1 The delay of menstruation is a frequent occurrence, and manyof women, if the next menstruation does not come within the expected time, they begin to seriously worry and even panic, feverishly counting the days and wondering what is the reason for this delay. Especially this applies to girls who have had a delay of monthly after the first time of intimacy.

Delay of menstruation. Causes

Meanwhile, the delay in the menstrual flow of the cause is underneathcan have very different. The main of them, of course, is a uterine or ectopic pregnancy, in which the fetal egg of the uterus begins to produce a hormone to support the further activity of the ovarian yellow body. Thus, the ovulation characteristic of normal menstruation (the release of the egg from the follicle) does not occur, and consequently, menstruation does not occur. Another of the most common causes of delay in menstruation is the cyst of the yellow ovary body. In this case, ovulation occurs, and the yellow body of the ovary is formed. However, shortly before the menstrual period, a hormonal failure occurs, and this yellow matter continues to function in the uterus for some time. Therefore, delayed menstruation may last for 5 days or more. The next, often occurring pathology, in which menstruation is delayed for 3 days or more, is the ovarian follicular cyst. The situation here is as follows: the follicle began to ripen at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, but then in the middle of this cycle there was a hormonal failure. Ovulation did not take place, and the follicle produces hormones that suppress the regular menstruation. Another important reason for the delay in menstruation - inflammation of the internal genitalia, which in our time often happens in women of any age. Such inflammation is a significant stress for our ovaries, contributing to disturbances in normal follicle maturation processes. There are failures in ovulation and the work of the yellow body, and as a consequence, the delay in menstruation for 10 days or more. Well, and finally, the cause of delay in menstruation can be age-related menopausal dysfunction of the ovaries, which occurs in women after forty years. This is an age in which the delay of the menstrual period of 2 weeks or even the delay in menstruation of 2 months is quite a frequent phenomenon. Dysfunction of the ovaries can cause diseases of the endocrine and reproductive systems, which can also cause an irregularity in the menstrual cycle. Of course, it can be provoked by other causes, which can only be established through careful medical examination. Periodically delayed menstruation is characteristic for polycystic ovaries, which disrupts the production of hormones in the body. It is observed in diseases of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, ovaries, pituitary gland and can manifest itself in different ways. In this case, an in-depth, multifaceted examination is required to establish an accurate diagnosis.

What should I do if my menstrual period is delayed?

If the monthly did not come in time, then,Of course, in the first place you need to be examined for pregnancy. A test examination in this case is not enough: even if the test is delayed, the test is negative, pregnancy can not be ruled out completely. Especially if there was a delay of a monthly 2 days or a delay in menstruation of 4 days. The most accurate diagnosis of pregnancy can be carried out using a blood test, which can determine pregnancy even on the first day of delaying menstruation. Such an analysis will show the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, determining the presence of conception or its absence. If there is a pregnancy, ultrasound should be done to find out the location of the fetal egg, which may be outside the uterus. Ultrasound should be done also in the event that the analysis of a blood has given a negative result. It will help to identify violations in the work of the pelvic organs and find out the reasons for the failure in this work. And then, in accordance with these reasons, prescribe drugs, the treatment of which, in the end, will cause menstruation. In general, the delay of the monthly to five days is a rather common phenomenon, and it should not cause any special concern. This can happen if the woman suffered a severe stress, which led to a malfunction in the normal operation of the central nervous structures responsible for the normal functioning of the uterus and ovaries. Such disorders can cause the termination of menstruation and for a short, and quite a long time. They require, rather, the intervention of a psychologist than a gynecologist. The delay in menstruation can be a reaction of the body to a too drastic change in the conditions of existence, a change in climate, an increase or decrease in the usual physical exertion, a too strict diet and a sharp decrease in weight that falls below the critical menstrual mass of forty-five to forty-seven kilograms. After the termination of pregnancy, too, due to a violation of the hormonal balance, there may come a delay in the monthly, which is also due to the fact that a large number of internal tissues of the uterus can be removed during abortion. To restore this layer, serious and prolonged treatment may be required. The use of combined hormonal drugs also often causes malfunctions in the menstrual cycle, which are called "ovarian hypertension syndrome". Such failures of treatment, as a rule, do not require. Menstruation is restored in one to three months. As we see, the reason for the delay in menstruation is quite a lot. Determine which of them - the true, can only be a doctor. Therefore, one should not panic while disturbing the menstrual cycle, and, especially, one should not drink drugs on someone's advice - this can significantly harm your health. Timely and correct treatment is the key to restoring this health in a short time. We advise you to read:

