Cleansing the face is the key stage of care in the homeconditions. It is impossible to properly care for the skin, if you do not clean it regularly from dead cells, make-up remnants, dust and other contaminants. If you are lazy to do this, acne, "black spots" and blackheads will become your constant companions. How to cleanse the face to protect it from imperfections?
Means for daily cleansing of the skin of the face
To wash your face you must at least two or three times inday. Accustom yourself to repeat this procedure in the mornings and evenings, to cleanse the skin before applying make-up or to remove decorative cosmetics. However, to limit purification by washing alone is also not possible - always use a tonic. If you doubt the need for its use, perform a simple test. Wash your favorite remedy and then treat the skin with a cotton pad soaked in toning lotion. The disc after rubbing will be dirty-gray - these are particles of dust, decorative cosmetics and sebum, which did not have time to "pull" the detergent from the pores.
- Shower gel
The most common form of remedy forpurification of the face. Gel for washing usually differs by types of skin for which it is intended. For the greasy epidermis, seboregulating agents are released, for normal and dry - moisturizing. As part of the gel should not be parabens, mineral oils and formaldehyde, because these components cause the appearance of pimples and "black spots". The gel is spread over the skin and foams with pads of the fingers or a special sponge for washing. Rinse the product with exceptionally warm water - the hot activates the sebaceous glands, which worsens the condition of the fatty epidermis. When buying gel in the store, pay attention to the contents of the following components. Glycolic acid exfoliates dead cells, returning the skin a healthy color and natural radiance. Salicylic acid dries up inflammation and has an antibacterial effect. Vitamin C - a unique natural lifting, helping to reduce the mimic wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and lips. If you are allergic to purchased cosmetics, you can make a means for washing yourself at home on the basis of an ordinary toilet soap. Rub on a grater 2 pieces of "Children's" or "Glycerin" soap, dissolve them in 300 gr. boiling water. Add ½ cup decoction of chamomile and mix it. Such a gel can be considered universal and used for any type of skin.
- Antibacterial soap
How to clean the skin of the face "to the squeak"? Wash with soap, only not economic, as some inhabitants of Internet forums advise. It causes flaking, redness and pustular eruptions. For example, use the Clinique soap, suitable for your type of epidermis. It cures acne, brightens red spots from acne and pushes dirt from the pores.
- Daily scrub
A perfect solution for problematic skin proneto excessive fat content and the appearance of comedones. In a scrub suitable for frequent use, polymeric fine particles can be found that do not scratch or injure the epidermis. Well, if the composition of the exfoliant is essential oil of tea tree or rosemary - they have a persistent matting effect.
Deep skin cleansing with peels
Once or twice a month, it is necessary to clean the deeplayers of skin - clogged pores look ugly and often inflame. The chemical peels based on fruit acids and exfoliates with large particles of apricot kernels or walnut shells are good for this task. It is not recommended to apply acid peeling on dry or sensitive skin - there may be chemical burns, which will be very difficult to get rid of. Exfoliation of the epidermis with means with fruit acid is usually performed by a cosmetologist in the salon. However, today on the Internet and professional cosmetics stores you can find kits suitable for home use. They usually include a deep cleansing gel for washing, a mask and a fatty nourishing cream. Clearing your face, you will put on it an acid mask that dissolves dirt and removes them from the pores. After 10 minutes, it must be washed off, and the skin is soothed with a rich cream. Replace the chemical exfoliation with natural masks made of citrus or pineapple. Thin slices of lemon, grapefruit or lime put on cleansed skin for 5 minutes. If the face begins to be intolerably plucked, you can wash off the fruit acid and earlier. Within 3-5 days after the procedure, always use sunscreen before going out, otherwise there will be pigment spots on the face. Mechanical facial cleansing is possible with a scrub or bone scrub. Such exfoliant can be used only on thick fat or combined epidermis, thin skin it strongly traumatizes. To combat pimples and acne, prepare a scrub from sea salt. 2 tablespoons of a large sea salt mix with 2 tablespoons. olive or sunflower oil, add a few drops of cedar essential oil and apply the mixture on your face with massage movements. Rinse with cool water after 2-3 minutes. Sensitive skin will easily exfoliate the oatmeal scrub. 100 gr. oatmeal grind in a blender, add 50 gr. sour cream and mix thoroughly. Rub the resulting mass into the skin with the pads of your fingers, leave for a few minutes. Rinse, soak your face with a towel.
Mechanical facial cleansing is the cardinal method of fighting inflammation
Once a month, girls with problematic epidermisshould carry out mechanical cleaning. The procedure for its implementation is fairly simple and you can easily replicate it at home, saving on the beauty salon. Pour into the basin 3 liters. boiling water, add to the water 10 drops of any essential oil or alcohol tincture of eucalyptus. Cover and hold your face over the steam for 10-15 minutes, closing your eyes, so as not to burn the cornea. Wrap the fingertips with gauze soaked in medical alcohol. Extrude the mature pimples, blackheads and "black dots" in turn, sharply pressing them. After completing the cleaning, wipe the face with a pulverizing lotion containing the salicylic alcohol. If the problems with the epidermis are so large that one can not do with washing and scrubbing alone, it makes sense to seek help from a cosmetologist who will help you find the remedies from chemist's cosmetics. Sometimes they can only soothe the problem skin of the face. We advise you to read: