folate levels during pregnancy Today, the number of people,suffering from vitamin B9 deficiency is not precisely defined. Some scientists believe that they are about 20% of the entire population, others voice the figure of 100%. Meanwhile, B9, also called folic acid, is extremely necessary for the development and functioning of the body. Folic acid is especially important during pregnancy.

Consequences of lack of vitamin B9 in pregnancy

The absence or deficiency of B9 can lead to such serious developmental disorders of the fetus as:

  • absence of brain;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • delay in physical and mental development;
  • defects of the spine;
  • premature termination of pregnancy;
  • cerebral hernia;
  • the birth of a dead child.

It would seem that a lack of one vitamin canlead to such disastrous consequences, because the intestines of a healthy person independently produce a small amount of B9? Yes, it is. But pregnancy is a kind of stress for the body, during which the need for folic acid increases significantly. The role of the vitamin in this case is difficult to overestimate: it actively participates in the formation of the placenta, affects the division of fetal cells, promotes the formation of nucleic acids, which, in turn, determine the transmission of hereditary traits. The use of folic acid is directly related to the normalization of hematopoiesis and the formation of important components of the blood - platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes. And if a pregnant woman feels pain in the legs, suffers from depression, anemia and toxicosis - there is a lack of B9. With a slight deficiency of the vitamin, the expectant mother may be bothered by fainting, irritability, hair loss and loss of appetite. Regular lack of folic acid, leading to severe forms of deficiency, threatens diarrhea, serious problems with immunity, and the appearance of ulcers on the oral mucosa.folic acid in foods

Where is contained and how to take B9

At the first appearance of the indicated signsevery pregnant woman should consult a specialist. Perhaps, taking the medications recommended by the doctor will eliminate unpleasant symptoms and reduce the risk of fetal pathology to zero. But we must not forget about taking folic acid in everyday life. Often, women do not know about their pregnancy for a long time and find out about the appearance of the baby only when the laying of the internal organs of the fetus has occurred. As scientists have established, this process begins on the 16th day after conception. The neural tube is laid, on the correct development of which the psychological and physical health of the child completely depends. And in order for the formation of the neural tube to proceed normally, it is necessary to take folic acid. Experts recommend starting to take the drug even during conception planning. In this case, both during conception and in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother will be fully provided with B9. To maintain the required level of folic acid during pregnancy, in addition to complex vitamin preparations, it is necessary to eat foods that contain this important component. The very name of the vitamin speaks for itself - "Folium" is translated from Latin as "leaf". This means that B9 is found in plant-based products. It is found in the largest amounts in Brussels sprouts, wholemeal flour, green peas, broccoli and avocado. A high percentage of folic acid is found in leafy greens - lettuce, onions, spinach and parsley, in the pulp and juice of citrus fruits, asparagus, melon, apricots, beans and pumpkin. Taking yeast-based preparations can replenish the lack of vitamin B9. People who consume plant products in small quantities quite often experience a deficiency of folic acid. This is due to the fact that it is almost never found in animal products. The largest amount of the vitamin is found in the liver, and its content in meat, fish, poultry and cheese is insignificant. Therefore, if you are not a vegetarian and focus mainly on meat, you need to follow some rules and take additional vitamin supplements. If we talk about what the norm of folic acid is during pregnancy, then everything depends on the health of the expectant mother. When carrying a child, the body's need increases by 2 times. If the pregnant woman has various problems or a lack of vitamin, the daily dose can increase by another 2 times. In any case, the doctor will prescribe the required amount. At the same time, you should not be afraid of such large numbers - an overdose during pregnancy can only occur if a person takes more than 25 tablets of the vitamin per day. Even if you accidentally drink a few tablets more than recommended by the doctor, all the excess will be safely excreted from the body naturally. In what cases should folic acid be taken in higher doses during pregnancy? These are factors such as:

  • diseases that interfere with the absorption of acid during pregnancy or enhance its excretion;
  • risk of developing pathologies of fetal neural tube formation in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus and epilepsy;
  • the presence of genetic diseases and pathologies;
  • toxicosis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The above reasons require increasing the daily intake of vitamin B9 by 2-3 tablets.additional information about vitamins

Additional information about vitamin B9

During pregnancy, the maximum amount is requiredcarefully monitor your health, paying special attention not only to the food you eat, but also to the medications you take. Therefore, information about taking folic acid during pregnancy will not be superfluous. You should know that:

  • During the carrying of the baby, the excretion of the vitamin from the body is greatly accelerated due to the increased work of the urinary system.
  • The use of strong tea helps to remove folic acid.
  • The amount of vitamin consumed should beincreased when taking the following drugs: antacids (Phosphalugel and Almagel), estrogens, zinc preparations, anticonvulsants (Phenytoin and Carbamazepine).
  • In addition to the formation of internal organs and fetal cells during pregnancy, folic acid is consumed to maintain and restore almost 70 trillion cells in the body of a future mother.
  • Since the baby is transferred to the acid during pregnancy, and then during breastfeeding, its lack in the mother's body can lead to a deficit in the child's body.
  • To dosage of folic acid in vegetables and fruits preserved in the maximum volume, they should be eaten raw or cooked for a couple.
  • When planning conception, a vitamin complex with B9should not only take a woman. Folic acid has a positive effect on spermatozoa, significantly increasing their activity. Therefore, taking a man's vitamin will greatly increase the chance of a quick and healthy conception.
  • Before the time of pregnancy, the dose of B9completely depends on the habits and lifestyle of the couple. Of great importance are the following factors: what food and how much alcohol is consumed by a man and a woman, whether they take medications or contraceptives, whether they have digestive problems.
  • selection of medicines

    Contraindications for taking B9

    When talking about the advantages of folic acid, we cannot help but mention its disadvantages. Just like all medications, B9 has contraindications for use. They are:

    • allergic diseases and bronchial asthma (if you do not follow certain rules, taking a vitamin can lead to life-threatening spasms of the bronchi);
    • the intake of folic acid can activate the growth of cancer cells, so its use is strictly forbidden for oncological diseases;
    • B9 causes the proliferation of the epithelium of the tubule of the kidneys, therefore, its administration is contraindicated in patients with pyelonephritis and renal insufficiency;
    • in some cases, individualreactions to taking medications with B9: nausea, vomiting, insomnia, abdominal pain and cramps, diarrhea. In this case, the need for taking and dosage is determined by the doctor;
    • it is not recommended to take vitamin B9 with a vitamin B12 deficiency, as folic acid neutralizes the absorption of B12, thereby worsening the state of the body.

    the course of pregnancy with a shortage of folic acid

    Drugs containing B9

    Today, there are many drugs being produced,that include folic acid. The most convenient form for use is considered to be tablets of pure acid, where each tablet contains 1 mcg of the substance. To maintain the normal functioning of the body, it is enough to take such tablets daily. In addition, pharmacies offer the drugs "Folacin" and "Folio". The concentration of vitamin B9 in the first is very high, so its use is indicated only during pregnancy with a severe acid deficiency, while the second drug can also be used for prevention. Folic acid is also contained in such drugs as "Elevit", "Materna", "Pregnavit", "Multi-tabs perinatal", "Vitrum prenatal forte" and other multivitamin complexes for pregnant women. The dose of vitamin here is low, so they are usually recommended for the prevention of B9 deficiency. If you are planning to conceive or are already expecting the birth of a baby, do not neglect taking vitamin B9 during pregnancy. Folic acid - This is an important component of both your health and the health of your future child. Follow the advice of specialists, and your pregnancy will pass in the joy of expecting a new family member, without causing unpleasant feelings and worries.

