Cellulite or "orange peel" as it is calledpopularly called, can appear in very young representatives of the fair sex, and in respectable ladies of age. There are many reasons why the skin loses elasticity and firmness, becomes flabby and unattractive. The factors can be different, from a sedentary lifestyle to an unhealthy diet. But the result is one - cellulite forms on the buttocks, which looks, to put it mildly, not very attractive. As you understand, it is impossible to completely get rid of cellulite. You should not hope that after using many masks, visiting a cosmetologist and massage therapist, everything will return to normal. Unfortunately, the "orange peel" will not go away. But it is quite possible to make it so that it is not very noticeable and stops increasing in size. The main thing is to choose the right method.
We fight with cellulite folk methods
If you find cellulite on your thighs, don't immediatelyfall into depression, panic and spend millions of rubles on special cosmetics. At the initial stages, folk methods that our mothers used will help to cope with this trouble. How to get rid of cellulite with coffee Oddly enough, coffee is one of the most effective and reliable folk remedies. It is used not only to combat the hated cellulite, but also to eliminate various skin defects. Let's take an example from top models and beauty contest participants who get rid of this problem at home with the help of regular coffee.
- Anti-cellulite wraps
Rub lightly into problem areas of the skinwarm coffee grounds, massaging the body with the palm of your hand or a washcloth. After applying, wrap the cellulite-affected areas with film. After 15-20 minutes, wash it all off under a contrast shower. Please note: to achieve a positive result, this procedure must be carried out at least 2 times a week.
- Thinness of peeling
It is sometimes useful to pamper your skinкосметическими средствами собственного приготовления. Маска-скраб способствует отшелушиванию отмерших (ороговелых) частичек, хорошо смягчает обновленную кожу. Это вам поможет побороть целлюлит на ранних стадиях. Кстати, данное средство также рекомендуют применять против вросших волос на ногах. Вариант первый – маска-скраб для чувствительной и сухой кожи, которую можно приготовить самостоятельно в домашних условиях. Итак, смешайте 2 ст. ложки сметаны с 1 ст. ложкой молотого кофе. Полученное средство используйте в точности так, как и магазинное. После процедуры кожа становится гладкой и матовой. Еще один рецепт домашнего скраба, который не сравнится ни с одним средством из тюбика — маска-скраб из кофе и меда. Однако применять его против целлюлита следует только в том случае, если у вас нет аллергии на один из компонентов. Не забудьте предварительно протестировать все на небольшом участке кожи. Для приготовления такого косметического средства понадобится засахаренный мед. Смещайте 1 ч. ложку молотого кофе с 2 ч. ложками меда. Чудесный скраб готов. Наносите на поврежденные участки тела как минимум два раза в неделю, не реже. Причем, его можно использовать и для ухода за лицом и телом. После очищения кожа становится бархатистой, нежной и гладкой. Боремся с целлюлитом при помощи морских водорослей Как было недавно установлено, морские водоросли неплохо справляются с «апельсиновой коркой». Против целлюлита рекомендуют использовать фукус и ламинарию. Дело в том, что в бурых морских водорослях содержится очень большое количество йода. Безусловным плюсом является то, что он отлично усваивается нашим организмом. А как вы знаете с урока биологии, благодаря йоду нормализуется работа щитовидной железы. Не стоит также забывать о том, что вышеуказанные водоросли стимулируют приток крови, помогают вывести токсины и т.д. Таким образом, сделав примочки и обертывания, вы получите необходимую порцию этого элемента. В результате чего восстановится обмен веществ в вашем организме. Покупать водоросли следует либо в специализированном заведении, либо в аптеке. И в том, и в другом случае просите предоставить вам сертификат, подтверждающий качество продукции. Проблема в том, что некоторые мошенники продают подделки. Они не только не помогают против целлюлита, но и опасны для здоровья. Волшебные свойства лечебной грязи Побороть целлюлит можно при помощи лечебной грязи, добытой и привезенной в нашу страну с Мертвого моря. Их можно применять против «апельсиновой корки», причем и в домашних условиях, и в салонах красоты. Но с данной продукцией представительницам прекрасного пола следует быть осторожными, так как неправильное нанесение и использование можете быть чревато серьезными последствиями. Помните о том, что всегда следует держать лечебную грязь на теле именно столько, сколько указанно на упаковке. При этом ни в коем случае нельзя мазаться с ног до головы. Разрешается обрабатывать только отдельные участки. И ни при каких обстоятельствах не наносите ее на грудь, где располагается сердце. Эфирные масла против целлюлита Существуют разные средства борьбы с целлюлитом, но эфирные масла, пожалуй, самые безопасные. Так, к примеру, добавив пару капель в воду перед приемом ванны, вы поможете своему телу преобразиться. Обратите внимание: розмариновые масла помогают ускорить кровообращение, масло грейпфрута смягчают кожу.
- Anti-cellulite mixture
To prepare a liquid that will help youto fight cellulite, you will need the following ingredients: grape seed oil (40 ml), geranium essential oil (4 drops), grapefruit (7 drops), patchouli (4 drops). Mix everything thoroughly and apply to problem areas of the skin for about 10 minutes. Remove any residue that does not have time to be absorbed with a dry napkin.
- Stimulant
At home you can preparethe following mixture, which is used not only to combat cellulite. It is also used against premature wrinkles, stretch marks (striae) and other skin defects. You will need jojoba and peach kernel oil, cinnamon, black pepper, orange. Mix everything in a glass container in proportions of 1:1, then apply to the skin with a brush. Wait until everything is absorbed.
Massage against cellulite
It is not necessary to go to a professionalmassage therapist, you can buy special attachments that are made to combat cellulite. You can get rid of the "orange peel" even at home. The main thing is to do everything systematically, without missing a single procedure. And do not forget to take short breaks (for three weeks of massage - 1 week of rest). Otherwise, the fight against cellulite will not bring any positive changes. Buy a special brush or glove for the shower. After the skin softens under the influence of steam or water, rub the problem areas. Note: circular movements are made clockwise, not counterclockwise. Direction - from the ankle to the waist. This way you stimulate the blood flow. Do not forget to pay special attention to the thighs, calves and knees. Additionally, you can use anti-cellulite scrubs, the recipes for which were described above. Be careful! Effective fight against cellulite and violence against the body are two different things. When doing massages with improvised means, do not press or rub the skin too hard. Otherwise, you can injure the walls of the vessels, which will lead to rupture of the capillaries. And you will have to walk around with bruises on your legs for the next few weeks. Plus, swelling will appear. So, remember a few rules of a good anti-cellulite massage. Firstly, the movements should be soft, progressive. You cannot rub the skin roughly right away. If you feel pain or discomfort during the procedure, stop or slow down a little. Secondly, you should start the massage only after you have prepared the skin. The muscles should also be relaxed. Do not rub dry! Use oils or mixtures prepared at home. Do not forget that your hands should be warm. The next point is the duration of the procedure. On average, it takes about an hour in total. If you do the massage faster, cellulite will remain on the body, and the fight against it will not bring any results. Otherwise, the "orange peel" will cease to be so noticeable after three weeks. Never and under no circumstances massage your knees and the area under them, as well as your stomach. In this case, the fight against cellulite should be entrusted to an experienced specialist. Only a professional can rid you of this affliction without harming your health.
Getting started eating properly
What are the effective ways to combatcellulite, described above, were not, if you do not start to eat right, you will not be able to defeat this problem. So, first of all, you will have to give up sweet, salty, fatty, floury, spicy, fried and so on down the list. Eat only healthy food. Give preference to vegetables and fruits, porridge. Get a steamer and cook fish, meat and side dishes in it. Due to the special structure, you will not have to use sunflower oil, which is very harmful and dangerous to health. Plus, all products cooked in steam retain all their beneficial properties. Such food looks very beautiful, tastes good. Drink as much liquid as possible, but do not get carried away with herbal teas. Of course, they help remove all toxins, but dehydration can occur at one point. Give preference to fermented milk products, juices and mineral (but not carbonated) waters. From time to time you can prepare unsweetened compotes from dried fruits or fresh apples.
Sport and a healthy lifestyle
There are no other ways to combat cellulite.will be as effective as physical exercise. From the moment you discover "orange peel" on your body, exercise, morning jogging, and jumping rope should become your favorite activities. Remember once and for all: you can't fight nature! If you sit for eight hours at work, spend two hours in front of the TV in the evening, even if you wrap yourself in seaweed, or do a peeling every day, nothing will change. By the way, when doing sports, don't forget about your own safety. Always wear a bra, sportswear, and shoes. You should start with a short warm-up to warm up your muscles. If you don't know what exercises to do, sign up for fitness or aerobics. Professionals will develop and show you a special complex, thanks to which you can get rid of all your shortcomings. Go for a walk with friends every weekend. And these shouldn't be get-togethers with a couple or in the forest, where you get by car to eat shashlik. You need to walk, each time covering a greater distance. It would be good if you started riding a bike or rollerblading.
Products to combat the "orange peel" on the body
Special anti-cellulite underwear There are alsopassive methods of combating cellulite. Their essence lies in the fact that you do not have to do anything. It is enough to buy, say, special underwear and wear it every day. But this option is only suitable in the cold season, when knitted tights will not surprise anyone. Thanks to the special structure and weaving, your legs and thighs will have a positive effect. As a result - improved blood circulation. But you should not get too carried away with this option. If you use shapewear constantly, this will lead to completely opposite results. In the end, the blood will stop circulating normally. And after some time, a new problem will appear: varicose veins. Store-bought anti-cellulite creams According to manufacturers, creams and ointments are the most effective methods of combating cellulite. They quickly and painlessly help to cope with your problem. And the sooner you start using them, the better! This is especially true for the fair sex, prone to the appearance of "orange peel". That is, if your female relatives (mother, grandmother, aunt) know firsthand what cellulite is, you should take all precautions as soon as possible. Such products are usually made on the basis of extracts of exotic plants: tiger grass, horse chestnut, etc. All this helps to speed up metabolism, get rid of excess fat deposits. The only thing that is confusing in this case is the exorbitant price. Well, you have to pay for pleasure. But, unfortunately, no one can guarantee that the money spent on the cream will be compensated by healthy and smooth skin. By the way, some doctors are against such products.
When you can not fight cellulite
Unfortunately, not everyone can resort to everythingthe above procedures. There are a number of contraindications when the fair sex should not have massages, go to spas, use cosmetic products (homemade or store-bought). So, girls who have varicose veins, breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women with skin diseases should forget about the above methods for a while. Ladies who have undergone major surgeries should not experiment with their health. The same applies if you have problems with your kidneys or skin. In any case, you should first consult with your doctor. You should not experiment with your health without making sure that a particular method is safe. First, weigh the pros and cons. After all, cellulite is not the worst thing that can happen in the life of a representative of the fair sex. We recommend reading: