ultrasound hair extension Hair extension by ultrasound is the newesttechnology, which appeared in 2006. It is known that on average human hair grows by one centimeter per month. And in order for the hair to reach an average length, it takes five or more years. At the same time, there is absolutely no guarantee that your hair will not grow longer. Because their growth is affected by a fairly large number of reasons: care, nutrition, ecology and so on. Ultrasound hair extension will help bring you closer to your dream. In addition, it is able to fix a not very successful haircut, do highlights or even coloring, without doing the slightest harm to your hair. What is a hair extension of this type?

The essence of this method and its safety

There is a special apparatus working forultrasound, which makes it possible to make capsules even smaller, thin and absolutely unnoticeable. He has a microprocessor that transforms acoustic vibrations into mechanical energy. That is, through the applicator forceps pass ultrasonic waves with a certain time interval, which is set in the memory of the device. Time depends on the thickness of the capsule and the structure of the hair. Waves are sent using forceps only to the area where the client's hair is connected to the donor's hair, which makes it possible to make an ideal fastening (capsule) that meets the highest requirements. This device has an electronic processor that has an automatic system that controls time and power. All this allows you to make the very procedure of hair extensions better and much faster. With ultrasound hair extension, keratin on the scalable hair is softened by the ultrasonic device, and a capsule is formed on the attachment site. This method today is the most sparing and safe method of hair extensions, since your own hair should not be exposed to the most harmful heat. The effect of ultrasonic waves is directed only on keratin capsules and very small areas of hair where the fastening of strands is formed. The hair that is grown in this way is always thick and lush. A place to fix hair is completely impossible to notice. For this method of hair extension, as a rule, only natural hair is used. With them, you can do and color the hair, and perm and after a certain time to apply for hair extensions again. But using artificial strands is not recommended by almost all specialists. The number of scalable hair is usually determined individually. It depends on the density of the client's own hair. But on average, from one hundred to one hundred and twenty strands. The very procedure of hair extensions by ultrasound lasts on average from two to four hours. The average term of hair wear is up to six months, and sometimes longer. So many people who have already tried this building say. hair extension

Hair care, after ultrasound

Some recommendations for care:

  • Wash hair and head in an upright position. That is, you can not tilt your head forward when washing hair.
  • It is not recommended to go to bed with an undried head, wet hair.
  • Nutritional balsams, conditioners, masks, etc. should be used. along the entire length of the hair, except for the basal area.
  • To rub masks for hair and balms in roots of hair and a capsule - it is counter-indicative.
  • At the time of sleep, you must braid the hair in a braid or collect it in the tail.
  • Comb the hair follows a massage comb, which has wide enough teeth and no balls at their tips.
  • It is necessary to thin the hair with your fingers from the roots to the tips themselves, every morning and evening, to avoid the formation of tangled hair.
  • It is best to use special shampoos, balms for hair extensions and special brushes.
  • Also, hair care enhanced ultrasound does not exclude the possibility of using all the usual means for styling
  • To wash a head it is necessary not less often 3 times a week.

If you decide to grow your hair, thenit is ultrasonic hair extension will be for you the most effective and reliable means. Be aware that only an ultrasound method guarantees a result that can exceed all your expectations. We advise you to read:

