causes of cervical erosion Women who are diagnosed with cervical erosionuterus, do not rush to treat this disease, or that much worse, are engaged in self-medication. Both options are quite dangerous for a woman's health, and sometimes for her life. It should be noted that the oldest and most reliable method of treating erosion is diathermocoagulation of the cervix.

Erosion: what is the disease

Statistics show that every second womanat least once in life they diagnose "erosion" and its cervix and uterus suffer greatly from this. In the medical dictionary, this term means a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix. Everything seems to be very simple. But, to great regret, it just seems so. This defect spoils the nerves of many ladies and requires careful treatment. If you were diagnosed with congenital erosion (which is quite rare), you were lucky. In this case, the vulnerable and tender tissue of the vagina due to hormonal disorders "began to deteriorate" on the cervix. This disease goes by itself after childbirth or any other hormonal outbreaks. But, even so, congenital erosion requires observation by a specialist. There is still true erosion (a wound appears on the epithelium), which also occurs infrequently. This wound heals usually without interventions, for 2-3 weeks. But the most common is pseudo or false erosion. It appears exactly like the congenital, but it does not heal independently. The tender tissue of the vagina, which is not gifted by nature with protective functions, lends itself to the bad influence of an aggressive environment and infections. All this can end very badly. In this case, of course, it is necessary to treat the cervix. on examination with a gynecologist

Erosion: causes

According to the research, no one can accuratelyto determine what causes this defect in the cervical tissue, there is only an approximate list of the causes of its occurrence. First, erosion can provoke hormonal disorders. This is exactly what happens in girls of 13 years old. Age changes, hormonal formation can cause the appearance of erosion. The second reason is the early onset of sexual relations with female representatives. For the unripened mucous cervix infection, even the most innocuous infection, can be very damaging and in almost 100% of cases leads to erosion. Infections are exacerbated especially against the backdrop of a weak immune system, so you have to contend with a chain of diseases. The third cause is the inflammatory processes of the female sexual sphere. That is why usually the treatment of erosion begins with the treatment of existing inflammations. The fourth reason is mechanical damage. It means abortion, childbirth, and sometimes just injuries received during sex. Due to the appearance of cracks or tears in the cervical tissue, erosion appears.

Erosion of the cervix: symptoms

There are many existing diseasesare manifested by pain. For many, pain is the impetus that causes a person to go to the doctors. Erosion usually proceeds painlessly. It is rather difficult to diagnose by any symptoms, since they can accompany many other diseases. Erosion can be diagnosed by a gynecologist only when examined. But still there are symptoms that sometimes accompany this disease. So, any discharge with an admixture of blood, especially those that appear after sexual intercourse - is the surest sign of erosion. Such secretions can also be signs of precancerous state of organs (sexual) or disruption of early pregnancy, so with such manifestations one should hurry to the doctor. More often than not, women who have erosion, feel completely healthy, but they still periodically show a drawing pain in the lower abdomen, pain during intercourse, abundant discharge. Symptoms can also be attributed to the failure of the menstrual cycle. Once again, emphasis should be placed on the need to visit a gynecologist in case of any symptoms. And do not be afraid: everything that was diagnosed at an early stage - is treated! diagnosis of the disease

Erosion: treat or not

Sometimes you can hear how, after diagnosis"Erosion", without any treatment at the next examination, its signs are not revealed. In this case, it may be about congenital erosion. Therefore, you do not need to let things go by themselves, and wait for some kind of miracle. In addition, improper treatment, self-treatment, or lack of treatment can be deplorable - erosion can develop into a malignant tumor or other unpleasant diseases. The only case that can affect the disappearance of erosion without treatment is childbirth (in case erosion is congenital). After giving birth, the tissues of the cervix and the uterus are completely renewed. But even here there is no 100% guarantee of cure. For nulliparous women, it is not recommended to be treated surgically. For those who give birth, there are many surgical methods for treating erosion. Each of them has its own minuses and its advantages, so of course you should choose your doctor. Diathermocoagulation is the most common method for treating erosion.

Diathermocoagulation: the essence and consequences of the method

This intervention is the oldest andThe most reliable way to treat the cervix from erosion. It is based on the application of an electric high-frequency current, which is formed between two electrodes. The first electrode has the shape of a ball, which is inserted into the vagina. Another electrode is placed under the waist. After the electrodes are turned on, heat is generated, which leads to a gradual melting of the affected areas of the mucosa. This procedure is carried out for half an hour, during which the electric current is fed many times for several seconds. The efficiency of diathermocoagulation is more than 75%. Full recovery occurs after 2-3 months.

Consequences of diathermocoagulation

Diathermocoagulation can cause enougha large number of complications. For example, after the effect of current on damaged tissue, scars remain, these scars make the uterus channel narrower. This can be the cause of its rupture during childbirth. That is why diathermocoagulation is used only to treat women giving birth. Also, carrying out this procedure can lead to infertility, since there is a risk of infection with the infection. If the wound surface is too large, damage is caused to a huge number of vessels, which causes bleeding. Another consequence of this operation is endometriosis. Endometriosis is a pathological process during which outside the uterus cavity a tissue grows, like endometrium (the endometrium is the cellular layer that lines the uterine cavity). gynecological surgery

After the procedure

Because of the complications and negativeconsequences after diathermocoagulation to a woman for some time must be observed with her gynecologist. For example, in the first month after the procedure, a doctor should be visited twice a week. Follow-up visits should occur every 2 months for 1 year. It is also recommended to wait with the lifting of weights and sexual relations. Usually, local treatment of wounds with antibacterial ointments is prescribed, which help their rapid healing and maintain their sterility. A woman can have clear or bloody discharge within a month. There may be general weakness of the body and pain in the lower back. Diathermocoagulation has the following contraindications:

  • childbirth in recent times;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of malignant tumors in the uterus;
  • inflammation in the vagina and cervix.

Women who have already experienced what isdiathermocoagulation erosion, note that this method of getting rid of the disease is very painful. Many compare the pain sensations to contractions and note that the place where the electrode touches feels the heat.

