hair perm large curlsFashion in style and hairstyles is very fickle andchanges, as a rule, annually. But lush curls are not subject to fashion, due to the fact that such an image adds romance, femininity and sexuality to women. You can curl your hair with curlers every day, but this takes a lot of time and effort. It is for those women who do not have much free time that the option of a chemical perm is suitable, in which the curls will hold, depending on the chosen type of perm, from two to six months.

Varieties of a perm

Chemical perm has severalvarieties. The most popular of them is the American one, which provides beautiful, lush and large curls. It is performed by alternately fixing the strands on large curlers. The length does not matter much, but such a perm looks most impressive on a medium-length haircut. Another type of perm is traditional curlers. Today, manufacturers produce curlers of different thicknesses, which allows you to choose the size of the curl to your taste. It is recommended to pre-lubricate damp strands with mousse or gel of strong hold, curl them on curlers and dry with a hairdryer. Vertical perm is suitable for those who have a suitable length. But the curls are usually not large, because most often long and thin curlers are used. Silk wave is a type of perm with a curl of medium stiffness, which is ideal for medium or slightly below average length. Of the most gentle methods of perm, acid is distinguished, which can be done even after dyeing or highlighting. The downside of this method is that it is short-lived and cannot be used by those with sensitive scalp or dry and brittle hair. If you want large and beautiful curls, then a good option is a bio-curl. The solution for such a curl does not contain ammonia, thioglycolic acid, or hydrogen peroxide. The hair looks healthy, and the curls are natural, and all thanks to the drug, similar to the hair molecule, which is part of the solution. Alkaline curling is suitable for most hair types and is also considered gentle. This type of curling lasts about three months, but if the hair is hard, heavy or straight, then the durability will decrease to two months. Root curling is a separate type of chemical curling, which is less popular than the others. With this technique, the border between uncurled and curled hair is visible, and it does not last long. Most often, this type is used by women with thin hair as a basis for further styling.correct perm hair large curls

How to prepare hair for a curl so that beautiful and healthy curls turn out?

A perm will look beautiful and notpose a danger to the condition of the hair, if you prepare for this procedure correctly. The primary thing is to check for idiosyncrasy (check the skin for hypersensitivity). Although such reactions are very rare among modern curling preparations, you should not neglect this procedure. For the test, select a hypersensitive area of ​​​​the skin (the inside of the arm at the bend, behind the earlobe, etc.) and apply a piece of cotton wool soaked in the solution to it. Keep the cotton wool for as long as the perm requires. Then wash this area and moisten it with a fixing solution for a few minutes. If everything is fine, proceed to the next stage of preparation. Hair assessment is something without which no hairdresser should start the process. It is necessary to take into account individual characteristics, structure, and also their condition. With the right assessment, the curl will be elastic and durable, which characterizes the work of the master only from the best side. To get a large curl, certain conditions are needed. Hair should not be thin, as large curls will not hold on it. Their condition determines the duration of the curling process and what preparations will be used and in what concentrations. Soft, thin or dyed hair is more susceptible to chemical composition than thick and hard hair. From here, the approximate time is calculated, in which the desired result should be obtained. The first type will need less time and a lower concentration, and the second, accordingly, more time and a higher concentration of the composition. Next - washing. When washing your hair, in no case should you massage or rub the skin. The slightest damage to it will reflect unpleasant sensations during the process. Also, do not use shampoo that dries the scalp. Some hair, on the contrary, is shown oily compositions for washing before curling. Haircut. The quality of the curl itself and how the curls will lie later largely depend on the haircut. A gradual transition from sections of one length to sections of another length is a must, since only with the right haircut will you get soft strands. The result is an elastic perm with a natural effect. With such a haircut, it will be easy to curl the strands, which is impossible with a sharp difference in length. With a thorough haircut and well-done thinning, the hair is unwound correctly, which makes the curls springy and elastic. Professionally done thinning is especially important if the hair is thin. In this case, it is the basis of the hairstyle. Naturally, the success of a perm is largely influenced by the length of the hair. The thinner, the shorter it should be. Long and thin hair is the most difficult to curl, but if it is both long and thin, a perm is ineffective or completely ineffective. Long and coarse hair is also difficult to curl, starting from a certain length, since it is difficult to process and fix the strands. A short haircut, especially at the back of the head, also complicates curling the strands. Therefore, having decided to get a perm, you need to take care of the length that will give the best result.

The technology of wave

Chemical perm has a certain effecton the hair structure, so the quality of such a procedure is of great importance. The fact is that the chemical substance affects the hair, the scales open and elasticity is lost. It is at this moment that a lush, beautiful and large curl is formed. But now fixation is needed for stability. Special solutions are used for this. At the moment of such fixation, the bonds inside the hair are restored, the scales close and the keratin becomes elastic and strong.

The procedure of chemical wave

  • The master determines the quality of the hair and the structure,to further correctly choose the drug. At this stage it is very important to determine the type of initial treatment, as well as the way in which the solution will be applied.
  • Further the master washes the hair with shampoo with the effect of deep cleaning, which will help the flakes to open and accelerate the penetration of the substance inside.
  • The hairdresser carefully twists strands on large bobbin so that they do not fray.
  • Processes each bobbin, evenly and carefully applying a chemical solution.
  • He puts on a special warming hood. If the temperature in the room is low, then it is necessary to use an auxiliary heat source, for example, a climacterium.
  • Time is ticking. Depending on the structure of the hair and the expected curl, it usually takes about 20-30 minutes.
  • Checks the quality and uniformity of the curl, unwinding several strands in different areas.
  • Without removing the bobbin, removes the solution with warm water.
  • For 5 minutes, apply a fixer to restore the structure of the hair.
  • Removes carefully, without untwisting the curl, bobbin and again applies the fixative for 5-7 minutes.
  • Rinses hair with a special solution to neutralize the fixative.
  • Dry the hair with a towel and apply a drug restoring their structure.

This curl requires about 1.5-2.5 hours of time, but at the end of the procedure you will become a happy owner of beautiful curls. The effect of such a curl lasts up to six months, after which a couple of months are given for rest and recovery. Then the procedure can be repeated.high-quality perm hair large curls

Curling at home

Elastic, large curls are the dream of manygirls and women. Nowadays, perm is an affordable procedure. Having everything you need at hand, you can do the perm yourself at home. So, what do you need for a perm at home?

  • Comb-tail
  • Sponge for fixation and capacity
  • Composition for a wave
  • Clamp
  • Large bobbin (size depends on how large the curls you want)

First of all, you need to choose a product forperms. Pay attention to the quality of the product, as a lot depends on it, and most importantly - the health of your hair. It is best to consult a professional to avoid trouble. The composition is prepared immediately before application, as it tends to oxidize quickly. Also for this reason, it is not recommended to use metal objects. Before curling, be sure to wash and dry your hair well. Divide the hair into even strands of a width corresponding to the size of the curler. Wet the strand with a sponge soaked in the solution, but not the whole one. Usually, the solution is applied to the ends or to a third of it. Then the wet strand is curled evenly, without kinks, on the curler. When all the hair is curled, they need to be soaked in the curling composition and put on a warming cap or just a plastic bag. Keep it for as long as indicated on the package. If you overexpose it, there is a risk of burning the hair and scalp, if you do not hold it long enough, the curls may not curl or curl weakly. Next, after the holding period has expired, you need to check the strand. If the curls are strong and elastic, you need to move on to fixation, if weak, hold for some more time. The fixer is applied to pre-washed hair, and after that you can untwist the strands and rinse them again with warm water. The duration of curling at home depends on how experienced you are. The first time may take a lot of time, but all subsequent times you will cope much faster.

Hair care after waving

To avoid the negative impact of chemicalperm on the hair structure, it is necessary to regularly use special shampoos and conditioners. When choosing a product, pay attention to the composition of the product. It is good when the shampoo or conditioner contains vitamins (A, D, E), extracts from various medicinal herbs and special components such as keratin, panthenol, biogen, etc. If the hair is long, then it is additionally necessary to use products to restore the structure of the ends. You can also refresh the ends with a regular haircut or a haircut with hot scissors. Nourishing hair masks, especially moisturizing ones, are also useful. But it is not recommended to use them often. Avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet light, use a hair dryer as little as possible and use a comb with rare teeth. It is also advisable to limit hair contact with chlorinated or salt water. After washing, dry your hair with a towel, do not wring it out. Do not go to bed with a damp head. When styling, use a nourishing foam-balm.

Do you perm?

Many women, wise from bitter experienceperms of yesteryear, refuse this procedure and continue to curl their hair daily with curlers. Yes, the principle of a perm then and now is the same - changing the structure to create a beautiful curl. But the products that are used now are practically safe. Such products already contain much less ammonia and alkalis, and the most gentle acids are used. New products and methods of perming destroy the established stereotypes about the harmfulness of such a procedure, and now you can not only do a perm without fear, but also dye your hair the desired color at the same time.

