classic manicure Classical manicure is called prettyan aggressive way to bring the nails in order, namely, an edging manicure. By the way, until recently in our domestic hairdressers treated nails exclusively this way: softened the skin in a hot tub, and then ruthlessly cut the cuticle. She (cuticle) in retaliation for such cruel treatment began to increase at a double speed, forcing women to again and again bring their nails in order with the help of a trimmed manicure. Vicious circle? Yes, probably a vicious circle. Therefore today the classical manicure is replaced by more gentle unedged. By the way, if in our old fashion many prefer to treat their nails, cutting the cuticle, then in many countries the classical manicure is simply forbidden. And in the domestic beauty industry try not to popularize this service. Only in completely neglected cases in beauty salons they offer to make a classical manicure. Well, then she is a classic to be in demand at all times. By the way, if your hands for some reason have lost gloss and shine, then it is the edging manicure that will help to quickly return to them a decent appearance. And for this, by the way, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive beauty salons. To make a classical manicure it is possible and in house conditions. beautiful classic manicure

Technique of classical manicure

An edged manicure is also called "wet"because they treat their nails, first hitting their hands in a hot bath. However, not all manipulations are carried out on wet nails. For the first stage of the classical manicure, the nails should be dry. So, let's consider step by step the whole procedure for performing an edging manicure.

  • To begin with, nail the nails, giving them the desiredshape. In order not to damage the nail plate, it is necessary to file it with a ceramic file and only in one direction: from the edge of the nail to its middle. "Here and there," as many do, filing their marigolds, leads to the stratification of the nails. And to the edge of the nail was even, polish it with a special nail file.
  • Now proceed to water procedures. Pour in a bowl of very warm water, in which you can add a little soap and salt. By the way, if your nails are loose, then drop a couple of drops of iodine into the tub (it helps with this misfortune). And you can also use gelatin, which is also very useful for nails.
  • After the skin is broken, takea wooden spatula (usually a stick from an orange tree) and move the cuticle to the base of the nail. Just do it very carefully. At this stage, the "work" with the cuticle with the uncoated manicure ends. But we do edging, which means that the cuticle needs to be cut.
  • Cut the cuticle with sharp manicure scissorsor tweezers, trying not to snatch out pieces of skin, but to remove it with a solid strip. If there are burrs, then bite off them with the help of tweezers. Neither cuticle, nor burrs should be delayed, so as not to injure the living skin near the nail.
  • With a classic edged manicure is not removedOnly the cuticle, but also the horny skin next to the upper corners of the nails. To the touch it is stiff and dry, and on the steamed hands it looks slightly lighter than the rest of the skin on the fingers.
  • Now the manicure is almost finished. It remains only to polish the marigold and lubricate the hands with a nutritious cream or butter.
  • classic manicure yourself

    Pros and cons of classic manicure

    Every medal has two sides. The trimmed manicure also has its pro and contra. Let's start with the cons. The trimmed cuticle has the property of rapidly growing again. And the new skin grows more rough and thick. Therefore, the nails very quickly lose a "decent" appearance, and their owner again and again grabs the scissors with the intention of completely removing these ugly growths. Minus the second (more serious). With trimmed manicure it is easy to damage the nail plate and even get microtraumas (cuts, shots). And this is fraught with a possible infection, which, you will agree, is not only unpleasant, but also unsafe. Plus, the edged manicure is one, but very significant. Such a manicure will very quickly put in order even the most terrible hands. Therefore, if you constantly care for your hands, not bringing them to this state, then in the classic manicure is not necessary. Nevertheless, there are times when the hands simply need an early manicure aid. Then you can safely do a classic manicure: a wonderful transformation will not take long, and your pens will look perfect! We advise you to read:

