Thrush is a disease thataccompanied by quite unpleasant phenomena in the form of itching, severe burning, vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. It is generally believed that candidiasis is a disease of only adult women, it is caused by a promiscuous sex life, which means that girls and girls can not just be sick. But this is an erroneous opinion, since infectious fungal diseases can occur at any age, and the cause of their appearance can be a banal non-compliance with personal hygiene or the taking of certain medications. The main symptom is itching, which can appear even when using uncomfortable underwear and clothes. Candidiasis is diagnosed today in approximately 50% of girls who have not yet gone to school, with 25% of those already having chronic recurrent vulvovaginitis. Why is this happening? The whole problem may be low awareness of the population and the fact that little girls are not taught to observe personal hygiene, since the mother herself does not give her proper attention. In some cases, thrush appears on the background of other diseases, for example, colds, frequent attacks of allergies. The reason is quite often and uncomfortable underwear and very tight jeans. You can not write everything off just for one thing, pay attention to many factors, then the risk of the disease is reduced to a minimum. In any case, when symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, do not delay with treatment.
The main causes of thrush
Thrush in girls can appear on differentcauses, the course of the disease can also vary greatly. The strongest is considered an acute form, in which not only is itching and redness observed, but also severe swelling, plaque, bleeding of the affected areas. This leads to quite serious consequences, so you can not ignore the disease. Among the reasons for which thrush in girls, it should be noted:
- permanent violations of the rules of personal intimate hygiene. It is necessary for girls to accustom to it from childhood, so that in the future there are no negative consequences;
- when using sanitary napkins with a mesh surface, which can cause severe irritation of the genitals;
- when using sanitary napkins with fragrances;
- if there is a disease such as diabetes, or other similar disorders;
- persistent and severe stressful situations, depression to which the young female body is exposed;
- taking antibiotics, certain other medicines;
- promiscuous sex life.
Signs of thrush appearance
In some cases, the disease occursis asymptomatic. But the very first sign is the appearance of redness, which goes into the swelling of the external genitalia and vagina. Such a sign appears the very first, it can easily diagnose the appearance of thrush. That is, a similar symptom already indicates that you need to see a doctor for help. The second sign is that in the vaginal area there are strong, burning pains, burning. It should be noted that frequent washing does not improve the situation. Burning and itching increase especially in the evening, after taking a bath. Such a sign can also be easily diagnosed by yourself, it should not be ignored, it is better to see a doctor right away. The third sign is that there are whitish discharge from the vaginal area, a plaque near the labia. After the plaque is erased, it can leave bleeding patches after itself. Any of these signs indicates that it is necessary to undergo examination, after which the doctor will appoint competent treatment. It is important here not only to remove symptoms, but also the cause of the occurrence of thrush. If this is not done, the disease will continue to worry, it can go into its chronic form, which is very difficult to treat. In the future thrush can cause many problems not only with personal hygiene, but also with sex life, urination and even with the possibility of becoming pregnant. Candidiasis is also transmitted by sexual contact with men, and they can lead to infertility.
Symptoms in girls
Symptoms of thrush in girls can be observed at the age of 3-7 years. This is due to many factors, for example, in newborns the disease is observed for the following reasons:
- infection during delivery;
- treatment with antibiotics without special antifungal drugs;
- hospital-acquired strains.
The appearance of thrush in girls at the age of 3 years may arise because of such factors:
- weakening attention in the hygienic toilet;
- the occurrence of frequent allergies of different types.
At the age of 7 years thrush may appear for the following reasons:
- non-compliance with hygiene;
- weakened immunity and very frequent colds;
- enterobiosis, in which pinworms get to the genitals, cause immunity disorders;
- at the beginning of menstruation, when there are strong hormonal failures.
Symptoms of thrush can be very different, but usually at this age they appear in the following form:
- severe irritation and redness in the genital area;
- itching;
- separation of the curdled wax with a characteristic odor.
If such symptoms occur, it is necessaryimmediately go to the doctor for diagnosis, determine the cause of the disease, and eliminate it. Otherwise, thrush can easily go into a chronic form, which is quite dangerous for the further development of the girl.
Symptoms in girls
Thrush in girls manifests itself in different forms, differing in severity, duration of the disease, symptomatology:
- asymptomatic course of the disease;
- sharp current;
- chronic candidiasis (divided into 2 groups: persistent and recurrent);
- secondary vulvovaginitis in the background of red flat lichen, pemphigosis and other diseases.
The strongest symptoms are observed in an acute form:
- strong zones in the vulva, perineum. It can be permanent, appear or intensify after washing, when walking, using pads, tampons;
- burning with urination. This condition is dangerous in that it can lead to an acute retention of urine;
- cheesy or creamy discharge withcharacteristic sour smell, which are formed in the vagina (it is they who gave the popular name of the disease - thrush, in literature it is called candidiasis);
- sleep disturbances, increased irritability, which is the consequence of all the listed symptoms. Often the condition even ends with a strong neurosis;
- edema, severe redness of the external genitaliabodies. These are signs of an acute course of thrush, requiring urgent treatment. On the background of the edema, small bubbles, erosion, grayish-white coating between the labia are clearly visible. After the plaque is removed, the bleeding remains visible on the skin. This redness quickly spreads to the whole crotch area, the inner thighs;
- during thrush, girls often experience pain, discomfort during intercourse, the mucous membrane remains dry, has a flabby surface, the discharge can be very scarce.
Thrush is a disease that canmanifest in a variety of forms, in many cases, its signs are not very pronounced, do not cause inconvenience. But this does not mean that treatment is not required. With negligence, the disease can go into a chronic form, and it is difficult to treat, it can cause many negative consequences.