1 During pregnancy, a woman with a special thrillrefers to his health: he leads a healthy lifestyle, fulfills all the recommendations of the attending physician, more carefully approaches the issue of compiling a diet and choosing food. Separately, there is such an important issue as the choice of a drink for a pregnant woman. After all, all substances that enter the body of the mother, and penetrate to the baby. In this article, the harmful and useful properties of beverages most popular in pregnant women are studied in more detail and described.

Coffee and Pregnancy

Probably, no one asked pregnant womenwomen as often as the question of whether coffee is harmful during pregnancy. And, probably, there were not so many absolutely contradictory answers to any question as to whether coffee can be taken during pregnancy. Some researchers argue that coffee in the early stages of pregnancy does not cause any harm to either the mother or the fetus. Another group of scientists says that coffee and pregnancy are two mutually exclusive concepts. So who do you believe? Who can give accurate information about how coffee affects pregnancy? And is the effect of coffee dangerous on pregnancy? Recent studies of Russian gynecologists, conducted in conjunction with neonatologists, have proved that drinking coffee during pregnancy can have the most negative consequences. Scientists have been examined hundreds of women who lost their pregnancy as a result of spontaneous miscarriage. More than 90% of them did not stop drinking coffee after learning about pregnancy. Among women who gave birth to their babies before the term, 80% also drank coffee throughout their entire pregnancy. Women who drank soluble coffee during pregnancy were much more likely to develop edema and heartburn. In addition, this group of women most often develops a disease such as cystitis. Based on the data obtained, physicians analyzed and concluded: the use of coffee during pregnancy increases the risk of all kinds of complications, both from the mother's body and from the fetus. In addition, pregnancy and coffee planning are also things that are poorly compatible. Regular consumption by a woman of each cup of coffee per day will reduce her chances of becoming pregnant by about 10%. It would seem, not so scary. In the event that a woman drinks only one cup of coffee, and if 4 - 5 cups? It's easy to calculate how her chances of becoming a mother are reduced. Sometimes it happens that a woman simply can not force herself to give up coffee even during pregnancy. In this case, the most safe alternative may be decaffeinated coffee. Of course, it is different from the usual taste of natural coffee, but still able to deceive the body, and help get rid of coffee dependence even for the period of pregnancy to exclude the harm of coffee during pregnancy. Pregnancy and coffee with milk should also mutually exclude each other. There is an erroneous opinion that milk neutralizes the negative effect of coffee. However, this is not so - milk only changes the taste of coffee. So it's better to drink tea with milk, which will not hurt your baby and do not worry about whether you can make coffee during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and tea

Tea can be a worthy replacement for coffee. However, the choice of tea should also be approached with caution, because not every tea will benefit the future mother and her baby. For example, black tea during pregnancy should be drunk with caution, as it will contain tianin. Strong tea can harm a child's health. Herbal teas, even such harmless as Ivana tea, during pregnancy should also be taken very carefully and only with the permission of your doctor - a gynecologist. This precaution is due to the fact that some herbs that are part of herbal tea, can adversely affect the development of the fetus, and even provoke miscarriage or premature birth. Kidney tea during pregnancy is also necessary to drink only as directed and under the supervision of a doctor. Excessive abuse of kidney tea can lead not only to the removal of edema, but also to the washing out of the body of a large number of useful micro and macroelements, and as a consequence, metabolic disorders. In order for you to decide what tea to drink during pregnancy, all the positive and negative properties that different types of tea possess are described below.

  • Green tea during pregnancy, despite itswide popularity, it is strictly not recommended to use. This is due to the peculiarity of green tea, which is that it completely prevents the body from absorbing folic acid, which is so necessary for a pregnant woman. Folic acid is responsible for the correct insertion and further formation of the internal organs of the fetus. Lack of folic acid can lead to the development of fetal malformations. That's why you should not drink green tea during pregnancy.
  • Tea insti is a favorite means of treatmentcolds and flu in many pregnant women. Reviews of doctors about this tea are ambiguous: some doctors believe that its use is absolutely safe, while others say that this risk is not justified. When making a choice, consult your doctor - gynecologist.
  • Lime tea during pregnancy is excellentalternative to pharmacological drugs for colds. Lime tea will relieve nasal congestion, relieve headaches, normalize the work of the nervous system. And if you drink lime tea with raspberries, then it is possible to reduce the highest temperature. Just remember that raspberry is a powerful diaphoretic. Therefore, after you have had tea, you will need to go to bed. And tea with honey during pregnancy is a wonderful soothing.
  • Tea with lemon in pregnancy can be an excellent tonic. In addition, do not forget about the benefits of vitamin C, which is in lemons.
  • But chamomile tea during pregnancy, despiteon its unquestionable advantage, should be taken very, very carefully. Chamomile has a pronounced sedative and anti-inflammatory effect, but in addition, it has an estrogen-stimulating effect on the ovaries. That is why, if there is at least the slightest threat of spontaneous termination of pregnancy, the use of chamomile tea should be discarded. To the same women, in whom pregnancy proceeds without complications, it is necessary to limit 0, 5 liters of chamomile tea per day. Tea with chamomile in pregnancy can be consumed only with the permission of your doctor.
  • Mint tea during pregnancy will help preventthe appearance of edema and eliminate existing ones. And on small terms of pregnancy mint tea will help to eliminate symptoms of toxicosis. The main thing that you should pay attention to when choosing mint tea, whether natural mint is used, or simply mint flavors. The recommended amount of tea per day is no more than one liter. Tea with melissa has similar properties.
  • Some women in the first trimester of pregnancycollide with a strong, exhausting toxicosis, accompanied by constant nausea and vomiting. Ginger tea can be a real salvation in this situation. Tea with ginger has the remarkable ability to quickly and permanently eliminate nausea. As a rule, one cup of ginger tea lasts about 10 hours. It is worth taking note of this remedy and those women who are caked in transport.
  • White tea during pregnancy improves digestioncalcium, which is a very important factor for the normal course of pregnancy. In addition, white tea normalizes the functions of the cardiovascular system, lowers the permeability of blood vessels and has a general strengthening effect on the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Tea from a dogrose is a real storehousevitamins. The hips contain practically all vitamins necessary for the body. To make tea, pour 20 grams of rose hips with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 5 hours. However, do not forget that the dog rose has an easy diuretic effect.
  • Karkad tea has a unique property asincrease the pressure, and lower it. If you have low blood pressure, you should drink this tea in a cold form, if it is high, then in a hot form.
  • Tea with bergamot has a pleasant taste and aroma, as well as tea with jasmine. However, they belong to the category of green tea and their use is highly undesirable.
  • Cowberry tea also has a diureticproperty and quickly removes edema. However, it can not be consumed without the appointment of a doctor, since diuretic teas during pregnancy should be drunk only if there are indications.
  • But the tea with a thyme, beloved by many women, is strictly contraindicated in pregnancy.

For permanent use, it is better to choose which- or neutral tea. Kuril tea has a pleasant taste and smell, has no contraindications to use during pregnancy. For followers of the classic version, Rooibos tea is ideal. Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and is not a guide to action. For the correct choice, contact your doctor. We advise you to read:

