anti-cellulite oilCellulite is, no matter how you look at it, an unpleasant andan unaesthetic phenomenon. But everything is in your hands, since every woman can influence the condition of her own skin, which determines its appearance. If you stick to a balanced diet, do exercises and take proper care of your skin, you can restore its elasticity and smoothness, an attractive and healthy appearance. And what anti-cellulite oils and creams the cosmetic industry does not offer us today! The cosmetic market offers a huge range of potions against "orange peel" - almost every manufacturer has one or even several "innovative" means to combat this problem. But how real is the help of these anti-cellulite products? Almost any anti-cellulite oil (cream, tonic, gel, ointment, etc.) does not "destroy" cellulite at all, but only increases skin turgor, and only for a short time. It is for this reason that manufacturers of these products always insist on their constant and regular use, otherwise the effect of smooth skin simply disappears. After all, under smooth, moisturized, and therefore elastic skin, the dimples and bumps of the fat layer really become less noticeable. Like any other cosmetic product, anti-cellulite massage oil is considered only an auxiliary tool. Since it is necessary to make the massage itself more effective, to make the wrap effective and to increase blood circulation during various workouts. But they will not solve the problem of cellulite on their own - only in a complex, and only by changing your lifestyle, you will achieve an excellent result. However, not all anti-cellulite massage oils are equally effective and not all are equally harmless. As a rule, the inscriptions on their packages promise that you will get rid of cellulite completely in 3 - 4 weeks, and without any additional effort on your part - the magic oil will do everything for you. But some manufacturers do not want to explain what components achieve such an incredible effect. Sometimes it happens that the specific names of active ingredients are hidden under the phrases “active complex” or “patented formula”.

Secrets of anti-cellulite oils

It is best to buy anti-cellulite oils formassage, which have proven themselves on the good side of manufacturers. As a rule, they conscientiously indicate the specific and complete composition of their products. In this case, you need to pay attention to such inscriptions as "organic" and "natural". Such completely natural oils for cellulite can be used even during pregnancy. As their name suggests, such oils are used to carry out a special anti-cellulite massage, or for self-massage at home with a massager or massage brush. There are different types of healing oils:

  • Oils that contain liquid contain thyme, lemon, juniper, mandarin, grapefruit, sweet dill, cypress and orange.
  • Oils that stimulate blood circulation and remove toxins from the lymphatic system contain rosemary, patchouli, ginger, dill sweet, cypress, cedar atlas, black pepper, basil.
  • Oils that support the necessary balance of hormones in the body, contain rose, lavender, geranium, clary muscat, roman chamomile.
  • Thus, based on the composition of the ingredients, it is possiblechoose the most suitable anti-cellulite massage oil for yourself. And do not doubt at all when choosing this type of anti-cellulite products, because even fashion trendsetters confirm and recognize their effectiveness.anti-cellulite massage oil

    Berezovoe anti-cellulite oil Weleda

    Weleda - Birch Anti-Cellulite Oilis regularly mentioned in various leading fashion magazines as a natural and effective remedy. In addition, Weleda birch anti-cellulite oil has become the winner of the Green Beauty Bible Awards as the best remedy against cellulite among hundreds of other cosmetic products. Weleda - anti-cellulite oil contains apricot kernels, oil extract from rosemary leaves, rhizomes of Pontic butcher's broom, birch leaves, wheat germ oil, jojoba oil and a mixture of natural essential oils. This is an undoubted success of the cosmetic company Weleda - birch anti-cellulite oil was given 1st place at the BioFach exhibition in 2005 in Nuremberg. The effect of this oil on problem areas of the body is complex. It quickly gets rid of excess fat and tightens the skin, returning its elasticity and making the outlines of the entire figure more distinct. Birch oil is easily absorbed and leaves no marks on the skin. Oil extracts activate metabolism well, both in the skin and in the subcutaneous tissue. They act by accelerating the breakdown of refractory fats that form "lumpy fat" under the skin. They also restore the fluid balance in the body's tissues, evenly removing its excess. Vitamin-rich wheat germ oil, jojoba oil and apricot kernel oil naturally regenerate connective tissue fibers of the skin and help increase the elasticity of transverse connective tissue septa - this returns the skin surface to its original smoothness. The composition of natural essential oils, which Weleda - anti-cellulite oil contains, is specially selected and carefully balanced. Therefore, it has a revitalizing effect on the entire skin and subcutaneous tissue, and also prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Regular use of this oil makes the skin elastic, supple and smooth. Directions for use: Birch anti-cellulite oil should be rubbed into the skin in circular motions 2 times daily for 4 weeks. To achieve a longer lasting effect, it is better to use it every day in the future.

    Anti-cellulite oil Galenopharm

    Lots of positive reviews and opinionsсобрало и средство Galenopharm — масло антицеллюлитное, отвечающее всем строгим критериям при выборе средств против целлюлита. Оно представлено в виде тщательно составленной композиции на основе эфирных и базисных масел. У него незабываемый потрясающий цитрусовый аромат. А ведь запах цитрусовых эфирных масел всегда поднимает настроение. У антицеллюлитного масла Галенофарм высокая питательная ценность, регенерирующее и успокаивающее кожу действие. Если пользоваться им как массажным средством каждый день, то на проблемных участках кожи улучшится кровоснабжение, активизируются обменные процессы в клетках. Масло антицеллюлитное Галено фарм также укрепляет стенки сосудов и обладает дезинфицирующим, тонизирующим действием. В его состав входит: масло миндального ореха, маисовое масло и эфирные масла апельсина, лимона и грейпфрута, а также токоферола ацетат (витамин Е), соевый лецитин и масляная вытяжка из морских водорослей. Как известно, в миндальном масле содержится незаменимая линолевая кислота, витамин В2, белковые вещества, что благоприятно влияет на чувствительную и склонную к раздражению кожу, поскольку оказывается увлажняющее и смягчающее действие. В маисовом масле высокое содержание витаминов А, Е, F и лецитина. Его питательная ценность так же высока, так же обладает успокаивающим и регенерирующим кожу действием. В то же время эфирное масло грейпфрута в масле антицеллюлитном галенофарм активизирует сжигание жиров, улучшает лимфодренаж и кровоснабжение и делает кожу эластичной. Эфирное масло апельсина повышает тонус кожи, обладает разглаживающим действием. Эфирное масло лимона уменьшает сосудистую сеточку. Масляная вытяжка морских водорослей отвечает за стимуляцию обменных процессов в клетках кожи, расщепление жиров, укрепление и улучшение эластичности поверхности кожи. Соевый лецитин — это особенный компонент, содержащий фосфолипиды, в продукте galenopharm — масле антицеллюлитном. Лецитин не только укрепляет стенки сосудов, но и выполняет важную функцию в усвоении клеток кожи витаминов А, К, Е, Д и их метаболизме в целом, что хорошо сказывается на структуре тканей и повышает эластичность кожи. Антиоксидантные свойства витамина Е способствуют замедлению процессов старения, поскольку стимулируют дыхание клеток и укрепляют их мембраны. Токоферола ацетат является активным антиоксидантом, уменьшающим потребность клеток в кислороде, регулирующим обмен белков, углеводов и жиров, улучшающим коллатеральное кровообращение, укрепляющим сосудистую стенку, оказывающим сосудорасширяющее действие и повышающим силу сокращений мышц. Такой превосходный состав только подтверждает мнение, что для максимального эффекта против целлюлита надо использовать антицеллюлитное масло Галенофарм, правда, в комплексе с регулярными физическими упражнениями, посещениями сауны и диетой. Ведь на самом деле в достижении коррекции фигуры незаменимым средством считается уникальный натуральный продукт Галенофарм — масло антицеллюлитное: отзывы о нём также говорят о его невероятной эффективности и быстром воздействии на кожу. Способ применения: небольшое количество теплого масла надо втирать в кожу плавными массирующими движениями. Если масло нанести сразу после принятия душа или ванны на влажную кожу, то оно будет способствовать более интенсивному впитыванию компонентов, входящих в его состав.

    Anti-cellulite thermo-active oil for massage

    anti-cellulite oil galenofarmAnti-cellulite oil Fitness body isthermoactive massage oil, consisting of 80% natural ingredients. A combination of essential natural oils, grape seed and pineapple extracts form a highly effective anti-cellulite complex, which actively penetrates the skin during massage and causes intensive drainage of the deep layers of the skin and lipolysis, while removing excess fluid from problem areas. The anti-cellulite oil Fitness Body also contains pepper extract, which provides good warming properties of the oil, which help to enhance blood microcirculation, stimulate and restore the metabolic process in skin cells - prevents the appearance of cellulite. This anti-cellulite oil also contributes to the beauty of the skin: the composition of this product includes vitamins, moisturizing and nourishing ingredients that intensively care for the skin. Due to its two-phase structure, Fitness Body oil is easy to apply and is immediately absorbed without leaving a feeling of a greasy film on the skin.

    Anti-cellulite oils Ikarov

    Ikar's anti-cellulite oils include:Juniper and Cypress massage oils. When rubbed in, these oils quickly penetrate the subcutaneous tissue, activating blood and lymph circulation. The effect of these oils lasts for several hours after the massage. They activate the removal of excess fluid and accumulated toxins. Connective tissue is also strengthened, and the skin surface is smoothed. The usual Ikarov anti-cellulite oil is a basic mixture of safflower and almond oils, and 4 essential oils, the main one of which is cypress. Another basic mixture of this oil can be a mixture of grape and sesame oil, which promotes a long massage and warms the skin. And the complex of essential oils leads to an excellent stimulating effect of this anti-cellulite oil - its composition is quite effective for the most stubborn forms of cellulite.

    Oil of anti-cellulite grandmother Agafia

    Anti-cellulite oil Recipes of Grandma Agafiaincludes such effective components as juniper oil, wormwood oil and natural black pepper extract. Juniper essential oil promotes tissue regeneration and also prevents the appearance of scars. In addition, it smoothes and cleanses the skin well. Meanwhile, wormwood essential oil "burns" fat deposits, normalizing the water-fat balance. In addition, it tones the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Black pepper promotes an irritating effect, enhancing blood circulation in the skin and accelerating metabolic processes. Many reviews of the anti-cellulite oil Recipes of Grandma Agafia recommend using it together with massage to get rid of excess fat deposits.

    Massage oils Styx

    In the recipe for anti-cellulite massage oilsstyx usually uses cold-pressed vegetable oils such as calendula, wheat germ, macadamia, soybean and various essential oils. Such anti-cellulite oil styx always has an unconditional effect - hemolymphatic drainage, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, which increases the resonance of massage movements by 50-70%. Massage oil "Anti-cellulite" Styx is an anti-cellulite oil that stimulates fat lipolysis, removes toxins, eliminates cellulite and "orange peel" syndrome. Stimulates microcirculation and hemolymph dynamics. And also tones the skin, serves as a prevention of stretch marks. This oil contains: mint, orange, rosemary, geranium, cinnamon and oregano. Another drug Styx - anti-cellulite oil has an effective composition of coconut oil, petitgrain, mint, cloves and rosemary. Thanks to this anti-cellulite product, it activates blood circulation, tightens and tones the skin, eliminates scars and stretch marks on the skin. This oil makes the skin elastic and smooth, eliminating the symptoms of "orange peel". When choosing an anti-cellulite oil, remember that you can achieve the most noticeable effect only in combination with sports and proper nutrition. Be beautiful! We recommend reading:

