The baby's health has always been an objectincreased attention of all parents without exception. And, as is known, the health of a child depends on many components, including the impact of environmental factors. Including household chemicals - it is not for nothing that children's washing powder causes a variety of reviews, but always stormy. Everyone knows that the main active components of absolutely any washing powders are surfactants, the so-called surface-active substances. These substances are quite dangerous and their effect on living cells is very aggressive. So, when these chemicals enter a living organism, there is a violation of biochemical processes in the living cells of the body, which leads to their destruction. A number of scientists studying this issue have conducted certain studies that have shown that the effect of surfactants has a negative effect on oxidation-reduction reactions in the body. They also destroy most vital enzymes, and disrupt such types of metabolic processes as carbohydrate, protein and fat. The most dangerous powders contain anionic surfactants. Surfactants, having entered the child's body, can cause the following complications:
- Significant disturbances in the normal functioning of the immune system.
- Development of various allergic reactions - both skin rashes, and complications from the lungs.
- Significant damage to organs such as the liver, kidneys, as well as the brain.
This is why in most European countries it has long been– strict restrictions on the use of such types of powders have long been introduced. For ten years now, powders that do not contain phosphate additives have been allowed for sale in Europe. Phosphate additives can penetrate into the child's body even without damage to the skin. Penetrating inside, phosphates lead to a sharp degreasing of the baby's skin, which significantly reduces the barrier function of the skin, as well as active destruction of cell membranes. Having penetrated the body, phosphates can lead to a significant disruption of the properties of the blood and, as a result, a change in its normal formula. The child's immunity is also significantly reduced. This is why parents need to choose a baby washing powder without phosphates. Many parents who use automatic washing machines do not pay any attention to the composition of baby powder, believing that machine rinsing in hot water will completely remove the remains of the powder from the baby's clothes. However, in fact, this is not so. The more complex the fabric structure, the greater the number of molecules of surfactants remain in the fabric fibers even after thorough and prolonged rinsing. The largest amount of powder remains in the following types of fabric:
- Woolen fabrics.
- Half-woolen fabrics.
- Cotton fabrics.
Molecules of surface-active substances remain on the fabric fibers for about five days. This feature of powders leads to the body being in a state of chronic intoxication.
Powder Packaging
When choosing and buying baby powderBe sure to pay attention to the packaging of the powder. If the powder is of high quality and not counterfeit, all its components will be indicated on the packaging. Be sure to pay attention to the presence or absence of surfactants in the powder - refuse to choose powders containing surface-active substances. In the same case, if there is no information about the composition of the powder on the packaging of the powder you have chosen, such a powder is not only harmful to the health of your baby, but simply frankly dangerous. Anything can be inside such a box with an unknown composition. And how this powder will affect the health of your child is almost impossible to predict - from simple atopic dermatitis to the occurrence of eczema and ulcers on the surface of the skin. However, unfortunately, not all manufacturers of washing powders are conscientious and often do not place the full composition of the powder on the packaging. There is one indirect, but quite reliable sign of whether the powder contains surfactants. As a rule, the more foam a powder produces, the higher its surfactant concentration. The idea that increased foaming indicates good washing qualities of the powder is extremely erroneous and arose a long time ago, back when ordinary laundry soap was used for washing.
Features of choice of baby powder
So, you have a baby.And, undoubtedly, the question of how to choose baby powder will very quickly arise before young parents. The range of baby powders provided to consumers is extremely wide. And therefore, it is not surprising that parents are at a loss in their choice, trying to buy the best baby washing powder. And not only the cleanliness of children's clothes depends on the right choice, but also, as already mentioned, the child's health. That is why it is so important to know how to choose baby washing powder. After all, treating allergic reactions in a baby is a rather troublesome and labor-intensive process, and in addition, allergies cause a lot of unpleasant minutes for the baby. That is why, before buying baby washing powder, be sure to pay attention to the following factors:
Rating of powders for washing children's clothes
So what is the best baby laundry detergent?Of course, there is no consensus on this matter - what is suitable for one baby may not be suitable for another. The best option is to try different powders until you find the most suitable powder for your baby. Below are the most famous children's washing powders that are loved by parents. We present to your attention the rating of children's washing powders:
- Powder Aistenok, Extra-soft, containing Aloe Vera
Children's washing powder "Aistenok" is intendedfor washing baby clothes, for washing in any washing machines, as well as for hand washing. This powder can be used for washing absolutely all types of fabric, except silk and wool. The powder is based on baby soap, so it is completely rinsed out and does not remain in the fabric lint. And the Aloe Vera extract in its composition has a calming, anti-allergic and softening effect on the baby's delicate skin. Due to its unique form, this powder remarkably removes the most difficult stains, both protein and grease, which so often appear on children's clothes - stains from milk, grass, cocoa, oil, blood. Moreover, an amazing effect is achieved already at a water temperature of only 35 degrees. In addition, this powder contains substances that effectively protect the washing machine from scale formation.
- Children's powder "Myth" gentle freshness, for automatic machines
Hypoallergenic washing powder for children.This powder is positioned as a synthetic detergent, which is intended for washing children's things in automatic washing machines. This powder contains natural baby soap, which does not cause allergic reactions in the baby. The powder is intended for washing all types of fabrics, except wool and silk. The manufacturers of this powder claim that it has passed a dermatological test, which did not reveal any contraindications to its use for washing children's substances. This powder also contains components designed to protect the washing machine from scale formation.
- Detergent powder "Tide", for children, with the content of chamomile extract, automaton
This powder also belongs to the familysynthetic detergents, designed for washing children's clothes in a washing machine. The powder is designed for washing any type of fabric, except silk and wool. The powder formula is designed specifically for sensitive children's skin and is approved by dermatologists. The powder is also equipped with a system to protect the washing machine from limescale and scale.
- Washing powder "Kurnosiki"
The powder is a powdery substance.universal synthetic detergent designed for washing children's clothes, both white and colored. The powder is very effective even for heavily soiled clothes. The powder effectively removes stains without destroying the fiber structure, due to which things do not lose their presentable appearance even after numerous washes. The powder has a unique granular form. This feature helps prevent the formation of powder dust, which often causes allergic reactions in children. This powder can be used both in washing machines of any type and for hand washing
- Children's powder "World of Childhood"
This powder should be used forwashing clothes and diapers of newborn babies, both in machines and for hand washing. The powder is made from special soap shavings, does not contain any fragrances, dyes or other synthetic substances. The powder "World of Childhood" wonderfully removes the most difficult to remove specific children's stains, has a disinfectant and antibacterial effect. In addition, during hand washing, the powder does not dry out mother's skin and does not cause irritation.
- Powder "Pemos" for children
This powder is also versatile.a synthetic detergent designed for washing children's products made of any fabric, both in washing machines and for hand washing. The formula of this powder is designed in such a way that special oxygen crystals contained in the powder penetrate deeply into the fabric, eliminating the strongest and most difficult to remove stains that so often remain on children's clothes.
- Children's washing powder Ushany nanny
This powder was developed for washing children's clothes.clothes, including newborn baby clothes. The "eared nanny" powder perfectly washes out feces and formula stains from newborn baby clothes, and fruit puree, cereal and juice stains from older children's clothes. The powder perfectly removes dirt even in cold water, without damaging the fabric fibers, due to which the appearance of things does not change even after numerous washes. However, according to numerous reviews from mothers, the use of this powder quite often leads to the development of allergic skin reactions in children.
- Powder for newborn babies "Karapuz"
This washing powder was created forhand and machine washing of clothes and linen of the smallest crumbs. This powder is intended for washing absolutely any fabrics, both natural and synthetic, even wool and polyester. The powder effectively removes the most difficult stains, it begins to act even in cold water. When rinsing clothes, the powder is almost completely rinsed with water without any residues that can provoke allergic reactions.
- Children's soap powder company «Our Mother»
This powder is suitable for washing clothes and linen.newborns. The powder is made from soap shavings and does not contain any chemically synthesized substances that can cause allergic reactions in the baby. This powder is great for soaking baby clothes, as well as subsequent washing - both by hand and machine. In addition, the powder perfectly disinfects and sanitizes baby clothes, which eliminates the need to carefully iron them.
- Baby powder «Baby Sitter»
This powder belongs to elite brands.It is intended for washing children's clothes, as its composition is developed taking into account the specifics of children's stains, as well as the characteristics of the child's body, primarily the sensitive skin of the baby. As a rule, mothers who use this type of children's washing powder do not have to soak clothes and wash stains by hand. This effect is achieved due to biocomplex additives that break down dirt at the molecular level and remove them from clothes. The powder also remarkably preserves fabric colors, and also gives the laundry softness and a pleasant strawberry aroma. The composition of the powder is completely safe for the baby's health, and almost never provokes the development of any allergic reactions.
- Children's washing powder Amway
Baby washing powder amway is producedfor washing baby's clothes from the first days of life. With this powder, all specific baby stains are removed from clothes very, very easily, practically without any effort on the part of the mother. Baby clothes washed with this powder are disinfected and sanitized. The chemical composition of the powder eliminates the occurrence of various allergic reactions in the child. The powder is ideal for both machine and hand washing.
- Children's washing powder Japanese
There is a common belief among parents that washingThe powder produced in Japan is the safest for the health of the child. However, in fact, domestically produced washing powders are in no way inferior in quality to imported powders. It is quite possible that after reading a brief description of the most popular children's washing powders, you have even more questions on the topic: "children's powder - which one to choose?" And this is quite natural, because each manufacturer positions its products as the best. As mentioned above, you should not rely on the experience of other families with small children, because all children are completely different. The only person who can give you competent and practical advice is your doctor - a pediatrician who monitors the development of your baby and knows the individual characteristics of his body and health. It goes without saying that in no case is it permissible to use ordinary baby powder for washing children's clothes. This is due to the fact that ordinary powders have a very complex chemical composition, which, as a rule, leads to the development of allergic reactions. That is why children's washing powder - the best and most faithful assistant of a mother. In addition to children's washing powders, there are a huge number of different conditioners designed for rinsing children's substances after washing. Manufacturers of these products claim that children's things will acquire extraordinary softness, and in addition, they have a natural composition and do not cause any allergic reactions in the baby. However, pediatricians - dermatologists do not recommend parents to use these products. Whatever the manufacturers of household chemicals claim, any detergent contains chemically synthesized substances. That is why the risk of developing allergic reactions always remains. If the children's washing powder meets the requirements for its safety, the risk of development is minimal, but it still exists. And using conditioner to rinse children's clothes, even the highest quality, increases this risk at least twice. So is it worth risking the health of the baby? The only thing you really need to care for things is hypoallergenic washing powder for children.
How correctly to wash baby clothes?
In order to reduce the risk of developing possiblecomplications for the baby's health, the mother must follow some simple rules for washing baby clothes and underwear. You should not neglect these simple rules at first glance, since their observance greatly facilitates the mother's work and protects the baby's health. For example, many mothers prefer to wash children's things the old-fashioned way, using ordinary laundry soap. There is a widespread belief that laundry soap is not capable of causing any allergic reactions in a child. However, in fact, this is not true - laundry soap contains a huge amount of alkali, which has a rather strong irritating effect on sensitive baby skin. If you do not trust baby washing powders and categorically refuse to use them, try to use ordinary baby powder instead of laundry soap when washing. However, do not forget that hand washing takes a huge amount of time, which you so need now and which is always so lacking. It is much wiser to entrust the care of the cleanliness of baby things to a washing machine.
Washing in the washing machine
Washing baby clothes in a washing machine is alsohas several features. Fortunately, most modern models of washing machines are equipped with the necessary programs for washing children's clothes. However, experienced mothers rarely use them, knowing a few tricks that allow you to wash children's clothes no less efficiently, but with the least amount of water and electricity. To do this, you need to set the following parameters in the machine:
- The type of fabric is cotton. This choice is explained very simply - after all, most of the children's clothing is made from cotton fabric.
- Washing temperature.Depends on what exactly you are washing. If you are planning to wash diapers, feel free to set the temperature to 95% - such washing fully replaces boiling diapers. But if you need to wash undershirts or children's suits, a temperature of 40 degrees will be more than enough.
- Must use the function"Additional rinse". Such a measure will allow you to be absolutely sure that all the remains of children's detergent powder are completely removed from the baby's clothing fibers.
