rules of communication by phone Telephone conversations have long become importantan instrument of business and just a part of our life. And it is clear that if you want to make an impression of a smart girl or a woman, talking on the phone should be polite. And not only with relatives, friends and friends, but also with strangers - this is evidenced by modern etiquette. If you follow the basic rules of communication on the phone, politeness will always be your business card. It will help you to form or strengthen a positive image. Of course, politeness is needed at work. Compliance with the rules of business conversation can affect the image of your company in general and your image of a business lady in particular. Therefore, you should learn how to correctly answer phone calls, if you want to make a successful career in the office or in the personal business. The etiquette of a business conversation on the phone is not so difficult to master: the main thing is to remember the basic rules to which this article is devoted. A small caveat: of course, the focus of our attention will mainly be the art of properly dealing with business partners, customers, suppliers, bosses, subordinates. But the nuances, so to speak, of informal communication technology on the phone, we will not miss. After all, during conversations with friends, relatives, young people, too, can come across "pitfalls", which the educated girl should be avoided. So the etiquette of business communication will be supplemented with the secrets of informal conversation over the phone.

Do not long ring

Dialing the number you are interested in, waiting for an answerDo not hold the handset too long. The optimal waiting time is no more than five or six beeps. If you are not answered during this time, the called person either left or is too busy and can not speak right now. In any case, do not forget about politeness, reading the cabinet with endless calls. If they call you, then you need to answer the call after the second or third call. Such promptness will help the caller to save time and show your good business qualities. Modern etiquette implies that the rules apply not only during a business conversation, but also with informal communication. Even the number of the best friend is not worth typing ten times in five minutes (unless, of course, something vital has happened). Since the tube is not taken immediately, it means for some reason can not do it - you need to show patience. It is better to dial the number through time or wait until you call back. And to take the receiver (or take a call on the mobile) is also better without unnecessary delays. Even if you know that now your number is typed to just chat. Etiquette prescribes all the same two or three calls. And really, why make a person wait longer?

Introduce yourself by giving your full name

First called the called subscriber, thenexist person who answers the call. Picking up the phone, always start with a greeting, and then call your position in the company (or the name of the department in which you work) and your full name. Usually the management of the company decides in advance how the employees should call the company when answering a phone call - corporate etiquette assumes that this should be a short but complete representation of the organization that would be suitable for answering the full range of possible incoming calls. But when calling within the company, it's enough to name only your full name. It is also advisable at the very beginning of the conversation to add one or two phrases that would help create a pleasant atmosphere and show your companion your benevolence and desire to help. Unspeakable "Hello" or "I'm listening!" Are inappropriate, since they will not give the caller any information - he will have to ask about where he got and who is talking to him. In addition, the greeting gives the caller enough time to prepare for the perception of important information for him. Of course, in this regard, informal communication is much simpler: at the beginning of an ordinary, rather than a business conversation, there is no need to name your name or position, there is no need to select the first phrase. Etiquette will not be broken if you just say: "Hello, this is ..." - the main thing is that the interlocutor understand who communicates with him. If you call up a long-time friend (friend), immediate relatives (for example, with a mom or a sister) or a young man - with someone who knows you by voice - you can not even introduce yourself, but simply exchange greetings. Yes, etiquette can prescribe a more respectful beginning, for example: "Hello" or "Good afternoon" and by name and patronymic, but only when in real life you communicate in exactly the same way. And remember that the sequence of exchange of greetings, typical for business communication, a well-bred girl or woman keeps even in an informal conversation. If you call, let the man say hello, do not interrupt (even if this is your best friend), and then greet him and tell him what you want. If they call you, say hello, and then let the person greet you and listen carefully - etiquette will be perfectly observed. telephone communication

Always ask if you are calling in time

If you call, always ask if you havethe interlocutor time to listen to you. It's not just about courtesy, although it's also very important. If your interlocutor at the moment is something too busy, he will not listen to you very carefully and will not be able to fully understand the information you have provided. As a result, your call will be ineffective. Etiquette and banal logic suggest that it's better not to forget about propriety and at the beginning of a conversation to use such phrases:

  • Can you give me five (ten, a few) minutes? I need to talk to you about ... (briefly state the essence of the matter).
  • When should I call you to discuss ...? I need five minutes of your time to talk.
  • If it does not make it difficult, call me back at once, how to be released.

It is especially important to ask the interlocutor, it is convenientwhether he is talking to you if you are calling on a mobile phone. After all at this moment a person can be anywhere, and not everywhere he is ready to listen to business proposals. If on the contrary - someone calls you at a time when you can not talk, - now you can ask the other person to call you back. Inform the time most convenient for a second call. You can promise that you will call back. Be sure to apologize for not being able to listen to your caller and having to interrupt the conversation. Etiquette prescribes to take into account these rules not only during business communication, but also in informal conversation. When the number you type, of course, you can do without dry officialdom, but even a mother, girlfriend or husband (guy) should ask whether it is convenient for her (him) now to talk. Especially if you call a person at work. The only exceptions are those situations where you know for sure that your interlocutor is not currently engaged in anything important or is specifically waiting for your call. If you are typed, but there is no time to maintain a conversation, do not hesitate to say that you are busy, even if on the other end of the wire is the person to whom you are very close and dear. But remember that the correct modern communication on the phone is also an art, skill and ability not to offend and not to disappoint. Therefore, even with an informal conversation, apologize for not being able to talk, and say that you will call back. But do not forget to fulfill this promise. Or tell me when to dial you, if for some reason you can not call back yourself. This way you will not only observe the etiquette, but also show that you respect the attention of the person applying to you. A small addition: if you often call up to someone, especially not just with your girlfriends, but on work, for business communication, it is advisable to agree on a certain time. If the business partner knows that, for example, you will dial him at 15:00, he will be able to prepare for the conversation. And vice versa: if you know that a business call is waiting, for example, at 11:15, this will give you the opportunity to plan your working day before and after this - this is just the case when etiquette works for you. And no one prevents you from reaching an agreement with your girlfriends and appointing a time for ten minutes of daily chatter. Knowing when informal communication will take place on the phone is also convenient, because every girl and woman has a lot of everyday cares and it is necessary that their decision does not coincide in time with friendly conversation.

Do not forget the tone of your voice. Smile!

If you have never met a person withwhich you are talking on the phone, the only way to create a favorable impression of yourself will be the intonations of your voice. Therefore, tone of voice should be given special attention, because this is how you can create a favorable atmosphere for an important conversation. If during a conversation you smile, your invisible interlocutor will feel sympathy for you. This will help to arrange it to yourself, and your conversation will proceed more productively. And during an informal conversation, a benevolent tone is also very important. Why? Just imagine the situation: you are doing well, but with your mother or girlfriend you are talking somehow dry, cold, lifeless. In such a situation, a person on the other side of the wire is either worried, and then questions from scratch will start or be offended at you. But you, after all, understand perfectly well that it's more important to communicate with people close to your heart than with business partners during a business conversation. Naturally, with informal conversation, it is not only possible to smile, but also laughter, jokes, jokes. But, having fun, do not forget that you still have to observe the etiquette and not interrupt the interlocutor, even if it's the best friend and you just got a very funny pun in response to some expression of it. Otherwise, jokes can end with resentment and reproaches. the art of communicating on the phone

Speak clearly and accurately, accurately expressing the thought

The goal of a business call should be to achievemutual understanding, and not the desire to bring counter arguments to each argument of the interlocutor. Give the caller enough time to learn your thoughts, but do not delay the conversation, so as not to lose his attention. Think ahead of the upcoming conversation to convey the essence of the problem as accurately as possible, avoiding lengthy and verbose arguments. While you are conducting a business conversation over the phone, the rate of speech should be almost half that of a conventional conversation. This is mainly due to the fact that the person listening to you is limited in the ability to use for perception other senses other than hearing. With visual contact, gestures, facial expressions and other means of non-verbal communication contribute to a better understanding, while on the phone, your interlocutor only hears your voice. Therefore, try to speak a little slower than usual, clearly pronouncing words and using short sentences. Speak briefly and clearly. You can easily determine the optimal pace of the conversation, if at the very beginning of the conversation you will listen to what your interlocutor says. If you want to achieve mutual understanding, it will be better if you adjust precisely to its pace of speech. If a person speaks slowly, he will not have time to follow your thoughts, listening to "one hundred words per minute". And if the interlocutor speaks quickly, perhaps he is in a hurry, and the slow, interrupted by frequent pauses, speech will irritate him. It is unlikely that he will ever want to talk with you again. All these rules are important not only for business communication - they find their application in an informal conversation. Even if you tell the latest news to the best girlfriend, do not mumble or chatter - etiquette encourages you to respect the interlocutors, give them time to think, imagine, say. Remember that the art of communicating on the phone is to tell, and to hear, and also to receive and present a moral pleasure from a conversation with a polite person.

Ending a conversation

Replace the handset only when youthey are sure that the interlocutor who called you told everything that he needed. Interrupt the interlocutor in a half-word and put the receiver would be too impolite of you. At the very end, it is worthwhile to summarize the conversation to make sure that your interlocutor heard everything you said and that you correctly understood everything he told you. This will help to avoid possible misunderstandings. If the conversation turned out to be longer than you expected, do not apologize at the end, but thank the interlocutor for giving you his time. Thus, you will show that you respect his working time, and you do not have to end the conversation with apologetic tone. Both sides will be pleased if you say good-bye, wishing each other good luck or a good day. Such a request will help politely end an important telephone conversation. These rules of business communication are reflected in informal cases. Ending the conversation with the person who is dear to your heart, you can not say "For now" - and just hang up. It is necessary to wait for his answer, even if you are in a hurry. In principle, the etiquette of an educated girl implies that you will follow the same rule in the case of just acquaintances or relatives. And, of course, if a person on the other side of the tube first says to you: "Goodbye", - be polite to him farewell. It is clear that if you do not, you may just be offended. And the closer you are perceived by a person, the deeper will be resentment. Remember that correct and modern communication on the phone is an art that obliges you to pay attention to the feelings of the interlocutors. We advise you to read:

