Every woman has them from time to time.unpleasant blackheads on the face. Neither expensive lotions nor magic ointments, which are advertised on TV day after day, help to get rid of them forever. The face looks unattractive, dirty, and the self-perception is not pleasant. How to deal with this phenomenon? The answer is obvious - an invariable component of proper care is facial cleansing from blackheads. We will try to tell you what kind of facial cleansing is most acceptable in each specific situation. The method of carrying out this procedure directly depends on the type of skin, lifestyle, and finally, on financial capabilities. Someone can afford regular visits to an expensive beauty salon, whose specialists use the most advanced skin care techniques and expensive cosmetics. But, believe me, there are quite affordable ways to put your face in order, spending more than modest money on it. And you will also learn about this from our article. Why do these notorious blackheads appear? There are many reasons. This includes polluted air, poor quality hard water, and poor nutrition. It is unlikely that it will be possible to change the environment in the near future, and it is also impossible to leave polluted and dusty megacities. What to do? Let's look for opportunities for high-quality skin cleansing. For women who do not make a big deal out of it, cleansing products that can be bought in specialized stores or pharmacies will do just fine. Now there is a large selection of various gels, patches, and foams for washing. It must be said that they are quite effective, and if you use them regularly, the result will not take long to come. There is a category of so-called perfectionists who recognize only a flawless result. They cannot do without regular visits to a beauty salon.
Is it possible to avoid the appearance of black spots
Every person has sebaceous glands on their face,secreting fat, thanks to which the skin receives a certain protection. Sometimes they become clogged due to excess sebum, dead cells, dust particles. This is how blackheads, or comedones (as they are called scientifically), appear. Of course, these dots do not look as bad as acne, however, they do not decorate the face either. Where do they come from and how can you prevent their appearance?
- Undoubtedly, it is improper skin care andthere is the most common reason for the appearance of black dots. As much as we are not tired for the day, but to cleanse the skin of make-up before bedtime is simply required! Note, even if you spent the whole day at home and did without make-up, dust particles still made their way into our defenseless pores, and therefore a daily face cleaning is necessary.
- Hormonal failure in the body can also becomecause the appearance of black dots. It is known that hormones are responsible for the metabolism, and if it is disturbed, the skin condition, as a rule, deteriorates. Stresses, diets, various diseases - all this can cause the appearance of comedones.
- Wrong food also contributes toappearance of skin problems. Too much fatty and sweet food does not benefit anyone. They are aggravated by problems and bad habits - alcohol, cigarettes, too much coffee. Adjust your diet, make the necessary adjustments, give up harmful addictions, and you will see the result on the face.
- Wrongly selected cosmetics also doesconsiderable damage to our skin. Especially strongly affect the appearance of black dots of creams on a fat basis. If you apply this cream immediately before bed, the skin is simply unable to absorb it, the pores are clogged, the skin's breathing at the cellular level is broken and, as a consequence, comedones appear in the course of time. In case you have very dry skin and you need fat creams, apply them a couple of hours before bedtime, and remove the rests with a napkin.
The tips above can be a greatguide to preventing the appearance of blackheads. As you can see, nothing complicated, basic things: a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, good cosmetics and their correct use - these are the very whales on which clean, healthy skin rests.
Cleaning the face at home
If you can't afford to go to beauty salons,You can do the cleaning at home. First, cleanse your face with the products you usually use. The next step is a steam bath. You can add chamomile tea to the water, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. You should not steam your face for too long, and people whose blood vessels are located too close to the upper layer of the epidermis should avoid such procedures altogether. There are currently cosmetics that help open pores. If you are not afraid to do manual cleaning yourself, then, after thoroughly disinfecting your face and hands, you can begin the process (don't forget about sterile wipes). After the procedure, you need to wipe your face with a disinfectant solution again. If you have enlarged pores, use special masks from time to time that have the ability to smooth them out and make them less noticeable. It is also useful to do a toning massage with an ice cube - this manipulation improves the tone of your facial skin. To make the ice more effective, it is better to freeze not ordinary water, but an infusion of medicinal herbs: chamomile, sage, calendula. An excellent option for home facial skin care is applying special masks. You can buy them in stores and pharmacies, or you can make them yourself. The advantage of such care is the absence of the risk of infections and scars after squeezing.
Face cleaning - manual and hardware
What to do if you want to get rid of blackheadsat home failed or you are not satisfied with the result? In this situation, it makes sense to seek help from professionals. In the salon, you will be offered a number of procedures, and first of all - facial cleansing. Cleansing can be done manually or with the help of equipment. Manual cleansing is not done abroad, for example, but here it is still popular, and even expensive salons, stuffed with the most modern equipment, continue to practice this unpleasant and rather painful procedure. The process is as follows: the face is thoroughly steamed and with fingers wrapped in sterile napkins, absolutely all acne and blackheads are squeezed out. The face after the procedure does not look the best, but after applying a soothing mask, swelling and redness quickly disappear. The skin looks absolutely clean, it breathes, and this, of course, is a pleasant effect. However, this type of cleansing also has negative aspects. The most unpleasant is infection. This is quite possible if the cosmetologist is not a true professional, and the salon has a lax attitude to sanitary rules. In short, if you are a supporter of such procedures, then carefully approach the choice of the salon and the specialist who will work with you. Hardware cleaning is not so traumatic. Currently, salons offer the so-called vacuum massage: with the help of a special tube under a certain pressure, subcutaneous fat is sucked out of the pores. Of course, this procedure is not as painful as manual cleaning. However, this method also has its drawbacks. Sometimes comedones sit too deep in the skin, and the device is not able to remove them. In such cases, there are two ways out: either leave everything as is, or resort to manual intervention. Experienced cosmetologists most often combine two types of cleaning - manual and mechanical. The salon can also offer cleaning with ultrasound. This is a very effective and even pleasant way to cleanse the face. The face looks fresh and radiant after it, especially if at the end of the procedure a good mask is applied that matches the skin type. There are no problems that cannot be dealt with. Having learned how to deal with blackheads, you will be one step closer to the ideal. And although it is impossible to get rid of comedones forever, by following the rules of prevention and using various means of dealing with the problem, you will forget about unpleasant spots on your face for a long time. We recommend reading: