anti-cellulite oil Cellulite - it's like not cool, unpleasant andunaesthetic phenomenon. But everything is in your hands, as every woman can influence the condition of her own skin, on which her appearance depends. If you follow a balanced diet, do exercises and take good care of your skin, then you can restore elasticity and smoothness, an attractive and healthy appearance. And what only anti-cellulite oils and creams do not offer us today the cosmetic industry! On the cosmetic market there is a huge assortment of potions against the "orange peel" - practically every manufacturer has one or even several "innovative" means of fighting this trouble. But how realistic is this help against cellulite? Almost any anti-cellulite oil (cream, tonic, gel, ointment, etc.) does not "destroy" cellulite, but only increase the skin turgor, and then only for a short time. It is for this reason that manufacturers of these products always insist on their constant and regular use, otherwise the effect of smooth skin simply disappears. After all, under a smooth, moistened, and therefore elastic skin, the cavities and tubercles of the fatty layer do not really become so noticeable. Like any other cosmetic means, anti-cellulite massage oil is considered only an auxiliary. As it is necessary for the massage itself to become more effective, to make effective wrapping and to strengthen blood circulation in various exercises. But by themselves they do not solve the problem of cellulite - only in a complex, and only by changing the way of life, you will achieve a wonderful result. However, not all anti-cellulite massage oils are equally effective and not all are equally harmless. As a rule, the inscriptions on their packages promise that you will get rid of cellulite completely in 3 - 4 weeks, and, without any additional effort on your part - the magic oil will do everything for you. But at the expense of what components such an incredible effect is achieved, some manufacturers do not want to explain. Sometimes it happens that the specific names of active ingredients are hidden under the phrases "active complex" or "patented formula".

Secrets of anti-cellulite oils

It is best to buy anti-cellulite oils formassage, proved to be from the good side of the manufacturers. As a rule, they conscientiously indicate the specific and full composition of their funds. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to such inscriptions as "organic" and "natural". Such completely natural oils from cellulite can be used even during pregnancy. As their name implies, such oils are used to conduct a special anti-cellulite massage, or for self-massage at home with a massage or massage brush. There are different types of medicinal oils:

  • Oils that contain liquid contain thyme, lemon, juniper, mandarin, grapefruit, sweet dill, cypress and orange.
  • Oils that stimulate blood circulation and remove toxins from the lymphatic system contain rosemary, patchouli, ginger, dill sweet, cypress, cedar atlas, black pepper, basil.
  • Oils that support the necessary balance of hormones in the body, contain rose, lavender, geranium, clary muscat, roman chamomile.
  • Thus, the composition of the ingredients can bechoose the most suitable anti-cellulite massage oil for yourself. And do not doubt at all, making a choice in favor of this kind of anti-cellulite drugs, because even the fashion legislators confirm and recognize their effectiveness. anti-cellulite massage oil

    Berezovoe anti-cellulite oil Weleda

    Weleda - birch anti-cellulite oilregularly mentioned in various leading fashion magazines as a natural and effective means. In addition, Weleda birch anti-cellulite oil became the winner of the Green Beauty Bible Awards as the best anti-cellulite drug among none of the hundreds of other cosmetic products. In the composition of Weleda - anti-cellulite oil there are apricot stones, oily extract from rosemary leaves, rhizomes of the Pontic needle, birch leaves, wheat germ oil, jojoba oil and a mixture of natural essential oils. This undoubted success of the cosmetic company Weleda - birch anti-cellulite oil was given 1 place at the BioFach exhibition in 2005 in Nuremberg. The effect of this oil on problem areas of the body is complex. It quickly removes excess fat and tightens the skin, restoring its elasticity and making the outlines of the whole figure more clear. Birch oil is easily absorbed and does not leave marks on the skin. Oily extracts well activate the metabolism, both in the skin and in the subcutaneous tissue. They act by accelerating the breakdown of refractory fats, which form "cloddy fat" under the skin. They also restore the balance of fluid in the tissues of the body, evenly removing its excess. Vitamin-rich wheat germ oil, jojoba oil and apricot kernel oil naturally regenerate the fibers of the connective tissue of the skin and help increase the elasticity of the transverse connective tissue septa - this returns the surface of the skin to its original smoothness. The composition of natural essential oils, which contains Weleda - an anti-cellulite oil, is specially selected and carefully balanced. Therefore, it has an animating effect on the entire skin and subcutaneous fat, and also prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Regular use of this oil makes the skin elastic, supple and smooth. Method of application: birch anti-cellulite oil should be rubbed into the skin in circular motions 2 times daily for 4 weeks. To achieve a longer lasting effect, it is better to use it every day in the future.

    Anti-cellulite oil Galenopharm

    A lot of positive feedback and opinions gatheredand means Galenopharm - an anti-cellulite oil that meets all strict criteria when choosing a means against cellulite. It is presented in the form of a carefully formulated composition based on essential and base oils. He has an unforgettable citrus aroma. But the smell of citrus essential oils always raises the mood. In anti-cellulite oil Galenopharm high nutritional value, regenerating and soothing the skin effect. If you use it as a massage aids every day, then on the problem areas of the skin blood supply improves, metabolic processes in cells are activated. The anti-cellulite oil Galeno Pharma also strengthens the walls of the vessels and has a disinfectant, tonic effect. It includes: almond oil, maize oil and essential oils of orange, lemon and grapefruit, as well as tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), soy lecithin and oily extract from seaweed. As is known, almond oil contains irreplaceable linoleic acid, vitamin B2, protein substances, which favorably affects sensitive and prone to irritation skin, as it turns out to be a moisturizing and softening effect. In maize oil, a high content of vitamins A, E, F and lecithin. Its nutritional value is also high, it also has a calming and regenerating effect on the skin. At the same time, the essential oil of grapefruit in oil anti-cellulite galenopharm activates the burning of fats, improves lymph drainage and blood supply and makes the skin supple. The essential oil of an orange increases skin tone, has a smoothing effect. Essential oil of lemon reduces the vascular mesh. Oily extract of seaweed is responsible for stimulating metabolic processes in skin cells, breaking down fats, strengthening and improving the elasticity of the skin surface. Soy lecithin is a special component containing phospholipids in the product galenopharm - oil anti-cellulite. Lecithin not only strengthens the walls of blood vessels, but also performs an important function in the assimilation of skin cells of vitamins A, K, E, D and their metabolism in general, which affects the structure of tissues and increases the elasticity of the skin. The antioxidant properties of vitamin E help slow down the aging process, since they stimulate the respiration of cells and strengthen their membranes. Tocopherol acetate is an active antioxidant that reduces the need for oxygen in cells that regulates the exchange of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which improves the collateral circulation, strengthens the vascular wall, has a vasodilating effect and increases the strength of muscle contractions. Such an excellent composition only confirms the opinion that for maximum effect against cellulite, it is necessary to use anti-cellulite oil Galenopharm, although in combination with regular physical exercises, sauna visits and diet. After all, in fact, in achieving the correction of the figure, the unique natural product Galenopharm - an anti-cellulite oil is considered to be an indispensable remedy: reviews about it are also talked about its incredible effectiveness and rapid effect on the skin. Method of application: a small amount of warm oil should be rubbed into the skin with smooth massaging movements. If the oil is applied immediately after taking a shower or a bath on damp skin, then it will promote a more intensive absorption of the components that make up its composition.

    Anti-cellulite thermo-active oil for massage

    anti-cellulite oil galenofarmAnti-cellulite Oil Fitness Body isThermoactive massage oil consisting of 80% of natural ingredients. The combination of essential natural oils, grape seed extract and pineapple form a highly effective complex against cellulite, which actively penetrates the skin during the massage and causes intensive drainage of deep layers of the skin and lipolysis, while removing excess fluid from the problem areas. In anti-cellulite oil Fitness body contains and extract of pepper, which provides well-warming properties of the oil, which contribute to increased blood microcirculation, stimulation and recovery of the metabolic process in skin cells - prevents the appearance of cellulite. This anti-cellulite oil also contributes to the beauty of the skin: the composition of this product includes vitamins, moisturizing and nutritious ingredients that intensively nourish the skin. Thanks to its two-phase structure, the Body Bodysuit oil is easily applied and immediately absorbed without leaving a feeling on the skin of the oily film.

    Anti-cellulite oils Ikarov

    To anti-cellulite oils Ikarov belongMassage oils "Juniper" and "Cypress". When rubbed, these oils quickly penetrate into the subcutaneous tissue, activating blood and lymph circulation. The action of these oils lasts several hours after the massage. They activate the removal of excess liquid and accumulated slag. Also, the connective tissue is strengthened, and the surface of the skin is smoothed. The usual anti-cellulite oil Ikarov is a basic mixture of safflower and almond oils, and 4 essential oils, the main of which is cypress. Another basic mixture of this oil can be a mixture of grape and sesame oil, which promotes prolonged massage and skin warming. A complex of essential oils leads to an excellent stimulating effect of this anti-cellulite oil - its composition is quite effective for the most stubborn forms of cellulite.

    Oil of anti-cellulite grandmother Agafia

    Anti-cellulite oil Recipes grandmother Agafiaincludes such effective components as juniper oil, wormwood oil and natural extract of black pepper. The regeneration of tissues contributes to the essential oil of juniper, and it also prevents the appearance of scars. In addition, it smooths and cleanses the skin well. Meanwhile, essential oil of Artemisia "burns" fat deposits, normalizing the water-fat balance. In addition, it tones up the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Black pepper contributes to an irritating effect, which increases blood circulation in the skin and speeds up metabolic processes. A lot of reviews about the anti-cellulite oil Recipes grandmother Agafia recommends using it together with a massage to get rid of excess fat.

    Massage oils Styx

    In the formulation of massage anti-cellulite oils styxUsually, such cold pressed vegetable oils as calendula oil, wheat germ, macadamia, soybean and various essential oils are used. This anti-cellulite oil styx always has an unconditional action - hemolymph-drainage, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, which increases the resonance of massage movements by 50-70%. Massage oil "Anti-cellulite" Styx - anti-cellulite oil, stimulating fat lipolysis, elimination of toxins, elimination of cellulite and "orange peel" syndrome. Stimulates microcirculation and hemolymphodynamics. And also tones up the skin, it serves as a preventative of stretch marks. In the composition of this oil: mint, orange, rosemary, geranium, cinnamon and oregano. In another Styx - anti-cellulite oil, the effective composition is represented by coconut oil, petitgrane, mint, cloves and rosemary. Thanks to which this anti-cellulite agent activates blood circulation, tightens, tones up the skin, eliminates scar and stretch marks on the skin. This oil makes the skin supple and smooth, eliminating the symptoms of the "orange peel". When choosing an anti-cellulite oil, remember that the most tangible effect you can achieve only in conjunction with sports and proper nutrition. Be beautiful! We advise you to read:

