cake from biscuits and condensed milk In many housewives the very notion of "cake" is associatedwith a long and painful process of kneading the dough, baking. Not everyone can make a delicious confectionery, because in this case you need practice, a special approach and, perhaps, even a talent. If you do not enter the category of culinary gurus, but like sweet, suggest we remember a few recipes. A cake of cookies and condensed milk is a quick dish, the preparation of which takes from half an hour's strength. What could be better than tea with a delicate dessert in the company of loved ones and loved ones?

Cake "Two" from wafers and cookies

Want to get together with your girlfriends and start a smallparty? In this case, you can not do without sweets. Preparation of a biscuit test, custard or sour cream is all a long time. Of course, if it is, as they say, a car, then you can work a little. But when you want to do everything quickly and at the same time save money, the following recipe will do. Ingredients:

  • 100 grams of butter
  • square waffle packing
  • 380 grams of boiled condensed milk
  • two packs of fresh friable cookies
  • Nuts or peanuts - optional

Cooking method: If you bought liquid condensed milk, pour it into a pot of boiling water and cook over a small fire for about an hour and a half. Then cool well and combine with the softened butter, cut into small pieces. Thoroughly mix the ingredients so that they form a homogeneous cream without lumps. Then on a flat plate lay out waffles, grease them with the received mass, from above weaken the cookies. In the same way, make a few more layers until you completely use all the products. If desired, you can add to the cream fried in a dry griddle and peeled peanuts or other nuts. Send the dish to the fridge for four hours. Serve with tea, milk, coffee or flavored cocoa. biscuit cake with condensed milk

Nut cake with chocolate

If in the first recipe condensed milk had to be cooked,then to prepare this cake to carry out this lengthy procedure will not have to. You will need liquid milk. In addition, it should be noted that the biscuit should be crumbly, so we recommend buying "Jubilee", "Creamed milk", short or very fresh crackers. If there are no walnuts, safely replace them with peanuts. You can add a little raisins. Only pre-soak the product in hot water, then drain excess liquid, rinse it and dry well. Ingredients: For cake:

  • a glass of peeled walnuts
  • golden raisins - optional
  • half a kilogram of friable cookies
  • can of condensed milk

For chocolate cream:

  • four tablespoons of sugar or powder
  • the same amount of fresh sour cream
  • 10 grams of cocoa powder

Cooking method: First we propose to make a chocolate sauce so that it cools down just by the time the cake is ready. So, combine in one bowl fatty sour cream, sugar or powder and cocoa. Put the resulting mixture on a plate and cook over very low heat with constant stirring. Do not keep the cream for too long, since you do not need to bring it to a boil. After three or four minutes you can remove it from the plate. While the sauce is cooling down, prepare the cake. Clean with a special press nuts, for lack of such a device use a conventional hammer. Then place them on a dry frying pan, preheated well, and fry for three to four minutes. When they cool, wrap the product in a clean kitchen towel and beat it with a rolling pin or other heavy object. Your task is to turn nuts into small crumbs. When you can, transfer them to a deep bowl, pour out the condensed milk and break the biscuits into small pieces. Thoroughly mix the ingredients so that they form a uniform, thick mass. Put it on a plate, forming a cake. You can make it in the form of a cone, slide or give it rounded features. Put the product in the refrigerator and keep it until completely hardened, after pour the dessert with chocolate glaze. Bon Appetit!

Cake with shortbread cookies and milk

Fast cakes that do not require baking are idealsuitable for busy and working women, combining several roles: mother, wife and office employee. In the whirlwind of life's worries, there is not always enough time to cook an ordinary dinner, it's just that hands do not reach the confectionery delights. Now you do not have to deny your baby a sweet, because you have a faithful helper - this recipe. Its implementation will take only a couple of minutes and does not require large investments. Everything is simple and very appetizing. Ingredients: For cake:

  • Condensed milk - one pot
  • kilo of any friable cookies
  • 50 milliliters of pasteurized milk
  • 200 grams of butter

For decoration:

  • chocolate syrup
  • 30 grams of peanut peeled

Cooking method: There are many ways to make a cake: some prefer biscuit dough, others do "Medoviki". However, this dessert is probably the easiest of all, in addition, it requires a minimum of time and very little money, because the products necessary for its preparation are affordable and inexpensive. For decoration in this case, a syrup is used, which can be purchased in any supermarket, and roasted peanuts. However, just as good for giving the product an attractive appearance fresh fruit, berries or, for example, small cubes of marmalade are suitable. So, back directly to the cake. First you need to make a cream, so remove the butter from the fridge beforehand - it should be a little soft, then it will be much easier to mix the mass. Then cut the product into pieces and put it in a deep dish. Pour the condensed milk and mix all the ingredients. Pasteurized milk warm up a little, then dip it into one liver and hold for a few seconds to impregnate. Now put the cookies on a large flat plate in the form of a rectangle, leave the part for further cooking. Lubricate everything with cream, and on top put another layer of milk-soaked milk cookie. The size (and also the height of the cake) depends on your wishes and the number of products. When you are ready, put the product in the refrigerator so it stiffens. Then pour a chocolate syrup and sprinkle with peanuts, first fried in a dry frying pan, and after crushed into small crumbs. For decoration also fit pieces of chopped fruit - bananas, kiwi, apples, oranges - or coconut chips. Some people like chocolate grated on the grater. delicious cookie cake and condensed milk

Coffee cake "Poleno"

Options for making fast dessertsthere is a mass. We suggest trying out another recipe in your kitchen. This time, the special flavor and flavor of the dish is given by cocoa. This food is an ideal occasion to invite friends to visit or to gather with the whole family at the same table. Brew hot black or green tea and have a great time. Children can serve cake with warm milk. Ingredients:

  • 800 grams of not too dry cookies
  • butter packaging
  • can of condensed milk
  • 130 grams of peeled nuts (we used walnuts)
  • five large spoons of cocoa powder

Cooking method: First break into very small pieces of biscuits, then pour it into a bowl and add purified walnuts, pre-dried in a frying pan. In a shallow saucepan, melt the butter, pour the condensed milk into it and heat it over a minimal heat with constant stirring. Then pour out the cocoa and a few more times with a spoon. When the cream starts to boil, remove it from the plate and pour it into the biscuits. Mix thoroughly, after, without waiting for the product to cool down, lay it on a cellophane bag and form a sausage, not without reason the cake is called "Log". Tie the product from both sides with a thread and put it into the freezer. In an hour you can put the kettle on.

Cake "To tea" with peanuts, raisins and powder

No friendly party or meeting withrelatives in a close family circle can not do without tea drinking. Naturally, after a noisy feast, you need to treat everyone gathered with dessert. You can buy sweets, cookies, cakes - it's easy. No fuss, no hassle. But there is another very simple way - to make a cake yourself. We will not force you to mess around for a long time with the test and spend a lot of time preparing it. Everything is perfect, as they say, simply, and this dish perfectly confirms this truth. Ingredients:

  • two 150-gram packs of shortbread cookies
  • a pack of butter
  • two big handfuls of raisins
  • can of boiled condensed milk
  • 200 grams of toasted peanuts
  • powdered sugar - for decoration

Cooking method: Despite the fact that this is an incredibly easy and quick recipe, nevertheless, if you want, you can shorten the time spent on cooking a little more. To do this, buy ready-made boiled condensed milk - then you do not have to do it yourself, which takes at least an hour and a half. Note that the oil should be obtained in advance from the refrigerator - then it will be easier for you to make a cream. So, start with the simplest: pour the raisins with hot water and cover. He must brew, so for the time, take him aside. And put it on a dry hot skillet of peanuts and fry it, then peel it from the husk. Now you need to crush nuts: wrap them in a clean towel and beat with a rolling pin or a hammer for meat. When the raisins become softer, rinse it under the tap and dry it well. Cut the butter in small pieces and melt on the steam bath. If you have a microwave oven, put cookware with a creamy product in it for literally 60 seconds. When it melts, pour it into the blender bowl and enter the boil. Blend the food several times to make a lush, homogeneous mass. Add raisins to it, 70 grams of peanuts and mix with a spoon. Now break into the middle pieces of biscuits and each one in turn dip into the cream. Your task - to build a sweet hill: for this lay out the cookies on a flat plate in the form of a circle, and each new layer should be slightly smaller than the previous one. Thus, the dessert will narrow to its top. As soon as you lay out the first "floor", sprinkle it with ground peanuts, then in the same way make the next flight from the cookie. When finished, decorate the dish with powdered sugar and the remaining nuts. Put it on the balcony or in the refrigerator for at least two hours. Once the product has solidified, cut it into serving pieces and serve it on the table. Have a nice tea! delicious cookie cake with condensed milk

Cake "Pechenyushka" with bananas

To make the dish tasty, it is recommendedto buy friable cookies, and such, as "Buratino", "Maria" or cracker, will not approach. Ginger gives the dish a specific flavor and taste, and bananas make it juicy and fruity fresh. All together gives birth to an incredible combination, which is definitely worth a try. Believe me, you will not regret a minute of effort. Especially since the dessert is prepared very quickly - in just half an hour. However, it will take even more time to freeze. Ingredients:

  • one and a half cups of crushed shortbread cookie
  • butter - 200 grams
  • 0.5 cups of granulated sugar or powder
  • three teaspoons ground ginger - if desired (you can replace it with cinnamon)
  • 400 milliliters of liquid condensed milk
  • two medium bananas

For cream:

  • two cups of creamy cream
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar

Cooking method: Cook the biscuits into small pieces, and chop the butter into a microwave oven to melt. If your home does not have this kitchen appliance, heat the ingredient on low heat. Now combine the products in one bowl, here enter a few pinch of ground ginger, granulated sugar, and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mass is laid in a round shape for cakes and put into the refrigerator until completely hardened. Proceed to the next stage: now you need to weld the condensed milk. Note that it must be very thick, so the procedure for preparing it will take quite a long time - about two to three hours. As the boiling gradually add to the pan with condensed milk water, otherwise the bank can explode. When everything is ready, remove the dishes from the fire and cool the product. Then put the boiled milk on the frozen cake - on the basis for the future cake. On top decorate the product cut into thin circles of bananas. The cream is crowned with cream from whipped cream with sugar powder. Make it simple: combine both ingredients in a bowl and mix with a special whisk until smooth. For 60 minutes, take the dessert to the refrigerator, and then you can start the meal. Any dish with an easy pastry confectioner can turn from the most complex to the simplest or vice versa, even an ordinary dessert can be made truly original if desired. These simple recipes of cookie cakes will help make life sweeter and easier, because now you do not have to suffer with the test. "Lazy" cuisine is what helps busy people to be full and at the same time to spend a minimum of cooking time. We advise you to read:

