A beautiful tan is the dream of many, but here's howachieve such a result, not everyone knows. And although today few people dare to go to the beach without cream, but few can choose a tanning cream in the sun with knowledge of the matter. We will try to convey the most objective information about tanning cosmetics and teach you to choose such creams, emulsions and oils that will protect you from burns, but at the same time give you that beautiful and even tan that you dreamed of.
Sunbathing can not be tanned
Where to put the comma in this sentence,everyone decides for themselves. It seems to us that sunbathing is, of course, necessary, but excesses in this process are definitely unacceptable. Ultraviolet light is necessary for our health, in particular, without it, it is impossible to saturate the body with such an important vitamin as vitamin D, in addition, under the influence of sunlight, blood circulation improves, which means that muscles work more actively, the sun helps to get rid of many skin diseases. In a word, we will say: sunbathing, you can't not sunbathe. And in order for the tan to bring the very benefits that we mentioned above, it's time to think about choosing a tanning cream.
What should be the perfect sunblock?
Tanning cream solves a whole range of issues:
- protects the skin from dehydration
- protects against sunburn
- prevents wrinkles
- saturates the skin with useful substances and vitamins
In addition, creams are divided into groups that:
- strengthen sunburn
- make it more sustainable
- activate the production of melanin in the body
When choosing a cream, you should definitelyuse common sense and choose the cream that is best suited for your skin type. Thus, owners of light skin prone to allergic reactions should give preference to creams with a high level of protection, while dark-skinned people can use products with a lower sun protection factor. Experts divide sunscreens into several groups according to skin type.
Think about which group you would place yourself in andBased on these considerations, choose the appropriate product. Of course, you shouldn't take these recommendations as some kind of dogma. This is a kind of guideline. Probably, even very dark-skinned people traveling from our latitudes to southern regions should start sunbathing with the use of a cream or oil with a higher protection level.
From what protect sunscreen creams
Well, what a question, each of you will probably think.It is clear from what – from the sun, the name itself indicates this. However, it is not that simple. Our luminary gifts the Earth with three types of rays: alpha rays, or UVA; beta – UVB and gamma – UVC. Alpha rays are considered the “softest”, although they penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin. Scientists believe that it is this radiation that provokes the appearance of malignant neoplasms. Beta rays are quite aggressive, it is their fault that burns occur. As for gamma rays, they are generally destructive to living organisms. Fortunately, this radiation practically does not reach the surface of our planet, getting lost in the atmosphere. When choosing a suntan lotion, pay attention to what rays it will protect you from. This information is necessarily contained in the annotation to the product. We have already talked about the sun protection factor, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that even the highest coefficient (for example, 50 units) does not mean that you can stay in the sun as long as you like. Use common sense and sunbathe in the morning and after four o'clock in the afternoon. Even the most effective products will not protect you from the scorching daytime sun. We recommend reading: