That every child needs developmentfine motor skills, every parent has probably heard. However, does everyone know what these fine motor skills are and how to develop them? Most likely, no. Let's try to understand this issue together and understand what exercises will help in this not so simple task. First, you need to have a clear idea of what fine motor skills are. By this concept, physiologists mean the functioning of the small muscles located in the hands. In addition, fine motor skills of the hands - this is also the coordination of the eyes and hands - all muscle movements are performed under the control of vision. Why is the development of fine motor skills in preschool children so important? Everything is very simple and complex at the same time - the centers that are responsible for both speech and finger movement are located very close to each other in the human brain. Simply put, stimulation of fine motor skills inevitably entails the development of the speech center. And in no case should we forget about the practical side, because it is very necessary in everyday life - button up buttons, tie shoelaces. And this is not to mention that the child needs to learn to draw, sculpt from plasticine, and then write. Therefore, it is worth making life easier for your preschool child and engaging in the development of fine motor skills. You should not put off the development of fine motor skills - this needs to be started as early as possible. Even a baby can be systematically massaged palms and fingers - this will stimulate the cerebral cortex. As the child grows, you can include simple exercises accompanied by rhymes, specialized games.
Finger Games
Finger games are the best way to developmotor skills in preschool children. And most importantly - these games do not require any costs. You will only need time, desire and imagination. The essence of these games is simple - you and your child act out any stories. Ideally, they should rhyme - this will be much more fun for the child. Rhymes are easy to find - take any children's book with poems. For children over 4 years old, the possibilities are wider - you can use various props: for example, cubes, houses and other small objects. Try to build games in such a way that each finger is trained separately, and all together - this will help stimulate the cerebral cortex even more effectively. Also watch the nature of the movement - the fingers should tense and relax, stretch. The child's hands should receive maximum load - only in this case the training will give the desired result. Otherwise, all your efforts will be just a waste of time. The duration of finger games directly depends on the age of the child. If the baby is not yet three years old - about 5 minutes. For a child of 3-5 years old - about 10 minutes, and up to 7 years - 15 minutes. But the main thing to focus on is the child's condition. If he plays with pleasure - everything is fine. But if the child is frankly bored or even capricious, it is better to conduct several short sessions than one long one. Remember - the game should remain just a game, but in no case should it be turned into classes. A preschool child can only be captivated so as not to discourage the desire to study for the rest of his life.
Lacing Games
Lacing games have long enjoyed a special popularitylove of child psychologists and preschool teachers. The essence of the game is as follows - the child must thread the lace through various holes. These games can be very different both in plot and in level of difficulty - choose the one that suits your child. Such games develop fine motor skills not only due to the fact that the child has to lace, but also due to tactile sensations - most games use various materials with different textures. The older the child, the more difficult the lacing game should be: otherwise, the results will not be quite what you expect. All parents know that a preschool child gets bored with the same toys very quickly. Lacing games are no exception. But it is not at all necessary to buy them all the time - a lacing game is not that difficult to make yourself. All you need is This is thick cardboard, colored paper, glue, lace or tape and imagination. You can use anything for the plot. For example, for a small child you can cut out a shoe with holes for the lace. But an older child can be offered to dress the doll - lace up her shoes, button up her jacket, tie bows. Fantasize - who better than you to know what might interest your child.
Finger paint
Finger paints are loved by all children withoutexceptions include one-year-old toddlers and those children who are already preparing for school. Finger paints are great for developing fine motor skills. In addition, they are not that difficult to use to teach a preschool child to understand colors. It goes without saying that finger painting will result in additional hassle for parents, since paint gets everywhere - on the nose, on clothes, on furniture - but not on the album sheet. But experienced mothers of preschool-age children share some secrets that will make your lot easier. Perhaps some of them will be useful for you:
- Whatman
It is best to offer the child something to drawa regular album sheet, and Whatman paper - it will be much harder for a child to miss. By the way, about Whatman paper - many parents attach Whatman paper to the walls and simply change them as needed. Firstly, the child will be able to draw (with pencils) whenever he wants. Secondly, you protect the wallpaper from children's masterpieces.
- Oilcloth
It would be a good idea to cover the work surface with oilcloth - this will also help to maintain relative cleanliness.
- Restriction of the territory
If you don't want to find paint stainson the sofa, in the hallway and other most unexpected places, limit the territory of creativity. The kitchen is best suited for this - all surfaces are relatively easy to clean.
- clothing
Of course, you shouldn't forget about clothes.- to put a child to draw in clothes that you don't want to ruin would be at least stupid. Therefore, choose clothes that you don't want to throw away. And don't forget about yourself - the baby may well grab your sleeve with his paint-stained palms. By the way, if it's warm enough in the house, you can get by with small sacrifices - put only panties on the baby.
Lego constructor
The children's designer is rightfully considered to beлучшей развивающей игрушкой для детей любого возраста. Игра с конструктором Лего помогает ребенку развить моторику рук, работу с цветом, воображение и научится логически мыслить, создавая тот или иной архитектурный шедевр. При выборе конструктора для ребенка, необходимо объективно оценивать его возможности. Если вы выбираете конструктор для ребенка в возрасте трёх-четырех лет, позаботьтесь о том, чтобы детали конструктора были большими и легко собирались. В этом возрасте дети не очень внимательны и могут легко растерять множество мелких деталей, а если при постройке фигуры пазы деталей конструктора будут тяжело соединяться, вашему малышу скоро надоест затрачивать на это усилия и интерес к конструктору довольно быстро пропадет. Когда ребенок достигнет дошкольного возраста, ему можно покупать как конструктор со средними по размерам, так и конструктор с маленькими деталями. В этом возрасте небольшие детали конструктора помогут ребенку научиться быть внимательным и сосредоточенным. Первокласснику можно смело покупать более сложный конструктор, который состоит из большого количества деталей и предоставляющим широкое поле деятельности, для фантазии малыша помогая ему развивать одновременно воображение и логическое мышление. При покупке детского конструктора обратите особое внимание на его упаковку. Желательно чтобы в качестве упаковки выступала коробка. Наличие специальной коробки, в которую необходимо складывать детали конструктора приучит ребенка к чистоте и научит его складывать все по своим местам. Особое внимание стоит уделить цветам деталей конструктора. Чем шире будет цветовая палитра, тем лучше. Возможность с помощью конструктора воссоздавать не только форму того или иного объекта, но и стилизовать его в цвете, даст возможность ребенку с ранних лет выработать у себя безупречное чувство стиля и попробовать себя в качестве дизайнера сочетая различные цвета. Купив новый набор конструктора, обязательно несколько дней поиграйте вместе с ребенком. Покажите ему, что можно построить с помощью конструктора, но, ни в коем случае не загоняйте его в шаблоны и рамки. Дайте возможность проявиться его творчеству. Спрашивайте, как бы он построил тот или иной элемент, и предоставляйте возможность самостоятельно достроить начатое вами. Впоследствии ребенку будет куда интересней построить что-то самостоятельно и показать потом вам, нежели строит это вместе с вами, но на первом этапе знакомства с конструктором участие родителей обязательно и необходимо. Очень часто дети, достигнув какого-либо результата, готовы днями любоваться на творение своих рук, поэтому ни в коем случае не настаивайте на том, чтобы построенный вашим малышом замок или корабль был им сразу же разобран и сложен в коробку. Если ребенок решил его поставить на своем столе или на полу в детской комнате не препятствуйте этому желанию, поскольку оно продиктовано не отсутствием желания к уборке, а гордостью за созданный своими руками маленький архитектурный шедевр. Всегда со вниманием относитесь к тому, что построил из конструктора ваш малыш. Если вы заметите, что он стал часто строить одно и тоже, мягко намекните на тот факт, что конструктор дает возможность каждый раз строить что-то новое. Если намеки не помогут, постройте что-либо оригинальное вместе, простимулировав ребенка к поиску новых идей. Такая помощь родителей поможет ребенку развивать свой потенциал и не останавливаться на достигнутом. Поиск новых форм конструирования, сделает вашего ребенка настоящей творческой личностью, а поможет ему в полной мере раскрыть свой творческий потенциал купленный вами конструктор.
If the child is over four years old, then the application— is a very effective way to develop fine motor skills of hands. You can buy ready-made sets, or you can use good old colored paper. And if you connect your imagination, you can create real masterpieces together with your child. The younger the child, the simpler the applique should be - the details should be large and there should not be too many of them. As the child grows up, complicate the task. In addition to colored paper, you can also use natural materials - various leaves, twigs, cones, chestnuts and acorns. The most important thing that parents should remember is safety rules, because the child will have to work with scissors. It is wiser not to give the child the first ones that come to hand, but to buy special scissors for children's creativity, with rounded ends - with such scissors the child will not be able to get hurt, even if he accidentally stumbles upon them.
It's rare that a child doesn't like plasticine - after allWith its help, you can make a lot of very interesting things - smear the speaker in mom's phone, seal the disk drive of dad's computer, stain the glass - and you can think of anything! A situation familiar to many parents. But if you devote a little time to your child and do some modeling, then you will get a triple benefit - you will find a useful activity for your child, you will develop his creativity and the notorious fine motor skills. A small child cannot handle complex tasks - at least teach him to roll balls. Well, an older child will probably think of what he wants to mold. By the way, plasticine can be easily replaced with salt dough. It is very easy to prepare - knead a stiff dough using only salt, flour and water. After the finished product can be immortalized - keep in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. By the way, such crafts can be painted.
Small Items
Various types of equipment can also be of great servicesmall objects that are in every home. But remember - the child must do this strictly under your supervision, so that he does not choke or put a small object in his ear or nose. And do not naively hope that your child is old enough and reasonable. Even children of seven or eight years old often do this, not to mention toddlers of early preschool age.
- Pasta
Dry pasta can be a great materialto create beads - the main thing is to buy pasta of the right shape. Show your child how to string pasta on a string. We bet that this activity will captivate the child for a long time. When the child gets tired of simply stringing pasta, you can complicate the task by offering the child to color them.
- Playing Cinderella
Development of fine motor skills in children can bestimulate in almost any situation. Are you preparing lunch or dinner? Combine business with pleasure - invite your child to try what it was like for Cinderella. What does Cinderella have to do with it, you ask? Reread the fairy tale with your child again, refresh your memory. So, if the child is small - you will need beans and peas - mix them and pour them on the table. Put two plates and invite the child to put beans in one, and peas in the other. As a rule, children cope with this task with pleasure. For a child of early preschool age, cereals are suitable - they are smaller, so the task will be more difficult. For example, mix buckwheat and rice. Of course, you do not need to mix a large volume - two or three spoons will be enough. As you can see, the development of fine motor skills in children - the task is not so difficult, there would be a desire. And the child's success will not leave parents indifferent! We recommend reading: