combined face skin Combined face skin combines twotype - dry and fat. It has dry areas on cheeks and temples and fatty and porous on the forehead, nose and chin (T-zone). Often this combination gives the skin an uneven shade. In addition, it is very difficult to look after. But nothing is impossible! Regular care and properly selected products for combination skin can work miracles. Facial treatment with combination skin, however, like for any other, includes 3 stages. Let us dwell on each of them in more detail.

  • Cleansing

It is necessary to clean the skin in the morning and in the evening. Even regardless of whether you went out today and put on make-up. Use a mild cleanser, which not only gently cleans dry areas of the skin, but also gently removes fat from the T-zone. It's better if it's foam or mousse specifically for mixed skin. If desired, greasy areas can be cleaned with a special sponge for washing. Rinse the product better with warm water, but in no case hot. Hot water will further activate the work of the sebaceous glands and dry the dry areas.

  • Toning

Tonic for combination skin - absolute musthave in care! Use it after washing. Tonic narrows the pores and restores the acidity of the skin, which is equally good for both fatty and dry areas. In addition, the tonic prepares the skin for application of the cream. The latter is better absorbed into the skin and will give away all its nutrients and active ingredients. Yes, and the sensation of applying tonic on the face speak for themselves. You immediately feel fresh, and the skin to the touch will become much more gentle and softer. After you have used the tonic, you need to immediately apply a face cream.

  • Humidification

Mandatory morning and evening apply moisturizercream. Use for the face can immediately two creams. Light moisturizing for oily areas of the skin, nourishing and softening - for dry. Modern skin care products also offer creams for combination skin. In the composition of such creams are perfectly matched components that not only soften dry areas of the skin, but also normalize the production of sebaceous glands in fatty areas. Please note that the composition of the cream also included SPF-filters. masks for combination skin

Complementary skin care products

You can use these means forday. Fatty T-zone can be periodically treated with soft matting napkins, which do not spoil the makeup. The whole face can be sprayed with thermal water, which will soothe the inflammation and moisturize the dry skin of the cheeks. For make-up it is also worth choosing certain products. It is better not to use powder, but to give preference to tonal products with a light and melting texture, for example, mousse or BB cream, which is created on a gel basis. Blush is better to choose creamy, as compact powder blush quickly fall from dry areas of the skin.

  • Peelings and masks

Once a week, you just need to doexfoliating treatments and face masks. Selecting peeling for combination skin, pay attention to the fact that the abrasive in the scrub composition was artificial. Such an abrasive gently exfoliate dead cells, without traumatizing the skin. Natural abrasives made up of scrubs and gommage are usually made from the powder of plant bones (apricots, peaches and others) that tend to scratch the delicate skin. During the use of peeling, work out the T-zone more thoroughly, massaging this area is necessary for at least 2-3 minutes. Dry cheeks and whiskey treat no more than a minute or more with gentle movements. Masks should be done after peeling. Both these procedures are best spent in the evening before going to bed, since after them it is not recommended to go out into the air. After the peeling, microtraumas appear on the skin, into which infection can occur with street air. In addition, it is in the evening that the facial skin absorbs and absorbs the useful components of masks better. There are ready masks and peels for combination skin, but we suggest you cook homemade products based on natural and useful ingredients. mask for combination skin

Folk remedies for skin care

There are many effective products that can be prepared at home.

  • Coffee Scrub

For cooking, you will need a ½ table. l. natural ground coffee and 1/2 table. l. sour cream. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply massage movements on the skin, hold it slightly and rinse with cool water. Such a scrub is not recommended before going out, as coffee can lightly color the skin of the face.

  • Oatmeal scrub

For oatmeal, prepare 1 cup oatmealflakes, 50 grams of crumb of black bread, 1 table. l. soda and 1 teaspoon of salt. Oatmeal and bread should be passed through a meat grinder or chopped into a blender. Add salt and soda to the mass. Transfer this stock into glass containers. It can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. Before using, take the table. spoon of this remedy and add to it as much curdled milk. The resulting scrub massage the skin for 2-3 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

  • Strawberry Scrub

This scrub is very effective and is not worth it in the summerto miss the opportunity to do it. You need 1 tbsp. strawberry or strawberry pulp, 0.5 table. l. linden honey, 0.5 table. l. almond oil. All the ingredients must be mixed and applied to the face. Massage 2-3 minutes, then leave on the skin for about 5 minutes, then rinse with water.

  • Sour cream from currant

You will need 1 table. l. black currant, 1 table. l. flour, 1 tsp. ground walnuts, 1 tsp. fatty cream. Black currant razomnite, add to the berries flour. Stir until homogeneous. Add walnuts and cream. Mix everything. Massage this face peeling for 3 minutes, then leave it on the skin as a mask for 10-15 minutes and rinse with water.

  • Sour cream mask

To prepare this mask you need 2 tsp. yeast, 2 tsp. sour cream, 1/2 tsp. flaxseed oil, ¼ tsp. honey. Sour cream should be mixed with yeast, add butter and honey. Lower the container with the workpiece into hot water, so that the mass slightly rags, the mask is ready. Then apply a nourishing cream on the face and apply a yeast mask. Hold for 25 minutes.

  • Honey mask

This mask will quickly remove oily shine and narrowpores. For a mask you will need 1 tsp. buckwheat honey, 1 chicken yolk, 2 table. l. broth of dog rose. Mix all the ingredients. The mask is applied by massage movements on the face and washed off with water after 20 minutes.

  • Peach mask

Peach mask also will not be superfluous. This mask will soften and moisten the dry skin of cheeks and temples .. Prepare the necessary ingredients in advance - ½ peach, 1 tablespoon. l. sour cream or olive oil, 1 tablespoon. l. grape juice. Peach with a fork, mix with sour cream. Apply this mixture to dry areas of the skin. For greasy - spread grape juice. Hold this mask for 10 minutes, then rinse. The tandem of the various ingredients will moisturise and remove the peeling on dry areas of the face, and will remove the pores and refresh the oily skin of the T-zone.

  • Mask with green peas

Greasy shine can be eliminated with thismask. Prepare 2 tsp. cream or sour cream, a few boiled peas. Boil the boiled peas with a fork, add to it sour cream or cream. Apply to the skin with a thick layer. After 20 minutes, wash with non-flammable water.

Steam baths

Twice a month pamper your skin with steambaths. This procedure will open the pores, cleanse the skin of contaminants and saturate it with useful substances. For combination skin, steam baths based on decoctions of chamomile, thyme or plantain are best. You can also use lemon juice or berries (cranberries, currants, strawberries are excellent). From herbs make useful decoctions for steam trays, and berries and fruits are crushed and poured with steep boiling water. Before the steam bath it is necessary to grease with a fat cream area cheeks, temples and around the eyes. Do the bath should not more than half an hour, tightly covering his head with a towel. This procedure is best done in the evening. In addition, the baths contribute to deeper further care. It is better to do peeling and mask after the steam bath. With the baths your care will be complete and the skin will thank you with a beautiful appearance!

