child development in 1 yearIn the first year of life a little miracle happeneda lot of surprising and unusual things not only for the baby, but also for his mom and dad. Of course, parents carefully monitor the development of their baby - because they want the baby to be the best! Well, or, at least, not lag behind in development from his peers. It is for such worried parents that we have collected all the necessary information - about the development of the child, about activities with him. But remember the most important thing - do not consider the slightest deviation from the generally accepted norm as a universal catastrophe! All children are very individual and it would be stupid to rake them all under the same comb. As a last resort, if something worries you, tell your pediatrician about your concerns. He will definitely determine whether everything is okay with your baby.

Physical development of the child

Your little one is growing by leaps and bounds.He is no longer the little one who lay in his crib and looked at the ceiling - he is already a fully-fledged person. An individual, bright and unique person. The time has come for new research, discoveries, experience and knowledge. At this time, the most important person on Earth knows how to move around in space and travel. He has learned to crawl well and tries to climb onto a sofa or chair on his own, gets up without the help of adults. Despite numerous falls, the baby takes his first steps on his own, without any support. It is so difficult for him - he has not yet learned to bend his legs when walking, but still, he stubbornly continues to walk further, like a little penguin, swaying and spreading his legs wide. A touching picture, isn't it? Although, in fairness, it should be noted that often by 12 months some babies can already walk quite well. And at one and a half years old, you can play tag and hide-and-seek with them - it is very fun and perky. Try it at least once - you won't regret it! A lot of positive emotions are guaranteed for both you and your baby. In a word, all children develop differently, but in any case, all children begin to walk at about a year. There are rare exceptions and the baby takes his steps after a year - as a rule, if he is too heavy. But in any case, it is worth consulting a doctor about this - in very rare cases, the lack of independent walking may indicate health problems.

  • Fine motor skills.

At one year old, the baby has excellent grasping skillsmovements. It is no longer difficult for him to assemble pyramids, build towers and houses from cubes, catch and throw a ball, roll cars on the floor. The baby learns about the world in a practical way. At this age, he likes to take everything apart and assemble it in his own way, so adults should make sure that the baby is surrounded by complex toys. For example, according to the principle of nesting dolls and pyramids, which contain several objects in one whole. But remember that the habit of trying everything with your teeth does not disappear at a year old. Therefore, pay the closest attention to toys - they must be of the highest quality. You do not want paint to remain on your child's teeth, do you? Or even worse - small parts would break off from the toy - it's scary to think how it will all end. Therefore, do not skimp on the safety of your baby and buy only certified toys and special books for small children. By the way, very often moms and dads complain that their kids tear books. Parents should not get upset and worry about torn and painted pages in books and forbid the baby to do this. This is how he learns the physical structure of things, their functionality and possibilities of use. If you forbid these actions, then at a later age, for example, adolescence, your offspring will be scribbling in textbooks and on desks, not seeing anything strange or bad in this. Believe me, sooner or later he will take his own - what he was not given in early childhood. A child is a child. And it is in his very nature to break cars, tear books and twist off dolls' heads. Your task is to reduce the damage to a minimum. That is why all toys intended for one-year-old children are collapsible. Assembled - took it apart - and the sheep are safe and the wolves are full. The toy is safe and the child's need is satisfied.

  • Gymnastics

Gymnastics is not only very useful for children, but alsobrings a lot of positive emotions. Kids really like to roll and jump on the "ball" - a fitball. Usually they start doing this at the age of two weeks, but even one-year-olds experience a lot of pleasure when they are rolled on the ball. In addition, such activities at the age of one year are also useful for good bowel function and muscle tone. In addition, the child learns to group, which is also very important - he will have a lot of falls. Using mom's, and most often dad's arms and shoulders, the child masters the first gymnastic exercises - somersaults, somersaults, jumps up, exercises for developing coordination of movements. The baby has fun when he is thrown up and spun by the arms, rolled on shoulders. And a cheerful mood is one of the most necessary conditions for the correct development of a little mischief-maker. But do not overdo it - be careful. Firstly, the child may be very scared, even if a second ago he was laughing infectiously. Secondly, the child's vestibular system is still underdeveloped and the baby may simply feel ill. Thirdly, the baby's bones and ligaments are very fragile - you can miscalculate your strength and harm the child. Therefore, everything should be in moderation - you should not throw the baby to the ceiling and catch him by the legs - leave such extreme sports to circus stuntmen.

  • Massage

It is very useful to give your baby a massage.Moreover, this does not require any special skills or equipment. It is enough to do a light massage, telling a funny story or a joke, for example, the well-known one “rails-rails, sleepers-sleepers, a late train was coming…”. Simple movements - stroking circular - can work wonders. Watch your hands - if you do not want the massage to cause displeasure for your baby, they should be dry and warm. And the nails - short and filed. Be sure to use the most common baby oil - it will enhance the effect of the procedure. Of course, all this is true only for healthy children. If the child suffers from this or that disease, before you start doing the massage, be sure to talk to your pediatrician. And in no case should you try to do the massage yourself if the doctor prescribed it to the child. Your stroking will, of course, be pleasant for the baby. But there will be no sense in it.child development per year

Curiosity of the child

One year old baby shows his curiosityin absolutely everything that he sees, hears, touches and feels. He is perfectly oriented in the space of his home or apartment. He knows the location of furniture, looks into his favorite and accessible cabinets, opening them and pulling out various objects, which may not only be children's toys. The little explorer is especially interested in kitchen utensils and dishes - spoons, bright plates and bowls, jar lids, especially multi-colored ones and with different patterns, all kinds of molds and many other "mom's toys", for example, perfumes, creams, beads, earrings.

  • Adult toys

"Daddy's Toys" also arouse keen interestlittle ones – especially flashlights, wires, a computer mouse. Much attention is paid to “mom’s” and “dad’s” clothes and shoes, with subsequent trying them on. Cell phones! Sometimes parents look for them for a long time, looking under the bed, then in boxes with children's toys, and find them in the most unexpected places – in boots or shoes, in the washing machine, in the kitchen cabinet. But taking away and forbidding a child to play with a mobile phone is a mistake. After all, using the handset in the game, the child learns to say “Hello!”, “How are you?”, “... I'll be visiting soon” and other phrases heard from adults while talking on the phone. Children are very observant and they like to imitate their parents and learn from them. Therefore, if the phone is so dear to you, come up with a joint game so that the favorite device is always in sight, and then try to distract the child with a new activity.

  • Mirror

Children love to look in the mirror and smile.reflection, sometimes grimacing cheerfully. It can even be useful to bring the child to the mirror when he is being capricious, to stop the screams and tears. The baby loves himself in joy - crying, he will kick and deny. Unfortunately, many parents believe in the old sign that says that a child should not look in the mirror. And thus deprive the baby of a lot of pleasant impressions.

The Meaning

Child development at 1 year involvesimprovement of motor functions, motor skills, hearing and speech. The best and most enjoyable way to help a child form and improve basic and necessary skills is a game in all its manifestations. Little children love to play, and the gameplay itself is their pastime. Parents can play with their child with cubes, a ball, cars, dolls and much more. Who else but you know what exactly will interest your child?

  • Painting

At one and a half years old, a toddler may become interested in drawing.Soft pencils and gouache paints are best for a baby. Finger paints are still inferior in color saturation and quality of the drawing. After all, the little artist will create his first masterpieces together with his parents, who are probably interested in showing their joy what can be invented and made with paints, a brush, pencils and paper. By the way, gouache is easy to wash off. Although, of course, you shouldn't forget about finger paints - they develop a child's fine motor skills very well. And, after all, children simply adore them. So why deprive the little one of pleasure? Just prepare well, so as not to be upset later because of a dirty sofa and stained clothes. Firstly, put old clothes on your child that you don't mind getting dirty. Secondly, prepare a sheet of Whatman paper - an ordinary album sheet will clearly not be enough for a one-year-old's flight of fancy. And finally, cover everything around with polyethylene film. And, by the way, it would not be superfluous to prepare a bathtub - believe me, at the end of the creative process, it will be needed not only by your baby, but also by you.

  • Than to occupy the kid?

It often happens that mom and dad are busyhousehold chores, and the baby requires attention. When parents cook, you can give the child some safe kitchen items - beautiful bowls, plates, mugs made of unbreakable material, napkins and much more that will attract his attention and interest. It will be better if mom or dad show what can be done with these items and how they can be used in the game. Often, the baby is able to come up with a game with new devices himself. It will be useful for him if adults begin to accompany their household chores with children's songs and poems, counting rhymes, the reproduction of which the child will soon surprise his family and friends. But very carefully watch what exactly the child is playing with - he is still very small and can get hurt. The great imitator constantly looks at his relatives and repeats various actions and movements - he learns to brush his teeth, eat with a spoon and fork, drink from a mug, put on and take off shoes, etc. The main thing that is required from the closest people who are near him is to constantly be responsive and available for the baby's attention, listening to his questions, speech, trying to explain and show a new miracle for him. Indifference and anger significantly slow down the development of a one-year-old child.

  • Music

You might be surprised, but a one-year-old baby does notnot only remembers the words, but also the melody, and also catches the rhythm and begins to move to the music. Musical instruments play a big role in the development of a child at one year. Many kids like rhythmic tapping and hitting the drum, watching the piano, guitar and other musical instruments being played. The child has a desire to try to play them. But most of all, he loves to move to the beat of the music, catching its rhythm. From this moment, the little musician masters the first skills of harmoniously progressive movements and supplements his individual creative potential with new skills. Do not ridicule the child and do not interfere with him - who knows, maybe you are raising a future musician or singer! Child psychologists strongly recommend that parents put on various musical compositions for their children. Of course, Zemfira or "Okean Elzy" are not the best choice for this age. But any classical music will come in handy.correct development of the child in 1 year

Speech development

When the cute creature turns one year old, he is alreadycan pronounce not only various sounds, but also some simple words - "ma-ma", "pa-pa", "dai" and other sound combinations. The baby happily reproduces the voices of some animals - cats, dogs, birds. In a word, the little bird is a Talker. By the way, it is also distinguished by a rare mind and intelligence and grasps everything new very quickly. The more often parents communicate with their child, the faster he learns to speak. Speech development is facilitated by reading children's poems, fairy tales, reciting counting rhymes, jokes and nursery rhymes, listening to musical compositions with children's songs, watching kind and good cartoons, especially musical ones. They repeat short poems and even fairy tales, funny phrases and jokes heard from adults. Some words pronounced by mom, dad, grandma, grandpa and other relatives can cause uncontrollable laughter in a child. Later, he will get tired of laughing at the same thing, but he will remember the word or phrase and, perhaps, will use it in his speech in the future. Even if you do not have enough time to read a book to the little one, still communicate with him! Talk about the weather outside, what your plans are for the day, and, finally, describe the actions that you are doing at the moment. Perhaps, at first, the child will not understand everything, but his vocabulary will quickly expand. And very soon your monologue will turn into a full-fledged dialogue. Observations of the development of a one-year-old baby have shown that the child learns “bad” words instantly, so it is advisable for adults to monitor their speech and protect him from bad interference. If someone is swearing or cursing on the playground or in the park, it is better to go somewhere else. Of course, if you are brave and strong, it would be right to reprimand the one who swears. Some babies can already perfectly connect words into short phrases at the age of one and a half years, thus expressing requests, feelings, their warm attitude to their family and friends, the world around them. And others barely babble - all this is a variation of the norm. But if the baby does not pronounce any sounds at all - this is a serious cause for concern. Seek help from a doctor as soon as possible to exclude possible hearing problems. It is always worth remembering that your beloved baby is a constant observer of the actions and deeds of people around him, especially his parents. And a lot depends on the parents. It is at this early age when the main directions in the development of the child's personality are laid, which will determine his actions, character and deeds in the future conscious and independent life of a mature person. Helping to create a world for their baby, mom and dad improve their own, supplementing it with new, original, often unusual ideas and their solutions, developing their individual creative potential. When the dearest person on Earth celebrates his/her first birthday, parents are able to believe in miracles again! And appreciate this magical time - it will never happen again. Just a few years will pass and you will still remember with nostalgia the time when your little one just began to comprehend the world. And time flies so quickly!

