cream from facial wrinkles Wrinkles do not bring joy to any woman. And it does not matter whether they are age or mimic. After all, with the appearance of every new wrinkle, an imprint of sadness is deposited on our face, even if there is no cause for sadness. Age changes on the face appear after 30-35 years, but to notice mimic wrinkles around the eyes, lips and on the nose can be much earlier. The cream from mimic wrinkles is the most popular tool in cosmetology, it is always bought. After all, you want to prolong youth and look attractive and fresh! There are a lot of these kinds of drugs, and often we are lost, choosing the "medicine" for youth and beauty. And many of us do not know that the appearance of facial wrinkles can be postponed for several years. To do this, you need to regularly take care of the skin, and start the procedure as soon as possible.

Why do mimic wrinkles appear?

As you know, women express their emotions more often,than men. And so their facial muscles are involved almost always. It is the continuous work of these muscles that causes the appearance of changes. Mimic wrinkles include "crow's feet" around the eyes, a "fold of meditation" on the forehead, a line between the eyebrows. They then make the woman's face morose and sad. Have you started to have wrinkles? So you need to immediately begin to act on their elimination! However, before choosing a cream from facial wrinkles, it is worthwhile to understand the cause of their appearance. Changes can be hereditary or the result of intense stress and anxiety. In this case, a good cream will be enough. But if your wrinkles are due to improper skin care, metabolic disorders, then necessarily revise your lifestyle. Change the diet, pay more attention to moisturizing and nourishing the skin, lead a healthy lifestyle and do not forget about physical exertion. anti-wrinkle cream

Preventive maintenance, first of all!

In order that the need for a cream frommimic wrinkles came as late as possible, you need to provide the skin with balanced care every day. Moisturizing and toning masks, massage, facial cleansers - all this will help to avoid premature appearance of wrinkles. The main thing to remember is that you must choose the care products exactly according to the age and type of your skin. Deeply drying the skin with decorative cosmetics, so you need to remove makeup every evening with the help of special tools. Also, the ultraviolet has an adverse effect. Try to protect your face from excessive sunlight. In extreme cases, use protective creams. Against mimic wrinkles, cosmetics that contain components that affect the production of collagen are effective. Girls with dry skin are not recommended to use scrubs, as they irritate the skin and even more dry it. Especially scrubs with fruit ingredients. And most importantly - wrinkle your face less! Always smile, do not frown your eyebrows, then wrinkles will not appear prematurely.

Cosmetic products from facial wrinkles

Today there are two effective methods,who struggle against mimic wrinkles. The first one is Botox injections. This drug is injected into the muscle under the skin, the result is noticeable after a week, but after about six months you have to repeat the procedure. The second method is a cream against mimic wrinkles. The best of them contain substances similar to botox, so they produce the same effect, only to wait it takes longer. Using such a cream, you get a chance to restore youthfulness of the skin without surgical intervention. For example, you can describe the action of the cream "Lanotech", which after a few applications reduces wrinkles, and also struggles with the appearance of new ones. The best of its kind is "Caviar Moisturizing Cream", created on the basis of peptides. It acts on the skin soothing, relaxes the muscles of the face, thereby preventing the appearance of signs of aging and facial wrinkles.

A little bit about peptides ... What is it and how does it work?

The means containing this component are capable ofto cope with wrinkles around the eyes and mouth in a short time. Today, not only creams of this kind are on sale, but also foams, gels, lotions. That is, you have the opportunity to come up with a comprehensive solution to the problem. Peptides begin to act after 20-30 minutes after application. They contain amino acids that penetrate deep into the skin and restore it naturally, that is, they activate the processes of regeneration and self-regulation. The advantage of peptide cosmetics is its ability to accumulate in the body with daily use. For example, you apply the cream for the first time - the effect lasts at least 5 hours. But if you use the remedy for at least 30 days - you can completely forget about wrinkles in the next month. And most importantly, these funds are suitable for different age categories and have almost no contraindications. Thus, it is worthwhile to think carefully before agreeing to Botox injections, because there are also more loyal (but not less effective) means. cream from facial wrinkles

Anti-wrinkle cream based on natural ingredients

Home masks and creams will be a great additionto cosmetic products. They can also become your main assistant, if the changes on your face you noticed quite recently. Home cosmetics are prepared very simply, and you will find the ingredients in the nearest store or in the pharmacy. Well, let's try to rejuvenate with the help of Mother Nature? Cream based on honey and petrolatum

  • Honey - a tablespoon;
  • Vaseline - a teaspoon;
  • Iodine - a couple of drops;
  • Castor oil is a tablespoon.

Take a small bowl of glass and drip into ita couple of drops of iodine (no more!). Now add Vaseline, oil and honey. All carefully mix - the cream is ready! Store the product in a glass jar for no longer than 30 days. Before applying, clean the face thoroughly with a tonic, apply the cream in a thin even layer, keep on the face for up to two hours, then rinse the remains with warm water. In addition to "working" on the first wrinkles, the cream perfectly copes with the bleaching of the face, so if you have pigmented spots (which is also not uncommon at a certain age), safely apply this tool! Cream based on honey and cognac

  • One egg yolk;
  • Fat cream - 100 grams;
  • Honey - a tablespoon;
  • Lemon juice - a teaspoon;
  • Cognac - 2 dessert spoons.

All ingredients are mixed in glassware andare applied with a cotton disc on the pre-cleaned face. After an hour, everything is washed off with warm water. This product provides an excellent anti-aging and moisturizing effect, suitable for all skin types. Cream based on honey and pink petals

  • Lemon - 3 pieces;
  • Honey - a teaspoonful;
  • Vegetable oil - a tablespoon;
  • Cologne - a tablespoon;
  • Infusion of pink petals (on alcohol) - a tablespoon.

Lemons are cleaned, peeled finely and pouredwith boiling water. We let it brew for 8 hours. Now strain the infusion and pour a quarter of the glass into the prepared container, add honey, butter (preferably unrefined), a spoonful of lemon juice, cologne and tincture from rose petals. We beat everything with a mixer and can be used. One nuance - this cream is not suitable for too dry and sensitive skin, as alcohol additives will dry it even more.

Variety of cosmetics from facial wrinkles

Creams that fight against facial wrinklesabound. Many of them contain active components acting on collagen and elastin fibers of the skin. These fibers also contribute to the appearance of facial wrinkles, as they are constantly in motion. The components of the cream block these abilities, which leads to smoothing wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin. Developed not only cream, but also serums and masks, which act for the benefit of a woman's face. Here are just a few cosmetic companies producing such products: Helena Rubinstein, Matis, Vichy, Givenchy, Lancome, Dior, Vichy, Givenchy. They are considered the best of their kind, many women have tested the effect of their products on themselves. In general, you probably realized that the choice of means against facial wrinkles is huge. And make this choice is for you. The main thing to remember is the complex approach to the problem - here is your best assistant in this difficult matter. Skin care should be done daily, regardless of age. Masks, good moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics, high-quality decorative, massage - all this will move away from you the problem of mimic wrinkles. And even after the inevitable manifestation of signs of aging, your skin will look healthy and radiant. And who then dares to say that you are not 18 years old ?! We advise you to read:

