ways to tie a tie In the family, everyone is divided equally: husband - a tie, his wife - a fur coat. Maybe women know how to take men into circulation, but not everyone can understand these items of the wardrobe and boast of the right knotting. The scheme of tying a tie is not known to everyone. Many men like to wear a tie, considering that it emphasizes their individuality or gets used to it to such an extent that without it they feel uncomfortable or freezing. Some of them consider the wearing of this object as an unavoidable evil, calling it a "boa constrictor". Others do not know anything about tie and do not know how to use a tie. Nevertheless, in men's wardrobe sometimes they can be counted as much as in women's wardrobe shoes. simple way to tie a tie

The story of the neck scarves

Most likely, the origins of the appearance of a tiebegin with a simple neck scarf. If in ancient Egypt and ancient China the position in society was determined with the help of neck scarves, then in Ancient Rome handkerchiefs were used exclusively for practical reasons: to prevent the legionnaires from rubbing open body parts with armor. The wide use of these ornaments is due to the French - famous fashion legislators. The initiative is attributed to King Louis XIV. Allegedly he liked beautiful scarves, decorated with brushes, on the necks of Croat warriors, invited to the court for valor and victories in the battles against the Turks. This time is considered the beginning of the victorious march of this accessory. The decoration underwent various changes, corresponding to fashion trends in clothing, then turning into bulky bows, then simplifying to butterflies. Enterprising and practical Americans went the farthest. As early as 1924, the American Langsdorf patented a tie, which was tailored to the oblique of the three parts of matter. The product was ideal - convenient, practical and not intricate. The principles of cutting remain unchanged to the present day. Since then fashion legislators have to change the traditional attribute in men's clothing according to color, pattern, shape, width, length and texture of the fabric, adjusting to the style and tastes of contemporaries. Having limited himself to the classic opening of the "perfect" tie, fashion is refined in inventing new ways of tying tie knots. Despite the existence of only 4 basic ways of tying a knot on a tie, there are a huge number of ways invented for all types of face, neck, collars, etc. The number of ways to tie knots, according to some experts, is approaching a hundred. Men's jewelry under the collar is like a long ribbon, moving from a wide (large) part to a narrow (small) one. It is best to learn how to tie a tie according to the scheme, photos or video. Of the most popular ways, let's look at one that is very useful for the first experience. Having studied it, you can easily tie the knots in other ways. Windsor knot

A simple knot or "four"

  • Place the tie under the collar so that the endshung over his chest. At the same time, the wide part should be longer than the other by 30 cm. Crossing both parts together, ensure that the wide part is on top of the narrow one.
  • Get the wide part under the narrow one.
  • Bring the big end out from under the narrow end on the other side. Put it again (as in the first step) over the narrow side of the product.
  • Grasp the big end, slide it from the bottom inFormed a loop under the collar around the neck. Pay attention, now under the big loop a small loop (knot) was formed. Point the wide stripe that has just been pulled in the direction of the small loop.
  • Slide the big end into the small loop (knot) from top to bottom and pull it down. It turned out a full-fledged tie knot. Both stripe tie should be the same length.
  • Check your actions according to the diagram below.

    English way "Windsor"

    The tie is named Windsor. The name is associated with one of the heirs of the English throne by the Duke of Windsor. Tie it this way:

  • Place the necktie under the collar from the inside out so that a wide strip hangs down to the chest on the right. Make sure that the wide side of the tie is longer than the short one by 30 cm.
  • Place the large end on a small one, then slide it into the loop from below, stretch it through, lower it over the narrow one.
  • Pull the big strip out from under the little one. Pull it over a narrow strip to the left side.
  • Again, slide the wide strip into the big loop and pull it up.
  • Pull it through the knot down.
  • Tighten the knot by pulling it to the collar.
  • More details of the technique can be found here.

    Half Windsor

    It is considered a universal way of knotting.

  • Place the necktie under the collar. Place a wide tape over the narrow tape.
  • Bring a wide ribbon under the narrow one. Pull it slightly to the side.
  • Pull the big end over the loop, pass through it from top to bottom.
  • Pass the extended end to the right. Then place it on top of the short ribbon in the left direction.
  • Pull the big end into the loop, now from the bottom up and pull it out.
  • Put it in the knot from the front side. Pull it down.
  • Help yourself using the diagram below.

    Pratt Shelby or the "American Knot"

    Authorship is attributed to Jerry Pratt and Don Shelby. In addition, the node is called "American". Primitive knot, perfect for narrow collars.

  • Place the tie with the wrong side under the collar. Place the narrow tape over the wide one.
  • A wide ribbon, overlapping from above, is threaded into a large loop. Pull it down under the narrow ribbon.
  • Take a little to the left.
  • Reverse the direction of the wide ribbon to the right by placing it over the narrow side of the tie.
  • Slide the large ribbon from below into the loop and pull it up.
  • Thread it into the formed knot from the front side.
  • That's all. If it is good to practice tying 4 classic knots, you can do it with skill. Having mastered 4 classical methods, it is possible to easily start to study another fifty. The ability to tie a knot makes it easier for the ladies to choose a tie for a man.

