Long since green tea is considered one of the mostuseful drinks. And it's hard not to agree with this. But still it is worth remembering the old truth: the medicine in large quantities becomes poison. In fact, is green tea harmful? Let's try to find out.
Green tea is the source of youth
For Japanese, green tea is a powerfulan anti-alcoholic beverage that can prolong life by 5-7 years. Scientifically proven that drinking green tea is a prevention of cancer and reduces the risk of cancer by 30%. And if the malignant formation has already been diagnosed, tea helps to slow the growth of the tumor. Thanks to zinc, which is found in large quantities in tea leaves, this drink is considered a good anti-carcinogen. And recently, scientists have made an incredible discovery. It turns out that tea is able to protect the body from radiation sickness. If you sit at the computer for a long time or like to watch TV in the evenings, try to drink 2 cups of green tea, then your body will be less susceptible to harmful radiation from the screens of the monitor or TV. Green tea is considered to be a valuable remedy for blood vessels and heart, it contains a large amount of copper, iodine and vitamins PP and B1, which are responsible for the strength of blood vessels, and potassium, which is one of the key microelements of tea, is useful for the heart and is used for prevention rheumatism and atherosclerosis. Do not forget about the dietary properties of the drink: it helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, to break down lipids, to remove salts, to lower cholesterol.
What is dangerous green tea?
Yes, green tea is harmful, but only in largequantities or cases where its components are contraindicated for use. Any tea in its composition contains active biological substances - flavonoids. Green tea contains the largest amount of flavonoids, making this drink known as an effective method of cleansing the body. But with great use, useful properties can have the opposite effect, and instead of assisting in the work of the kidneys and liver, they will exert a heavy load on them. Therefore, cleansing of the body is recommended to be carried out very carefully: for a day to drink no more than 1, 5 liters of tea, while the treatment should last no longer than a week. The course of treatment will be most effective if it is combined with an active intake of fruits and vegetables. Repeated cleaning can be carried out not earlier, than in a month. And in normal mode, it is not recommended to drink more than 2 cups a day. Another important component of green tea is the purine. It helps the body to get rid of toxins, but in large numbers it does not have time to be excreted and can be converted to salts, thereby disrupting metabolic processes and developing symptoms of gout. No wonder the doctors noted an interesting regularity: as soon as people suffering from rheumatism or arthritis stopped drinking tea or coffee in any form, they immediately felt much better.
Who should not drink green tea?
Is green tea dangerous for potency?
There is an opinion that green tea rendersadverse effects on the health of men. Scientifically, this fact is not proved, green tea does not directly damage the male power. This drink is equally harmful for both women and men, it is dangerous only in large quantities. Naturally, if you drink a strong enough tea for a long time, an overdose of caffeine and other components can cause general fatigue of the body and worsen its condition, because of which, for psychological reasons, there may be a breakdown in sexual function. As soon as the intake of caffeine in the body stops, the health of men immediately comes back to normal.
The harm of green tea: what should I fear?
As you can see, the use, it would seem, of the veryharmless drink can lead to a number of negative consequences. What happens? Green tea does not drink at all? These extremes do not need anything, just everywhere you need to know the measure. Do not deprive yourself of joy and give up a cup of fragrant tasty tea.