For many housewives, the basis of a lush and beautifulbaking still remain undisclosed secrets. After all, cooking, and especially the preparation of biscuits, cakes and other flour products is a delicate matter that requires patience, special skill, endurance and experience from the cook. If you love sweets, but do not “get along” with the dough, this does not mean that you should give up trying to make a delicious dessert. There is a way out: we suggest you remember and introduce into your everyday life the recipe for a quick and very appetizing dish. Gingerbread cake can be made with delicate sour cream, with different fillings: fried nuts, raisins, bananas and other fruits. Do you like honey? Then why not add it to your creation. As a decoration, the dish is poured with a thick layer of chocolate glaze or sprinkled with ground peanuts. The main advantage of the dish, due to which it has gained such popularity, is the ease of its preparation. You will spend no more than 20 minutes to make the dessert. The product does not require baking, which means you don’t have to worry about whether the dough will rise or whether the crust will turn out. It is almost impossible to spoil a gingerbread cake, so even inexperienced housewives can take note of the recipe they like. You’ll see, the dish will turn out incredibly delicious and satisfying. Isn’t this a good reason to invite close friends over? Serve the delicacy with tea, coffee, or warm milk. Everyone — both kids and adults — will be delighted with the juicy dessert.
Cake "Summer"
Summer is the time of juicy berries and ripe fruits, soWhy not take advantage of nature's gifts and make a delicious dessert? We will tell you a very quick and simple recipe that will help you out in difficult times. If guests suddenly appear on your doorstep and the fridge is empty, as they say, there is always a way out - make a cake from store-bought gingerbread. It does not require baking, therefore, the dessert preparation procedure will take a minimum of time. To make the dish juicy, add a little medium-fat sour cream, and fresh fruits - bananas, kiwi and oranges - will give it a truly summer taste. If necessary, you can slightly change the recipe, replacing the above products with berries grown in your own dacha. Strawberries, raspberries, cherries, sweet cherries or, for example, currants are ideal for this. Ingredients: For the cake:
- two large bananas
- ½ kg of any fresh gingerbread
- two small oranges
- two handfuls of peeled walnuts
- kiwi
For the cream:
- 150-170 grams of granulated sugar
- 500 milliliters of home or shop sour cream (choose a product of medium fat content)
- half a two-hundred-pound packet of butter
For the sweet glaze:
- 30 grams of powdered sugar
- two large spoons of milk (you can make sauce with sour cream)
- 35 grams of cocoa powder
- butter - 40 grams
Method of preparation: Если у вас не получаются изделия из теста, а в семье живут любители сладкого, этот рецепт просто обязан войти в ваш кулинарный обиход. Аппетитный пряничный торт не требует от повара владения мастерством выпечки. Достаточно приобрести свежие продукты, взбить крем (вскоре убедитесь, что сделать это невероятно просто) и порезать фрукты. Затем останется только собрать изделие и полить его свежесваренной глазурью. Итак, если вы готовы потратить немного времени, чтобы в конечном итоге попробовать вкусное лакомство, давайте немедленно начнем урок. Учитесь и запоминайте, эти знания помогут достойно встретить даже неожиданно нагрянувших в дом гостей. При желании сделать торт можно из любых пряников, например, шоколадных. Этот рецепт предполагает приготовление сметанного крема, но если данного продукта не нашлось в холодильнике, замените его сливками или сварите другой соус, например, из молока или заварной. Экспериментировать с ингредиентами, конечно же, можно — главное действовать очень осторожно. Ведь иногда даже небольшие изменения способны испортить самое легкое и вкусное блюдо. Рецепт начинается с простейшего: каждый пряник разрежьте горизонтально на три равные части. Чтобы кушанье получилось нежным, выбирайте мягкие, свежие изделия. Если они немного подсохли, выложите их в глубокую миску и залейте небольшим количеством молока. Подержите 30 секунд и достаньте. Пряники размокнут, и блюдо выйдет более сочным. Теперь займемся фруктами: очистите их от кожуры и порежьте средними кубиками. Обязательно снимите с апельсинов лишнюю шкурку и пленку. Если используете грецкие орехи, подсушите их некоторое время — три-четыре минуты — на сковороде без масла. Вот увидите, результат вас порадует. Рецепт практически подошел к завершению, осталось сделать аппетитный крем. Для этого порубите кусочками размягченный сливочный продукт, засыпьте его сахаром-песком и разотрите с помощью вилки. Когда ингредиенты превратятся в однородную массу, введите к ним сметану. В идеале крем взбивается миксером в течение пяти минут. Как только он увеличится в объеме и изменит цвет, выключайте кухонный прибор. При желании можете добавить щепотку ванилина, который придаст пикантность вашему творению. Ну что, давайте соберем блюдо? Каждый кусочек пряника обмакивайте в крем и выкладывайте на плоскую тарелку. Изделия должны плотно прилегать друг к другу, тем самым образуя надежный плацдарм для будущего торта. Когда сделаете первый ярус, выложите на него слой фруктов, смажьте тремя ложками сметанного крема, затем точно так же приготовьте остальные этажи кушанья. Изделие может быть любой формы: в виде горки, круглым, квадратным. Тут уж решение каждая хозяйка принимает самостоятельно. В классический рецепт десерта входит хурма. Однако она сама по себе очень сладкая, а в сочетании с бананами выйдет настоящий «углеводный» бум. Поэтому мы решили заменить этот фрукт апельсинами, которые придадут торту чуть кисловатый привкус. Ну что же, когда со сборкой изделия будет покончено, смажьте его верхушку и бока остатками крема и уберите в холодильник пропитываться. А сами тем временем сварите глазурь. Учтите, что соус моментально подгорает, поэтому действовать следует быстро, к тому же не забывайте его постоянно помешивать. Итак, подогрейте молоко на медленном огне, затем высыпьте в него песок и какао. Первый можно заменить пудрой — она гораздо лучше и быстрее растворяется. Регулярно работайте ложкой, чтобы не образовалось лишних комков. Как только ингредиенты образуют однородную густую массу, добавьте сливочное масло и еще три минуты подержите посуду на плите. Хорошо остывшей глазурью украсьте торт из пряников, в самом конце посыпьте его размельченными орехами. Кстати, шоколадный соус варят по-разному — на сегодняшний день существует масса вариантов. Мы предложили рецепт, основанный на молоке, однако при желании попробуйте сделать соус из сметаны, в крайнем случае добавляйте в него оставшийся крем, которым пропитывалось изделие. Что касается ореховой составляющей блюда, то это могут быть миндаль или арахис. Если не хочется слишком долго возиться с украшением, просто посыпьте десерт тертой шоколадной стружкой. Желаем удачных кулинарных экспериментов!
Dessert of gingerbread with raisins and nuts
If the fruit dessert, the recipe for whichgiven above, is suitable for the spring-summer period, when all kinds of berries are abundantly presented in stores and on the market, then the second dish is ideal for the cold season. Although in principle it can be safely attributed to universal dishes, relevant all twelve months. Cake with raisins with the addition of nuts does not need advertising. Even if you do not understand anything about baking, it does not matter - the dessert is assembled in just a couple of minutes. It will be appropriate even at a children's party. Ingredients:
- two two hundred and fifty-gram packs of fatty sour cream
- ½ kg of fresh gingerbread
- 0.5 cups of peeled peanuts
- 115 grams of powdered sugar
- 50 grams of soft raisins
- chocolate bar
- powdered sugar - optional
Method of preparation:If you want to make an inexpensive dessert without baking, then the following recipe will suit your requirements perfectly. It is economical not only in terms of money, but also time. Cooking the dish takes a minimum of effort - you can do it in about ten to fifteen minutes. Keep in mind that it will take several hours to soak the dish. Now let's get down to business: first, combine the powdered sugar and store-bought sour cream in a deep bowl. Beat the mixture thoroughly with a metal whisk - actively rotate the device so that the sweet ingredient completely dissolves. Remove the shells from the nuts and fry them in a dry saucepan, then carefully crush them with a mortar or hammer. Cut the gingerbread into several pieces - ideally into three. Fresh raisins do not need to be covered with water, because they are already quite soft. However, if you come across drier, older berries, soak them for five to eight minutes. Then squeeze well and dry with a paper towel. Cover the form - it can be a deep plate or baking dish - in which you plan to cook the dish with special film. If you don’t have one, take a regular plastic bag. Now soak each gingerbread in sour cream sauce and lay them next to each other. Add small pieces of the product to the empty spaces, apply a layer of cream on top, sprinkle with nuts and raisins. Prepare the remaining tiers of the dish in exactly the same way. When you’re done, treat it with the rest of the cream on all sides. It is not recommended to immediately cut the cake into portions and start eating - give the dessert time to soak. Ideally, the dish should stand in a cool place for about three hours. Immediately before serving, cover the dish with a flat plate and quickly turn it over. Then remove the unnecessary plastic and decorate your creation with chocolate, previously grated on a grater. You can do it differently: make cocoa glaze, cool it and pour it over the dish. Enjoy!
Classic gingerbread pie with fruit
Introducing another culinary masterpieceart — chocolate gingerbread pie with fresh fruit. If in the first case the dish included oranges and kiwi, then this recipe is slightly different from its predecessor. This time you will need strong, sweet persimmon and bananas. We will make the cream from homemade cream, a pinch of vanilla essence will give it a special aroma. Gingerbread dessert is a dish that is worth trying, so feel free to start the culinary procedure. Ingredients: Cream:
- a glass of sugar
- 185 grams of butter
- Vanilla essence - at your discretion
- 20 percent sour cream - 200 milliliters
- 250 grams of bananas (about two average pieces)
- 650 grams of any gingerbread
- ripe persimmon - two pieces (pick up strong fruits)
- 65 grams of walnuts
Chocolate sauce:
- three large spoons of cream or sour cream
- fifteen milliliters of melted butter (creamy)
- cocoa - 25 grams
- sugar - to taste
Method of preparation:First, cut the gingerbread into two or three pieces. Chop the persimmon and peeled bananas into thin circles. Remove the shell from the nuts and dry them in a saucepan, then crush them with a mortar. You can leave a few whole pieces to decorate the future cake, and now it's time to make the cream. You don't have to cook it, the procedure is very simple: take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it melts a little. Then put the product in a blender bowl, pour in the sugar and sour cream. Turn on the device and beat the ingredients into a fluffy mass, pay attention to lumps - they should be removed. Add the aromatic essence here and mix. Let's proceed to the final stage of preparing the dessert - its assembly. First, soak the pieces of gingerbread well with sour cream, then gradually lay the products on a plate one next to another. They should fit tightly, so if there are gaps, cover them with pieces of dough and nuts. The second tier of the dish consists of persimmon circles, and the third of bananas. Between them, make another layer of gingerbread. At the very end, pour the rest of the vanilla sauce over the dish and sprinkle with ground nuts. You can cook the glaze with water, milk, cream, but we suggest using the “sour cream” recipe. Put a bowl of butter on low heat and melt the cream product. Then add sugar and sift in cocoa. Thoroughly rub the mixture with a fork to get rid of excess lumps. Then add sour cream and cook the glaze, without bringing it to a boil, for about six minutes. Stir the mixture regularly, as soon as it thickens enough, turn off the burner and cool the sauce. Then apply chocolate stains to the gingerbread cake and put it in a cool place. Before serving, cut into portions and serve with tea.
Cake "Appetizing"
Finally, let's look at one more recipe.quick dessert. This dish will appeal to true lovers of sweets, because it includes not only gingerbread and fruit, but also white marshmallow. The cake turns out very tender and juicy, but at the same time incredibly high in calories. Therefore, if you watch your figure, you will have to limit yourself to a small piece. Ingredients:
- ½ kg of light gingerbread
- 250 grams of marshmallows
- 80 milliliters of sour cream
- 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese
- powdered sugar - optional
- 20 grams of instant gelatin
- two large bananas
- vanilla
Method of preparation:First, dissolve the gelatin in slightly warmed water. Then mash the cottage cheese with a fork and put it together with the sour cream in a blender bowl. Add vanilla and a couple of pinches of powder, and at the very end - a thickener. You can do without sugar, because the cake is already incredibly sweet. Beat the ingredients into a homogeneous thick mass. Now break the gingerbread into small pieces and, dipping them in the resulting cream, assemble the dessert in the form of a slide. Alternate the dough with sliced bananas. Divide the marshmallow into two parts and distribute it over the entire surface of the product. No-bake cakes are ideal helpers for busy housewives. Their preparation takes a minimum of time, but such a dessert will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Experiment with the filling: in the summer, add fruits or berries, and in the winter, try the option with raisins and peanuts. Cook with soul and pleasure, then every dish will be delicious.