whitening face masks Women's desire to always be well-groomed andbeautiful is invested in us by nature itself. Even in the most ancient times, women sought ways to improve and preserve what they had been given by nature: they washed themselves with dew, milk, collected various herbs to wash their decoctions. In the modern world, we have more opportunities to take care of our beauty and appearance. To do this, a lot of cosmetic products have been created, we have different knowledge about the methods of care, to our services specialists of the beauty industry. But among all this variety, all the same success is enjoyed by the most affordable and no less effective methods for caring for their appearance. Some of them will be discussed in our article. Particular attention of most charming representatives of the weaker sex takes care of the delicate skin of your face. We all would like to have always a fresh complexion, as if shining from the inside. To achieve this result, you need to be able to keep not only an even shade of skin on your face. It is necessary to lighten it, and also, if necessary, whiten traces of freckles, pigment spots and the like unpleasant consequences. To achieve this, we will use such tools as effective whitening facial masks that can be made at home. We all remember that the woman's face is her business card. So take care that on it there were no unnecessary traces!

To itself the cosmetician

Whatever masks you plan to make in your homeat home, take care of certain subtleties. After all, any activity has its own nuances and requirements for its implementation - to achieve the best result. What should you know when you start whitening your face? There are not too many such moments, they are not difficult, but you should know about them and take into account that the procedure does not bring you trouble during its implementation. We prepare inventory

  • Prepare a container in which you willmix ingredients for the future procedure. The most suitable material for this is glass, porcelain, plastic utensils. Avoid using metal or wooden plates. These materials may react with the components of the mask, which can adversely affect the skin;
  • Brush for application: sometimes you can do without it, using only your own fingers, but using a brush to apply masks evenly will be much more convenient;
  • Sponge for washing off the leftover mask from the skin surface. It can be made of a special material like loofah, but in the absence of it, a foam sponge or cotton pad will do;
  • If you do not plan to wash after the procedurehair, then make sure that when applying the mask on their face they do not get dirty. To do this, you can use a rim, ribbon, cap, which will hide your hair and prevent the possibility of accidental falling on the face on which the mask is applied;
  • A piece of gauze. We will use it to squeeze the juice out of the product, if we only need it. Or in order to squeeze out excess moisture from the mask to prevent it from draining from the skin of the face. Or, after moistening the gauze in the mask, we will put it on the face in this way. In this case, it will be necessary first to make holes in the material for the eyes, nose and lips

Attention: time matters. We will explain what we mean: in order to achieve a visible effect from the application of absolutely any procedure, and not just whitening our delicate skin, we need regularity and periodicity. Do not expect that once you do the manipulation, you will achieve a immediately visible effect, and still be able to keep it for a long time. Do bleach masks preferably in the evening, and after them - do not allow exposure to direct sunlight on the skin. It is important to know that some recipes for whitening masks contain ingredients that can dry the skin on the face. Accordingly, if your skin is prone to dryness, you should either choose another mask recipe with a similar effect, or do not apply the procedure more often than indicated in the recipe. Always after applying on the face a cream corresponding to the type of your skin. effective whitening facial masks

Recipes of our grandmothers, moms, and now our

  • Cucumber mask

The simplest version of the mask, which facilitatesbleaching your face and leveling out his skin color, this is a mask that is made from cucumber. Such an unpretentious vegetable grown on a bed, not in a greenhouse, is quite capable of coping with the task. However, remember that this mask is not designed to solve too complex problems. What you should do: take a cucumber, carefully bathe it under running water, grind it on a fine grater (remember that the grater was made of plastic) and apply to the face. The action time is from 15 minutes to half an hour

  • Mask based on clay

Is able to cope even with age spots, andnot only with freckles. You will need 70 grams of kaolin (white clay), 10 grams of talc, as much baking soda. Mix the dry ingredients, and then dilute this mixture with a solution of boric acid 2% to the state of gruel or thick enough sour cream. Apply this mask on your face, carefully avoiding the area of ​​the eyes and lips

  • Yeast Mask

Lovers of yeast baking can appreciateuseful properties of yeast for the skin of the face, if you make the following mask: mix about 15 or 20 grams of yeast with lemon juice (can be replaced with orange or grapefruit), until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Do not overdo it with juice, so that the mask does not become fluid. Apply it to the skin and keep at least 20 minutes. In yeast there are vitamins of group B, which are indicated for problems with skin of any type. This mask perfectly clarifies skin tone and whitens freckles

  • Protein mask

If you need to lighten the skin of the face, prone todry or normal, then prepare a mask for this recipe: mix protein and hydrogen peroxide (3%) in a proportion where 2 parts or 3 parts of protein will account for 1 part of peroxide. Use a teaspoon as a measure. Then mix this mixture with cottage cheese, which will need about 1 teaspoon

  • Almond mask - a recipe for aristocrats

The mask is easy to prepare and effective inapplication. Approximately half a cup or a glass of almonds should be poured with steep boiling water, which will require one glass, for about 5 minutes. Then you can drain the water, and chop the almonds with a blender or a meat grinder. After that, mix the resulting mass with lemon juice until a uniform consistency is obtained. It is necessary to conduct a course of masks in this mode: 2 times a week, the total number of procedures is not less than 30 (40 can be done).

  • Mask of bell pepper

With the pigmentation of the skin on the face helps uscope with pepper. Doing a mask of it is as simple as cucumber. Just take one fruit, wash it thoroughly. Then grate on the grater and apply on the face, pay special attention to the zone of increased pigmentation. Keep the mask on your face for at least half an hour

  • Berry Mask

Whitening effect have a mask based on berries,thanks to the content of fruit acids in them. Use strawberries, raspberries, black currants to get a whitening effect for your face. Mask the number of berries you need for a single portion of the mask and apply it to the surface of the skin. Here, just a piece of gauze, which we mentioned above

  • From radish

If you tamper with 2 tablespoons of mashed black radish about 1 teaspoon of milk and a few drops of lemon juice, you will get an excellent mask for oily skin with whitening effect

  • Kefir mask

To achieve a clarifying effect for our facecan be achieved through the use of such fermented milk products as kefir or curdled milk. Mix until smoothly ground oat flakes and one of the named drinks, drip a few drops of lemon juice. Wet gauze mask, apply on face. As the takna dries again, moisten it. Keep this mask for about 20-30 minutes

  • Mask from parsley

Modest parsley is very active struggle withpigment spots, freckles, redness and other manifestations that prevent our skin from shining with its pristine whiteness. To cope with this, let's take 25 grams of parsley root, previously shredded, pour it with boiling water and put in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After this, the resulting broth is filtered, a little cool, again we take gauze and soak the fabric with the resulting liquid. We put the fabric on the face and hold for at least 15 minutes, moistening the tissue as needed

  • Mask from sauerkraut

If you like to eat sauerkrautcabbage, then do not drain the juice from it, but use it as a means for bleaching the skin. The substances in it perfectly clarify the skin tone, whiten freckles and not too deep pigment spots. In order that the juice does not flow, we again need the use of gauze, folded in several layers. Do not forget that after accepting any of the above recipes, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off the masks from the face and apply a cream on the skin. Take care that in the summer it is a cream with sun protection. If you do not follow this recommendation, then to save the effect of applying the above procedures you will be much more difficult. Remember that the direct sunlight on the face of the face threatens us not only with its undesirable dark color, but also with the appearance of premature wrinkles. We will not expose ourselves to such an ill-considered risk. Previously, representatives of the aristocracy protected the whiteness of the face with the help of hats with wide margins. In the summer time, we can quite use their experience, so as not to spoil the effect obtained from the use of masks.

