you eat, the mother's milk contains all the nutrients your body needs, vitamins, macro and microelements. Even if the food of the nursing mother at the moment there is no necessary substance for the baby. It will simply be taken of their own reserves of the female body. But to worsen the composition of milk is quite possible and not at all difficult - this is facilitated by an incorrect postpartum diet when breastfeeding. Mom's use of products that cause excessive gas production, with a high probability of it, will lead to the appearance of intestinal colic in the baby. If the mother will eat foods that help soften the stool, the baby may develop diarrhea. The use of a large number of foods with high sugar content can result in allergic dermatitis. diet during breastfeeding

    Below is an approximate diet for breastfeeding a newborn: </ p>
  • It is necessary to completely exclude all dishes fromhigh fat content, as well as fried foods. The maximum that can be afforded during a diet while breastfeeding a newborn baby, is a dish cooked for a couple.
  • Eliminate fatty meats from the diet, such aspork and lamb. For a nursing mother, chicken, rabbit or beef meat are optimal. From it you can cook cutlets or meatballs (only for a couple), or simply bake it to the oven. Diet when breastfeeding a newborn baby strictly excludes the consumption of meat with blood, which has not undergone a thorough thermal treatment, since intestinal infection for crumbs is a deadly disease.
  • A postpartum diet with breastfeeding is notalso allows the use of meat broths. All vegetable soups must be cooked only on the water. When choosing vegetables, it is also necessary to follow certain rules. The use of fresh vegetables is possible only in the summer, when these vegetables mature in the region where the woman lives. In the rest of the time it is necessary to buy only frozen vegetables. This requirement is explained by the fact that imported vegetables contain a large amount of nitrates and pesticides that your crumb absolutely does not need.
  • Strictly adhering to the postnatal diet while feedingbreast, carefully treat the preparation of cereals. Doctors - nutritionists recommend that a lactating woman use only buckwheat, rice and corn. Before boiling the porridge, it is necessary to pre-fill the groats with cold water and leave for several hours. After this, drain the water, fill it with clean water and cook.
  • Postpartum diet when breastfeeding, contrary toexisting erroneous opinion, allows the use of a woman who feeds a woman with fruit. However, not all in a row, but only apples and pears, previously peeled. In the summer you can use apricots (not peaches) and sweet cherries. Cherries and apricots will not cause the baby to have an allergy or a disorder of the stool.
  • Diet during lactation excludesthe use of cow's milk, since many newborn children have intolerance to protein contained in cow's milk. However, observing the diet with breastfeeding, you can use sour-milk products, such as low-fat cottage cheese, bio-yogurt, yogurt, low-fat cheese. Mom needs to ensure that the total number of sour-milk products does not exceed 500 grams per day. Also do not get carried away by cheese, as it can cause constipation in your baby.
  • The correct diet for breastfeeding is alsoregulates the use of liquid. The nursing mother should drink at least one and a half to two liters of liquid per day. It is necessary to completely exclude the use of alcoholic drinks, carbonated water, all kinds of juices, except apple. You can drink a weak black or green tea, compote from dried fruits and still water. Pay attention that it was exactly table water, since the use of mineral water can give an extra burden to the kidneys of the baby.

Diet in breast-feeding children older than a year

After the child reaches one-year-old age, the diet during breastfeeding becomes less rigid. Mom can use almost all products, except for some.

  • So, you still can not eat foods that cause excessive gas formation. These products include legumes, cabbage and carbonated water.
  • A lactating woman can enter into her dietfood is sweet, but you should avoid eating chocolate. If the desire to eat chocolate is irresistible, choose white chocolate. It does not contain cocoa powder, which, in fact, causes allergy in children.
  • It can also be included in the ration of feedingmums are almost all vegetables and fruits, however, within reason. It is unlikely that the baby's stomach will happily accept the milk of the mother, who ate a few kilograms of pears or plums.

When the diet when breastfeeding a child olderyear will begin to expand, my mother should remember that all products must be administered very carefully and gradually. You can not enter more than one new product every three days. Otherwise, in the event that the baby has signs of an allergic reaction or a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, it will be difficult for you to determine which product caused such a reaction. Another thing that is worth paying attention to is that your menu does not match the menu of solid food baby. That is, if your baby has received red beets for dinner, you should not eat it today, as this will cause a double load on the baby's body. Some mothers are looking for such a diet when breastfeeding the baby, in order to lose weight. However, this can not be done, moreover, for women's health, this is fraught with the occurrence of complications, in particular, iron deficiency anemia. Nature has not foreseen the fact that a pregnant woman is gaining weight. This is to ensure that even in the event of a famine, the woman's body could fully nurture the child. After all, nature can not be deceived and you will not explain to her that the 21st century is in the yard and there is no threat to the future mother. As a rule, starting from the 6th month of the baby's life, the body begins to spend generously its energy reserves, spending it on the production of milk. In most cases, it is during this period that women begin to lose weight without any diets. The average monthly weight loss is up to one kilogram. Attempts of a nursing mother to go on a diet or intensely to go in for sports, can lead to disruption of the development of hormones necessary for normal lactation. The use of various teas for weight loss also has a very negative effect on the production of milk. Some mothers in their effort to lose weight go even further - they start taking medications that drown out the feeling of hunger. This is extremely dangerous for the baby, as it can cause him to have a violation of appetite and, as a result, a malfunction of the normal operation of all life systems. Is it worth that much risk? diet when breastfeeding a child

Diet after stopping breastfeeding

Virtually any mom, stopping breastfeedingfeeding, seeks as soon as possible to return to its usual weight. However, you can not try to lose weight too quickly. Breastfeeding is quite a serious strain on the woman's body. And after the cessation of feeding, he needs a certain time to recover. If a woman chooses a very strict diet after breastfeeding, she risks getting serious negative consequences for her health. The most optimal diet after breastfeeding is a gentle diet. First, do not try to reduce the amount of food you eat. Eat as much as you ate while breastfeeding, just try to break this volume into more meals. Try not to eat everything, but choose the most useful and safe products.

    Below are the main principles on which the diet should be based after breastfeeding: </ p>
  • If you are accustomed to a snack between the mainwith meals, try to replace such high-calorie foods as baked pastries, sandwiches or sweets for something less caloric, for example, an apple or salad.
  • Try not to drink tea,coffee, sweet soda water. It is much more useful to replace them with simple drinking water. If you do not have diseases in which there is a tendency to edema, there is no need to limit the amount of fluid you drink.
  • It is very useful and effective to replace any meatfish or other seafood. This will not only help a woman lose weight, but also significantly improve her health, help to replace lost during breast-feeding stocks of phosphorus.
  • Just like with any diet, you must refuse to eat after 6 pm.
  • In no event can you sit down on different,so fashionable now, exotic diets. The constant use of the same product will not bring your weakened feeding to the body anything good, except for the strongest avitaminosis.

Before you go on a diet,do you really need this. And do not forget that 90% of people who have lost weight on different diets, return to their weight within just one year. It is much more useful to learn how to love yourself just the way you are. After all, you are a mother, and any mother is beautiful! We advise you to read:

