cake with cottage cheese The cake "Napoleon" was and remains a classicdessert table. Perhaps not everyone knows how to cook it, but each of us has tasted this delicate multi-layered dessert at least once in a lifetime. Some landladies do not bake multi-layered cakes, mistakenly believing that this process is labor-intensive, long and complex. We hasten to assure you that you can prepare a magnificent dessert without making any special efforts. We suggest that you choose a curd recipe for Napoleon. It has a unique taste and a special consistency. Cake can not be spoiled: even a beginner can cook it, because step by step recipe, and not one, we will gladly provide. Another big plus in the curd version of "Napoleon" is that the dough perfectly tolerates frost, which will significantly save time during subsequent preparations. Custard can be replaced with condensed milk, sweet sour cream or jam. In some layers of the dessert, you can add dried fruits, bananas, nuts. Use your imagination! A distinctive feature of the emperor dessert is the top and sides of the product sprinkled with crumbs. We will tell you a little secret how to easily and easily decorate your favorite cake. To do this you will need: a plate of black or milk chocolate without fillers, a confectionery bag (you can take a homemade paper or disposable polyethylene) and a piece of glass about 20x20 centimeters. Cover the glass with parchment and send it to the freezer for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate, pour it into the pastry bag, then bring out any contours on the cooled glass, at the bottom add a "foot" 1 centimeter long. The thickness of the chocolate pattern depends only on you. Send the glass again to the freezer for a while, literally for 3-4 minutes. Then poke the frozen contour with a knife and stick them into the finished cake just before serving.

Curd cake "Napoleon"

The taste of the familiar dessert is very different fromusual, because this recipe of the cake "Napoleon" contains cottage cheese. This gives the cake a special taste and consistency. You just have to try this curious fantasy! Ingredients: for cakes:

  • 400 grams of cottage cheese at least 9% fat content
  • sugar - 370 grams
  • vanilla sugar - optional
  • egg - a pair of pieces
  • Butter Butter 72% - 120 grams
  • baking powder for dough - 15 grams
  • flour - 600-700 grams

for cream:

  • liter of boiled milk
  • sugar - 300 grams
  • 4 eggs
  • Vanillin - 10 grams
  • flour - 60 grams
  • starch - 2 tablespoons (30-35 grams)
  • butter creamy soft - 3/4 packs

Cooking method: The recipe is divided into 2 stages - for the preparation of cream and baking cakes. Let's start preparing the cake from the cream. Eggs in a bowl for a mixer, pour in sugar and a bag of vanillin. Whisk the mass, just a little, then, stirring constantly, add flour and starch. Take care that there are no lumps. If necessary, strain the egg-milk mixture. Stir pour in the cool milk, stir until homogeneous and pour into a saucepan. Put it on the stove and cook until thick. Weight very quickly burns, so stir it gently with a whisk. As soon as the cream thickens, turn off the heat and add softened butter. Then whisk a little chilled cream with a mixer. You have successfully coped, if the cream for consistency resembles sour cream of medium density. The recipe smoothly approached the second stage - to baking cakes. First, grind the cottage cheese by rubbing it through a sieve. You can immediately buy a cottage cheese without fruit fillers 15% fat. Cottage cheese, sugar, vanillin, eggs, softened margarine or butter mix and beat whisk until smooth. At the end of whipping, add the baking powder and mix again with a mixer. It was time to pour in the flour. The crusts will be airy if the flour is sieved beforehand. The dough should be soft, but elastic, and do not stick to dry hands. Do not worry if there are grains of cottage cheese in the test. In the cream impregnated with the cream they are not felt at all. It's time to warm up the oven to 180 degrees. While she warms up, start rolling out the cakes. The thinner you roll the dough, the more delicious will be the "Napoleon". Approximately of this volume of the test comes 19 cakes. Divide the dough of the dough into equal pieces and roll each, but very thinly, on the surface of the table, sprinkled with flour. Trim the contour that you have chosen, you can use a cardboard stencil or simply cut off the edge of the inverted plate. Carefully put a thin cake on a baking sheet. Some culinary experts recommend using parchment for baking, others argue that it is better to sprinkle a baking sheet lightly with flour. Try both ways and choose the one that is right for you. Knead the cake with a fork and send it to the oven. As soon as it slightly swells and becomes golden brown, it will be ready. Get it out of the oven, immediately send the next one there, and grease the first cake with cream. Approximate amount of cream per 1 cake - 3 tablespoons with a slide. Thus, bake cakes and immediately grease them until the dough runs out. Put the cake right on the serving dish. When you are finished with the baking, trim the excess and carefully coat the sides. One cake break into a crumb and sprinkle the product. That's all, a wonderful multi-layered cake "Napoleon" from the cottage cheese dough is ready! Leave the product for a couple of hours at room temperature, then send it for 6 hours to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Bon Appetit! cottage cheese cake Napoleon

Cake juicy «Curd Napoleon»

This recipe will be appreciated by lovers of juicybaking. The cake turns out to be very moist, completely impregnated with a gentle custard. It is not difficult to cook, but pleasure is guaranteed. Try it, experiment with us. Ingredients: for dough:

  • 250 grams of cottage cheese
  • sour cream - 150 milliliters
  • 2 eggs
  • sugar-cup floor
  • flour - 500-600 grams
  • baking powder - teaspoon with a slide
  • salt - 1/3 teaspoon

for custard:

  • Cow milk boiled 2.5-3.2% fat content - 1 liter
  • 2 eggs
  • vanilla sugar optional - 25 grams
  • flour - 3 tablespoons with a slide
  • butter, chilled - 100 grams
  • sugar - 200-250 grams

Cooking method: If you do not have a lot of time to prepare the cake, begin to translate the recipe from the cream. Lubricating hot cakes with cream, you reduce the infusion of infusion in the refrigerator. If time is short, insist the cake at room temperature - so you can serve the cake in just 4-5 hours after starting the baking. Choose the method of preparation that suits you best, and we will begin the description with kneading the dough. In a bowl, beat in one by one eggs, add sugar, salt and chopped cottage cheese. Whisk carefully mix the mass and pour sour cream, followed by a baking powder for the dough. Gradually start pouring the sifted flour beforehand. According to the consistency of the dough should go soft and elastic, in the section a little loose, granular. After straightening, divide the mass into 8 parts and start rolling out - thinly, preferably up to 2 mm thick. Before starting this process, turn on the oven and set the temperature at 200 degrees. The first cake is baked for about 8 minutes, and the next - not more than 3-5 minutes each. Because it will be better if you prepare all 8-10 layers at once. Roll out the cakes, powder them with flour and nib with a fork. Prepare a baking tray, and preferably a pair - baking at once 2 cakes, you will significantly speed up the process of making a cake. The readiness of baking is determined by the golden-brown color. Some prefer to brown more baking, then the cake takes on a special flavor. If there are scraps of dough, also send them to the oven - they will be useful for decorating the dessert. The recipe for custard is classic: eggs rub with sugar until it dissolves, pour in vanilla sugar and flour. Add 100 milliliters of milk, and send the rest to a slow fire to warm up. As soon as it begins to boil, pour a thin trickle of egg-sugar mixture, constantly stirring with a mixer or whisk. The amount of sugar for this recipe depends only on your taste, you can add another 50-100 grams. With constant stirring, bring the cream to a thickening, remove from heat and allow it to cool slightly - about 15 minutes. After this time, add the butter, diced, and vigorously whisk until completely dissolved in the oil mixture. When the cream is slightly cool, proceed to smearing the cake. On one cake use about 4 tablespoons with a large slide of cream - traditionally "Napoleon" should be wet and juicy. Cut the cake and 1 cake crumble and sprinkle the top and sides of the cooked dessert. Let it soak for 4-6 hours. Bon Appetit!

"Curd Napoleon" in a frying pan

The beauty of this cake is that it is baked ... ona frying pan! Yes, yes, no heat from the stunning oven, baking paper and vegetable oil. You only need a round frying pan to cook the delicious curd "Napoleon". Ingredients: For the dough:

  • a large glass of granular cottage cheese
  • 500-600 grams of wheat flour
  • some salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 350 grams of sugar
  • 2 teaspoons (without top) of a spoonful of soda
  • vanilla - if desired

For cream:

  • a packet of butter 82.5% fat
  • 0.4 liters of boiled milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 35 grams of starch

Cooking method: In the beginning, start by kneading the dough: for this mix in a bowl the mashed, fine-grained cottage cheese, sugar, unfermented soda. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, pour in the salt, vanilla at will and whip the fork with a little. Combine this mixture with cottage cheese and sugar. To make the dough especially airy and gentle, it is better to use sugar instead of sugar. With the right consistency, the dough is soft, elastic, moderately dense and easily leaves the walls of the dishes. The recipe "Curd Napoleon" came to the baking process: divide the dough into several balls (about ten pieces) and each roll into a thin layer. Warm up the dry frying pan (without oil), lightly sprinkled with flour, and fry the cakes on both sides until golden brown for a few minutes. It's time to start making a delicate custard. Take a small saucepan or saucepan, pour in the milk and put in a whole serving of sugar. After dissolving it, add the butter, diced. Bring the mixture to the boiling point, but do not allow it to cook. While the milk is heating, in a separate bowl, beat the eggs and starch (dilute it first in several spoons of water). Stir well the mixture and pour into a saucepan, warm up until thick. The cream is ready. You can add vanillin or vanilla sugar, if you want. That's all, the preparations are over. Now lubricate the cakes with the prepared custard, cut the edges around in a circle to give a beautiful shape, and leave the product to drink. If you want to taste the cake as quickly as possible, send it for 5-10 minutes in a warm oven at a low temperature, about 130-140 degrees. "Curd Napoleon" is ready, enjoy your appetite! cake napoleon curd recipe

Chocolate "Napoleon with cottage cheese"

Below we offer you a recipe for the usual dessertdiversify with chocolate flavor. The cake turns out to be very sweet, sated. Choose a variety of chocolate, based on your personal preferences. Ingredients: for dough:

  • 120 milliliters of sour cream, preferably 20-30% fat content
  • 0.5 packs of dissolved margarine not less than 72% fat content
  • 250 grams of cottage cheese at least 9% fat content
  • 190 grams of a glass of sugar (it is better to take powdered sugar)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 teaspoon of hot soda
  • 2-2.5 cups with a hill of sifted flour of the highest grade
  • salt

for cream:

  • 1 liter of cow's boiled or pasteurized milk
  • 2 eggs (yolks only)
  • 80 grams of chocolate without fillers
  • 1/4 cup of wheat flour
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 1.5 cups of sugar
  • 40 grams of cocoa
  • a packet of vanilla sugar
  • 100 ml of liqueur

Cooking method: To make the right dough, wipe the cottage cheese twice with a spoon through a fine sieve, mix it with sour cream and sprinkle with the same soda. In a separate bowl, combine the diced, warm butter and flour, then rub everything well with a fork or hands. Now add to this mass cottage cheese-sour mixture, beat in eggs, pour in sugar and a pinch of salt. Knead the dough by adding the flour portionwise. Now start rolling the cakes, but first, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Divide the dough into 9-10 equal pieces and thinly roll into the layers, pouring the surface of the table with flour. After warming the oven, bake 2 cakes at once, before forging them with a fork. Now the recipe has come to the preparation of the cream: mix the flour, cocoa powder, vanilla, sugar and yolks until smooth. Do not whip - just rub it carefully with a fork. Then pour the boiled milk and put the mixture on a small fire, stirring constantly. Preheat the mixture, put the chopped chocolate and bring to a boil, at the end of the process add the diced butter, pour in the liquor (for example, Amaretto). Lubricate alternately the cakes with hot cream and cut off excess, leveling the shape. One cake crumble and sprinkle the finished product. Let the cake soak for several hours in the heat. A wonderful, unusual chocolate "Napoleon" is ready - invite the household to the table. Bon Appetit!

Cottage cheese cake with sour cream "Napoleon"

The cream recipe for this dessert is simply not easy - it's just a sweet sour cream. The cake is obtained with a slight sourness, emphasizing the flavor of cottage cheese. For the test:

  • fine-grained curd - 300 grams
  • butter creamy 82.5% - / 2 packs
  • 3 eggs
  • a glass of sugar
  • a teaspoon without a slide of soda
  • vanilla sugar - 10 grams
  • flour - about 600 grams or 3-4 full glasses

For cream:

  • sour cream fatty - 2 cups
  • sugar - slightly more than a glass
  • vanilla sugar - 10 grams

Cooking method: Since this recipe is as simple as possible and you do not need to brew the cream, start cooking with the oven warming up. Set the temperature in it about 180 degrees and proceed directly to kneading the dough. Cottage cheese carefully wipe through a fine sieve, and eggs with sugar beat whisk a little. Mix these ingredients in a deep bowl, pour in soda, salt and leave for a few minutes. The acid, contained in the curd, will gradually extinguish the soda, and the dough will turn out more magnificent. While the mass rises, dissolve 100 grams of butter in air or a water bath. Add it to the cooked curd-egg mass, pour the sifted flour and knead the dough. Sprinkle the work surface with flour and start rolling out the thin crusts. The dough is so plastic that you can wrap it on a rolling pin to transfer it to a baking tray. Bake layers no more than 15 minutes, the correct color is light, with golden edges. Spread hot cream with sour cream without delay, so the cake will soak faster. Soak the finished product from all sides and sprinkle with crumbs. Let "Napoleon" infuse for 10 hours at the usual room temperature, and at the end send it for an hour in the refrigerator. Serve dessert with a cold, pleasant appetite! As you can see, even the usual classic cake can be cooked with an unusual taste. The curd base gives the dessert an unforgettable taste and density. Time for "Napoleon" should be very little, and the pleasure you get a lot. Cook with imagination and pleasure, and your loved ones will thank you for you, chewing a delicious cake for both cheeks. We advise you to read:

