what brushes are needed for makeupTo make your look reallyimpeccable, it is not enough to have only high-quality cosmetics. To do this, you also need to choose the right makeup brushes. And here the girl faces a choice: what to give preference to, which brushes to always carry with you in your cosmetic bag, and what to leave on the dressing table "until better times"? Our review will be an assistant to a woman who is attentive to herself - it is designed to answer all the questions that arise.

Brushes for make-up: synthetics or fur?

It all depends on what exactlynecessary for a woman, what she is ready to give preference to. So, the highest quality brushes are made of natural materials, of which the best is sable. Also, squirrel or marten fur is highly valued for its length and softness. But it is necessary to remember that for girls prone to allergic reactions to animal hair, natural types of brushes can cause itching and skin irritation, so you need to choose them wisely. What options to choose if you have the latter case and you simply cannot stand the fur of squirrel, sable, marten and other "fluffy" ones? Choose synthetic ones, especially since they are more practical: such brushes apply cosmetics more evenly, they are more convenient to use, they are easier to wash. Moreover, they retain fats, do not absorb paint and last longer than natural brushes. And also - synthetic brushes can be used to apply both liquid shadows and hard eyeliner. It is important to know that bristles fall out of all brushes, even the highest quality ones. But how then to choose a great option for eyes, lips or shading? Girls, you need brushes whose bristles will be very tightly attached to the handle. By the way, it does not matter at all what the handle itself is made of - it can be either plastic or wooden, it is not essential. In order to assess the quality of the brush, you need to run your hand over its bristles fifteen to twenty times, each time sharply lowering it. If it is good, long hairs will not fall out. And, of course, it should be noted that each thing requires care. Brushes should be cleaned, that is, at least once a week washed with regular shampoo. It is also worth periodically checking their bristles: if they begin to fall out a lot, it's time to think about replacing them.makeup brushes

Brushes for make-up: purpose and choice

  • Brushes for powder can be made fromsynthetic materials or furs proteins and martens. They should be large and soft, they are used after the puff is applied blush. Good brushes for powder should be with a long pile, then they will be convenient to use when applying a beauty product to both the skin of the face and the neck and neck areas.
  • For rouge application, moreflat, than for powder, brushes with soft nap, the optimal width of which is three to four centimeters. Their nap from a wool of a squirrel or a marten has in the middle long hairs, and on each side, - short. They should not be very wide, otherwise the rouge will look unnatural on the face. Use tassels with a pile in 2-3 sm - with them it is possible to achieve really ideal smear. Plus, they can also be used when applying eye shadows - this is a real find for a practical woman.
  • What brushes are needed for feathering blush? Wider, the length of the hair is the same everywhere. With their help, it will be possible to blur the boundaries well and soften the color transitions. An important point: these brushes should always be clean, so they can not be dropped into blush and should be thoroughly washed and dried after each use. Gentle care - a pledge of excellent feathering, remember this.
  • What options to choose for applying a tone? Can be artificial: they do not absorb the foundation and apply it evenly. They are used by many experienced women who know a lot about beauty. With them, you will be able to make make-up as unobtrusive as possible, to make a natural look, which is sure to be appreciated by people with a subtle sense of style.
  • Brushes of the rounded form for drawing of shadowsare made of sable fur or marten. What kind of brushes to choose for the eye zone? Of course, thin and domed - it is with their help that it is most convenient to apply shadows to both upper and lower eyelids. Brushes for shading shadows have a hair cut in a straight line. Pay attention, they do not put shadows, namely shade, so they should always be spotlessly clean - it is very important to wash them well after each use.
  • A brush-fan removes excess make-up, and,by the way, a lot depends on its size. It is most convenient to choose two options: a large brush for the eye zone and nasolabial folds, as well as a small one for eyeliner. In this case, you can always do retouching and easily remove from the skin the remnants of a beauty remedy.
  • Lip brushes are made from densesable hair, the hairs of which should not loom and get out. Practice shows that for the application of lipstick it is most convenient to use "blades", and for drawing a contour - with variants with sharp tips. With this combination of lips, you can emphasize just perfect.
  • For the eyebrows are used the most rigid brushes,The ability to give the eyebrows the right shape. In form they should be small, with short villi - in this case they can serve for a long time, flawlessly fulfilling their purpose. With them, your eyebrows will have everything to look luxurious.
  • Now you know what makeup brushes arechoose to highlight the beauty of the eyes, emphasize the sexuality of the lips or pay attention to the eyebrows. Guided by the above selection criteria, you will be able to correctly purchase and place on your dressing table a whole arsenal of assistants for applying and retouching beauty products. We recommend reading:

