Every woman should know mathematics.And even if not everyone becomes an economist, bank employee or chief accountant. But everyone has to count. We count money, calories, kilograms and centimeters... And we also calculate the days favorable for conceiving a child. These are the very days when a meeting of a sperm and an egg can occur. For this meeting to take place, the egg must mature and leave the follicle, and the most active of the sperm must manage to get to it first. How can you determine what days you can get pregnant? In most cases, it is enough to know the days of your ovulation, i.e. the days when the egg leaves the follicle and is ready for fertilization. This happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation lasts 48 hours. It is during this period that the chancesare maximum.By the way, spermatozoa can retain their reproductive properties for several days. This feature can be used to plan the sex of the child. The fact is that sperm consists of two types of spermatozoa: "male" - y-spermatozoa and "female" - x-spermatozoa. The sex of the future baby depends on which spermatozoa fertilizes the egg.According to research, "male" spermlighter and more mobile, but less tenacious. And "female" ones are, on the contrary, heavy and slow, but more resilient. In this case, conception can occur at the moment when the egg moves to the uterus through the fallopian tube (within 3-4 days after ovulation). Thus, it is possible to calculate in what period there is a greater probability of conceiving a boy, and when is the right day for conceiving a girl. If sexual intercourse occurred 2-3 days before ovulation, then "female" spermatozoa have a greater chance of surviving until fertilization. Accordingly, the probability of conceiving a girl is higher. And if sexual intercourse occurred less than a day before ovulation or immediately after it, then the nimble "male" spermatozoa will be the first to reach the egg, creating all the conditions for conceiving a boy. By the way, it is better to plan conception on the first day from the beginning of ovulation. The thing is that the egg ages, and the probability of miscarriage or birth defects in the child increases. But to use this method, you need to know the exact moment of ovulation, and this is quite problematic. It would seem that knowing the periodicity of your cycle, you can calculate the day of ovulation. For example, if the cycle is 28 days, then the probability of getting pregnant will be maximum on the 13-14th day. All true, but ... The rhythm of ovulation can change under stress and endocrine diseases, after childbirth, abortions. It happens that menstruation occurs in the cycle without ovulation or vice versa - ovulation without menstruation. By the way, 2-3 cycles a year can pass without ovulation, and this is considered the norm. It turns out that calendar calculations are not always accurate. Therefore, in order to determine which days are favorable for conception, many planning to turn to other, more reliable methods.The days when you can get pregnant can be determined bymeasuring the basal temperature. To do this, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, every morning, without getting out of bed, at the same time, measure the temperature either in the mouth, or in the vagina, or in the anus. The last method gives the most accurate readings. However, errors may occur if you are tired or sick, slept less than 6 hours, drank alcohol or took medications shortly before the measurement. And these are far from all the factors that can lead to inaccuracies in the readings. To determine which days are best for getting pregnant, you should make a special schedule based on the measurements taken. The usual temperature will fluctuate from 36.6 to 36.9, and after ovulation it will immediately rise to 37 degrees. Accordingly, on these days, women who want to get pregnant should make maximum efforts to achieve their goal. The next method, more accurate and reliable, is an ovulation test. Such a test is very similar in appearance to tests confirming the onset of pregnancy. The substance in the ovulation test reacts with the luteinizing hormone LH, which appears in the urine 24-36 hours before ovulation. Such tests should be done every day so as not to miss the right time. In one box sold in a pharmacy, you will find several test strips at once. The reliability of ovulation tests reaches 99.9%. There is another, less accurate method, but for some women it is better than any medical tests. These are subjective sensations. The fact is that a woman can experience certain sensations preceding ovulation or accompanying it. For example, pain in the lower abdomen, heavy discharge, increased sexual activity.If you have managed to clearly determine which daysyou can get pregnant, you should prepare your body for this event in advance and not act spontaneously. Preparation should include physical activity, walks in the fresh air, a full medical examination and treatment of chronic diseases. It is also necessary to replenish the missing nutrients in the body. The latter can be done with the help of special vitamin preparations. Thus, 2-3 months before the expected conception, it is advisable to start taking a vitamin complex. This drug is good because it contains a complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are necessary for conception and fetal development:
- Folic acid is responsible for the division of cells in the body of a child in the early stages of pregnancy.
- Amino acid arginine improves blood circulation and promotes saturation of tissues with oxygen.
- Vitamins E, C, B6 are the key to harmonious growth and the formation of muscle mass of the fetus.
- The minerals zinc, magnesium and selenium ensure the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development.
- Extract of vitex (prutnyak) normalizes the hormonal background and stimulates the production of the hormone of pregnancy of progesterone.
Deficiencies of these substances can lead to placental abruption, miscarriages, birth defects and other problems.It is not only mothers who should prepare for conception and wait for the days when you can get pregnant. Future fathers should take the drugto increase male fertility.The zinc, vitamin E, and L-carnitine included in the preparation help increase sperm production and improve their mobility. Take care of yourself and do not forget that a competent approach to pregnancy planning is the key to the health of your future child. We recommend reading: