how to reduce breasts Long legs, thin waist and beautiful breasts -three basic concepts from which the ideal female figure is formed. The first two do not cause doubts, but the third one causes many disputes among both women and men. The latter tend to argue that a beautiful chest does not have to be big, the main thing is that it fits in the man's palm. And since the palms of our men are different, then their ideas about the beauty of the chest also do not match. In order to please men, women go for any trick. Dye hair, make up, change the color of the eyes with colored lenses, increase the size of the bust or try to reduce the chest. But not everyone knows that breast reduction is possible without surgery. For this, there are various diets, massage, physical exercises. In this article, we'll talk specifically about how to reduce the breasts without surgery. It's really possible, the main thing is to believe in yourself! reduce breasts like

Methods that will help you achieve the ideal forms

Breast reduction is fast (that is, usingsurgery) is indicated only for those women who have very large and hypertrophied mammary glands. In other cases, undoubtedly, breast reduction can be achieved independently.

  • You can achieve reduction of the breast with diet. The breast contains quite a lot of adipose tissue, and, consequently, changes in weight have an obvious effect on its volume. If you lose weight by one kilogram, you lose twenty grams in the chest area. But here there are some nuances: rapid weight loss can lead to flabbiness of the skin, which you do not like exactly. That's why, along with a diet for breast reduction, make sure to massage, apply masks that will help you to maintain skin elasticity and elasticity;
  • Breast reduction is possible with the help of etherealoils. For this method, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of jojoba oils (about 25.0 ml.) And grape seed (about 4.0 ml.). To the resulting mixture, you can add 4 drops of rose oil. To reduce the breasts, rub the oil mixture into the skin with light circular motions. This massage should be done twice a day. At the end of the month, you will be able to see that your breasts have decreased in size without losing elasticity;
  • To reduce breast there are specialcompresses. You will need 50 grams of ground poppy heads and half a liter of water. These ingredients must be mixed, boiled on a slow low heat for 10 minutes and insist under the lid for another 15-20 minutes. The resulting broth should be filtered, soaked in it several layers of gauze. You can put compresses at least every day;
  • How to visually reduce breasts? Thanks to special bras, every woman who has encountered this problem can do so that her breasts at least seemed to be a size or two smaller. Such special bras are called minimizers. The braces are wide, and on the sides there are supporting and corrective inserts. All this helps visually reduce the large breasts, as well as preserve its shape, avoiding the effect of flattening. If you wear such a bra, you will not only visually reduce the large breasts, but also reduce the burden on the spine.

breast reduction

Gymnastics for breast reduction

Breast reduction can help and gymnasticsExercise, after which you must make a massage. So you will not only achieve results in this particular case, but also completely correct the figure. Breast reduction, preservation of its elasticity and shape is possible thanks to aerobics. It does not take much time, just half an hour, and breast reduction will not seem like an impossible dream! Sports activities for breast reduction are aimed at strengthening the pectoral muscle and expelling fat from the mammary glands. If you do not have time to go to the gym, then you can do simple, but effective physical exercises to reduce the chest at home. The main thing that you will need is faith in yourself. Well, some sports equipment. So, how to reduce the breasts at home? Just add some of the following exercises to your morning exercises:

  • Breast reduction will help exercise, forwhich you will need a kilogram dumbbell. Lying on your back, spread your arms with dumbbells in different directions, then bring them over your chest, without bending at the elbows. And so several times. First 10-15 times in 2-3 approaches. After you can increase the load, but only gradually;
  • Squeezing from the floor. When performing this exercise, remember the hands! They need to be arranged as widely as possible. In order for breast reduction to become a reality, this exercise should contain not less than 15-20 pressures;
  • Ladoshki fold at the breast level so that theywere perpendicular to the floor. Now with a force push one hand on the other. At the moment of pressing, stop for a couple of seconds, then exhale and relax;
  • The next exercise for breast reduction is somethingsimilar to the previous one. Only now stand at the wall and lean on it with your hands, pressing as hard as you can. Lock in this position for a minute, then relax.

After completing physical exercises to reduceBreasts just need a massage. He will not allow sagging and flabbiness of the skin. Do massage with the addition of essential oils (as described above) or simply rub your breasts in a circular motion. By the way, such massage will not only reduce the chest, but also give vivacity, good mood. There is no such thing as an exact ideal of beauty for a woman, just as there is no ideal for a woman's bust. It is not surprising that women dream of both an increase and a reduction in breast size. A too large bust delivers to its owner a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, despite the admiring looks of surrounding men, women often think about reducing their breasts. So, before you think about the question - how to reduce the size of the breast, you need to understand exactly, but really it is so important for you? If the answer is yes, then start acting! The above advice on breast reduction will help you achieve your goals. As you can see, it is possible to reduce the breast without surgical intervention, because any operation with the purpose of correction of appearance, can bring harm. We advise you to read:

