Causes of soft tissue under the skinbenign tumors are not reliably known. Some doctors believe that it is formed due to blockage of the sebaceous ducts. Others tend to blame metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders, even liver disease. The tumor consists of connective fat tissue, is mobile to the touch, and its size is within 1-1.5 cm. It has been noted that women are not as calm about this problem as men and prefer to remove lipomas, despite the fact that this formation usually does not cause pain and does not metastasize. After all, a noticeable bump that appears on the body, especially on the face, is an unpleasant cosmetic defect.
What is a wen and what are the causes of it?
There are two types of tumors called lipomas.This is an atheroma, which is a sebaceous gland cyst, and a lipoma, which has no connections with other tissues. Their parameters remain unchanged for a long time. However, sometimes they can grow quite quickly up to 10 centimeters. Then there is compression of tissues and even internal organs. Of course, this causes very painful sensations. Pain can also appear with small sizes, if the lipoma has grown around nerve or vascular nodes. Another problem that can arise due to the presence of a lipoma is an inflammatory process. In unfavorable conditions: with insufficiently careful hygiene, increased sweating, as well as with infectious diseases - pathogenic microbes can cause suppuration. An attempt to independently puncture the skin in order to squeeze out the contents leads to the same result. Such actions will only provoke the growth of the formation, since its capsule cannot be squeezed out by hand. It is better to avoid home methods of treating lipomas and go to a clinic, at least for a consultation. After all, very serious malignant tumors look just as innocent at first. Only a qualified doctor can determine whether immediate treatment is required or whether everything can be left as is. If the lipoma is located inside the abdominal cavity or chest, hardware studies may be prescribed: ultrasound or computed tomography. Sometimes a puncture biopsy is performed to study the cellular composition.
What to choose: medicines or surgery?
Now in the media you cancome across a lot of home recipes that supposedly allow you to get rid of a lipoma. Some of them suggest using it externally, others - internally. This includes celandine kvass, burdock root tincture, and a mixture of vodka with sunflower oil. It is recommended to apply red clay, chewed wheat grains, mutton fat, onions with honey, and lard with garlic to the sore spot. There will be no harm from these supposedly medicines, but there is no benefit either. By the way, the fatty composition of a lipoma does not mean that it occurs only against the background of excess weight, so you should not torment yourself with diets. As a rule, medications are used only to relieve the inflammatory process. At the same time, a radical remedy that would completely eliminate the tumor has not yet been invented. Although it is possible to gradually achieve its reduction by injecting the medicine with a syringe directly into the body of the formation. This technique is used when its size does not exceed 3 cm, and you will have to wait about 2 months for a visible effect. Otherwise, surgery will be required. However, there is no need to be afraid of this. After all, surgery now has modern, gentle techniques. Of course, it is possible to simply cut out the neoplasm under local anesthesia, but not on the face. After all, even a tiny scar in such a place can spoil, if not the appearance, then the mood for sure. And postoperative sutures are removed no earlier than after 8-10 days. Therefore, facial surgeries are performed only with the use of an endoscope - a device that allows complete control over all manipulations. It is inserted into the object, and the incision for insertion can be made a little to the side, in a less noticeable area, for example, under the hair. The lipoma is removed from under the skin with a special instrument. Another method is to insert a special needle with a wide lumen. The contents are sucked out through the needle. The method is characterized by the absence of postoperative sutures and does not require a long stay of the patient in a medical facility. The disadvantage is that sometimes part of the contents remains under the skin and over time, the disease recurs. In general, the success of this procedure depends on the level of qualification of the doctor.
Alternative methods of exposure: cold and radio waves
Naturally, most women are concerned about the question,how to remove a lipoma without surgery. There are now many alternative ways to eliminate it. The tumor can be destroyed by cryodestruction. It involves freezing the removed tissue with liquid nitrogen. The cell membranes are destroyed and the affected area subsequently dies. However, this technique is only suitable for small formations, no more than 0.5 cm in diameter. Otherwise, the healing and rehabilitation period will take a long time. In addition, there is a risk of scar formation at the site of the wound. Radio wave removal, which is performed under local anesthesia and takes about 20 minutes, has proven itself well. It can be carried out in hard-to-reach places and on mucous membranes. There is no need to apply stitches after the procedure, since it is bloodless. Recovery from it occurs after 3 days. Since the lipoma is removed together with the capsule, neither suppuration nor infiltration occurs. Thermal exposure eliminates all foci due to which infection can begin. It instantly fuses the vessels, stopping the bleeding, and cauterizes the adjacent tissues. The thinnest electrode generates radiofrequency waves that cause intense heat generation in the surrounding tissues. Under the influence of heat, the cells in the direction of the wave literally evaporate. Under the created conditions, the tissues are moved apart, which is what a regular scalpel cut does. But the width of this size is many times smaller. Current discharges sequentially, in layers, remove the unwanted formation. The material removed in this way is suitable for study. Histological examination must be carried out to exclude its malignant nature. Contraindications to radiofrequency exposure are the presence of metal prostheses in the body, including dental, as well as pacemakers. In addition, it is only suitable for enucleating lipomas with a diameter of no more than 5 cm. For larger lipomas, there are other means of removal. If it is performed on the face, it is necessary to exclude the presence of herpes in an active form. The procedure is also not performed near malignant neoplasms.
Is it possible to remove the adolescents with a laser?
Yes, this is a modern technique that reduces tominimum negative consequences. The opinion that laser removal of a lipoma somehow affects the entire body, poisoning it or exposing it to radiation sickness, is deeply erroneous. The laser beam works like a surgeon's scalpel and is intended only for cutting tissues. But such an impact does not have direct instrumental contact with the body, so the introduction of any infection is completely excluded. In favor of this method is the fact that specialists can remove lipomas with a laser both in the case of their fusion and with significant sizes of the object. Under local anesthesia, the effect is completely painless and fast. The thin stalk of the tumor is simply cut off from the skin, and then the contents are enucleated. Thanks to high-tech equipment, the operation is performed with perfect precision and excludes infection from entering the wound. Surgical intervention is especially difficult if the lipoma is located on the lip, under the eye or on the eyelid, near important blood vessels or nerve endings. After all, the slightest inaccuracy and even just insufficient perfection of the instrument can lead to very serious consequences. Therefore, in such cases, only laser removal of the lipoma is recommended. It does not affect healthy tissues, does not leave scars. The skin surface after such an operation looks like a small scratch without swelling, which heals within a few days. The patient decides whether to eliminate the formation or leave it alone. Unambiguous intervention is required only in cases where the tumor grows quickly, grows into nerve tissue or begins to squeeze the internal organs. It is then, having tried all available means, that people turn to a specialist. And the sooner this happens, the better. After all, lipomas, sometimes reaching the size of an orange, leave behind a large depression, which then has to be sutured. The specialist, after conducting the necessary studies and tests, decides which method and how to remove the lipoma. In this case, the presence of all contraindications that exist even with laser surgery is taken into account. However, their range is very limited. These are diabetes mellitus, cancer and some blood diseases. This is due to the fact that the laser beam repeatedly activates tissue regeneration processes, and this is contraindicated in cancer. In all other cases, progressive treatment methods are absolutely safe and have proven themselves well.