In the same case, if you are all - by what -либо причинам вынуждены стирать детскую одежду и белье руками, замачивайте предварительно пеленки в очень горячей воде, а также обязательно следите за полосканием – на ткани ни в коем случае не должно оставаться ни алейших следов стирального порошка, пусть даже предназначенного именно для детей и совершенно гипоаллергенного. Замачивать детское белье, впрочем, как и стирать, необходимо отдельно от взрослой одежды. То же самое справедливо и в отношении хранения детского грязного белья и одежды. Первое, о чем вам необходимо позаботиться, это приобретение специальной емкости, в которую потом вы и будете складывать грязные пеленка, ползунки и прочую детскую одежду. Чистое белье также следует хранить на отдельной полке, предназначенной только для детской одежды. Старайтесь перестирывать все грязное белье малыша в течение суток, не дожидаясь, когда у вас в ванной комнате соберется огромное количество грязной одежды и пеленок. Старайтесь стирать детскую одежду по мере ее поступления. Конечно же, не надо бросать в стиральную машинку, рассчитанную на загрузку пяти килограмм сухого белья, одну – две пеленки. Но и собирать их в течение длительного времени также не стоит. Все новые вещи, которые вы приобретаете для своего крохи, либо кто-то дарит их вам, перед тем, как надеть на ребенка, необходимо выстирать. И только после этого надевать обновку на кроху. Многие родители считают подобную меру предосторожности излишней. Конечно же, делать это или нет – решать только вам. Однако представьте себе, сколько человек могло смотреть эту вещь, трогать ее руками, пока она была в магазине. Вопрос о том, необходимо ли ладить детское белье после стирки, вызывает достаточно большой резонанс в обществе молодых родителей. Кто – то считает делать это – своим родительским долгом, а кто-то пренебрегает глажкой, считая ее чем-то вроде пережитка прошлого и не видя в ней никакой необходимости. Сказать однозначно, кто из них прав, а кто нет, практически невозможно. Педиатры же рекомендуют проглаживать детские вещи с двух сторон только в течение первых двух недель жизни крохи. Наверное, не стоит много говорить о том, что пеленки прочую детскую одежду родители должны содержать в образцовом порядке и чистоте. Нельзя бросать грязное белье на пол – для этого у вас должна быть специальная емкость, предназначенная именно для сбора грязной детской одежды. Ни в коем случае недопустимо подсушивать описанные малышом пеленки, после чего снова использовать их. Подобные действия неизбежно очень быстро приведут к возникновению у малыша опрелостей. Описанную пеленку следует отправить в стирку, заменив ее чистой. Если же пеленка запачкана детскими испражнениями, ее немедленно следует замочить либо же сразу постирать. Если же вы оставите ее на некоторое время, вы рискуете получить такие пятна, вывести которые будет очень сложно, а зачастую и просто нереально. После стрики детское белье желательно развесить таким образом, чтобы при сушке его не трогали руками и чтобы оно ни с чем не соприкасалось. Если у вас есть такая возможность, постарайтесь вывесить белье на просушку таким образом, чтобы на него попадали солнечные лучи, которые дополнительно обеззараживают и дезинфицируют его.
Fighting stains
If you are a happy mother of a grown-upcrumbs, be prepared to become a real expert in the field of detection, identification and removal of all kinds of different stains. The first thing you need to do when you find another letter is to determine its origin. It should be immediately noted that under no circumstances should you remove stains from children's clothing with chemicals such as gasoline or acetone. Below are the most effective ways to remove the most common types of stains on children's clothing:
- A grassy spot. The stain from the grass should immediately be washed with an ordinary soap - it instantly disappears without a trace. If this is not done on time and the stain has become obsolete, it must be moistened with plenty of ammonia beforehand, then wash it with soap. This will help eliminate the stain without a trace.
- If your joy has managed againput a stain on the clothes from berries or fruits, you will come to the aid of ordinary food vinegar. Dilute it with water at a ratio of 1 to 1 and wipe the stain, then wash it.
- If your child has pleased you with spots of chocolateor cocoa, immediately fill it with plenty of salt, then moisten with water. Leave for about ten minutes, then rinse under running water, treat with ammonia and wash with soap. The spot disappears.
- The stain of iodine is remarkably excreted with the help of ordinary food starch. Rub it into the fabric until the stain disappears completely. After that, just wash the thing.
- If the stains on the child's clothing are rusty, they can easily be removed with the help of ordinary lemon juice. Wrap the lemon slice in a napkin, attach it to the spot and lightly iron it.
Very soon you will master all of them perfectly.secrets of washing children's underwear and clothes, and you yourself will be able to easily conduct real master classes for less experienced friends. And many years later, looking at your grown-up son or daughter, you will fondly remember those tiny rompers and blouses that you have to wash today. We recommend reading: