how to choose perfumeWhat drives a woman or a girl when choosinganother perfume? In fact, it’s only her inner intuition. The main criterion is the feeling of deep satisfaction that we feel when inhaling a new fragrance. The scent should be in harmony with the character type and personality of its owner. A sophisticated woman with her own taste and style is well versed in perfume, always choosing the one that suits her. The purchase of another fragrance can be timed to coincide with a certain event or done with a specific purpose: to attract, charm, seduce, conquer... However, here it is necessary to act subtly and imperceptibly. Possessing a powerful influence on feelings and emotions, the scent, however, should not be too intrusive or defiantly harsh. And the fact that your friend uses the same perfume as you does absolutely does not matter. Perfume, mixing with the individual scent of your skin, ceases to be the fashionable fragrance that beautiful advertising talks about. It becomes only yours - special and unique.

Change of time of year - it's time for a new perfume!

How to choose perfume? Какой аромат предпочесть сегодня? Что необходимо учитывать, чтобы результат не разочаровал? Время года, погода за окном, стиль и цвет одежды, событие, для которого вы, возможно, покупаете определенный парфюм, да и просто настроение, такое переменчивое и непостоянное, которое главенствует в вашей душе на момент покупки. Чаще всего мы не обращаем внимания на эти факторы и руководствуемся одним только подсознанием. А потом растеряно вертим в руках только что купленный и вовсе не дешевый флакон духов, который еще вчера вроде бы нравился, а сегодня уже не вдохновляет… А как правильно выбрать духи? Ведь и в этом, таком истинно женском деле, есть свои секреты. Давайте попробуем угодить себе. Для начала нужно понять, для какого времени года вы покупаете духи, ведь каждому сезону соответствует парфюм с определенными особенностями. Аромат осени — пряный, сладковато-терпкий и зрелый. Промелькнуло шумное знойное лето, оставив после себя море впечатлений. Долгожданная осень за окном. Наконец-то повеяло прохладой и свежестью. Но ненадолго, ведь скоро станет совсем холодно. И нам вновь захочется тепла, душа затоскует по солнечным дням, предчувствуя скорую зиму с ее непогодой и слякотью. Осенней порой отдайте предпочтение ароматам более «настоявшимся» и «зрелым» — как выдержанное вино. Пусть в эту пору вальсов желто-багряной листвы вас окутают пряные запахи корицы, ванили. Парфюм, содержащий в себе ноты хвои, цитрусов, сладких специй, насыщенные и терпкие аккорды, как нельзя лучше подойдет для этого времени года. Аромат зимы — теплый, волнующий и томный. Облетела последняя листва, природа застыла в ожидании долгих холодов. Кажется, даже солнце впало в забытье, лишь на краткий миг вспоминая о людях и одаривая их слабым лучиком света. Зимняя пора скоро навестит нас. Поэтому к наступающему сезону пушистого снега и Крещенских морозов подготовьте согревающий и теплый, насыщенный пряностью и сладостью аромат. Побалуйте себя и чем-то экзотическим: фруктовыми, цветочными и цитрусовыми нотками, но в той же «горячей» интерпретации, будоражащей кровь и заставляющей сердце стучать быстрее. Аромат весны — новый, легкий, свежий. Вот и 8 Марта одарило всех женщин тюльпанами и мимозой, растаял снег, солнышко осмелело и светит весело, задорно. Лучшего времени для покупки нового аромата, чем весна, просто не придумаешь. Да-да, милые красавицы, теперь можно смело подбирать себе очередной парфюм. Весна — это пора обновления и возрождения. Сложные и «тяжеловесные» ароматы зимы хочется срочно сменить на легкие, бодрящие, прохладные, легкие, нежные, зеленые, цитрусовые запахи. Они привлекают все больше и больше. Духи с такими нотами освежают мысли и чувства, поднимают настроение и соответствуют окружающему буйству природы. Аромат лета — прохладный, травянистый, легкий. Вот они, те самые знойные деньки, о которых мы успели соскучиться холодной зимой. На смену первому робкому теплу приходит настоящая жара, от которой в полдень не спасает даже густая тень. Летнее время — по-настоящему знойная пора. Поэтому выбирать духи следует особенно тщательно и обдумано. Сладкие, восточно-древесные запахи, а также яркие пряные парфюмы лучше приберечь до наступления холодов. Разогреваясь на горячей коже и смешиваясь с естественным запахом тела, они дадут весьма резкий и неприятный аромат, который заставит занервничать окружающих вас людей. Когда погода радует высокой температурой и за окном действительно жарко, лучше вообще не пользоваться духами, прервитесь хотя бы на один день. Тем не менее, в романтический вечер не отказывайте себе в удовольствии благоухать подобно цветку. Позвольте летнему парфюму, пахнущему едва уловимыми нотками морского бриза, прохладными и бодрящими цитрусами, свежими зелеными листьями и травами, окутать вас нежностью и женственностью, искушающей и манящей волнительной тайной. perfumes how to choose

Non-standard approach in choosing a new perfume

The suggested way to purchase perfumewill perfectly suit absolutely all women without exception. But if you want to stand out and distinguish yourself, you can use non-standard methods and choose perfume based on a different principle. Thus, a woody and spicy aroma with notes of spices can harmoniously fit into the image of an oriental type girl at any time of the year. Sharp, relaxed, seductive and sweetish perfumes will perfectly suit a fatal outrageous beauty both in winter and in summer. Even in the heat, this scent will seem organic and very sensual to others, since it will perfectly harmonize with the image of its owner. An elegant and sophisticated blonde can always afford the fragrance of lilac and ringingly thin lily of the valley. At the same time, a gentle beauty should not worry in vain about being left without the attention of others. The aroma of sea breeze, ripe fruits, delicate flowers will further emphasize femininity and sophistication, and its barely perceptible trail will make more than one man turn around. These are the so-called daytime scents that are ideal for the office or leisurely walks. For the evening, it is better to choose a richer and deeper perfume, the smell of which can excite the imagination and ignite passion. By the way, psychologists generally recommend choosing a scent based more on character. In this case, appearance and style fade into the background. An extroverted woman, that is, a cheerful and active optimist, should give preference to fresh scents with floral and citrus notes. Individualistic introverts who value inner peace and indulge in self-contemplation will be better off with oriental aromas that smell of spices and herbs. Emotionally changeable natures, sensitive and romantic dreamers prone to experiences, need to choose a scent for themselves among aldehyde-floral perfumes. But you should not completely rely on such a classification, because women are very contradictory. Today you are a cheerful optimist, tomorrow you are trying on the role of a mannered coquette, the day after tomorrow - a diva with a languid look, and so on. In some cases, it is impossible even to predict your own mood for the next few hours, what can we say about longer periods? After all, perfume is not chosen for one day, it is used much longer. So, maybe it is worth buying several bottles of perfume? Let them all be your favorites, but each in its own time. Of course, it is best to choose a new fragrance once a season. This way you will acquire several different perfumes that will match not only the weather outside, but also a certain occasion or your mood at a particular moment. Use classic and discreet fragrances every day - for weekdays in the office or for a business lunch. Bright and spicy scents are suitable for an evening rendezvous or a dinner party. And save gentle, romantic and dreamy perfumes for a long-awaited date or just for yourself.

Where and how to buy?

It is not necessary to buy a whole bunch of themvarious perfumes and fill all the tables and cabinets with them. First of all, it is not very profitable, since perfumes tend to evaporate and fizzle out. In addition, over time, they can completely change their smell and even spoil. If you prefer to constantly change your scent, then it is better to choose small bottles - this way you will not only save your money, but also be able to avoid the problems that arise with "stale" fragrances. But for women who simply adore spraying themselves with their favorite perfume, leaving a trail of their scent in all the rooms they have visited, it is better to choose larger bottles. Their perfume will definitely not spoil. It is preferable to buy perfumes in specialized stores selling proven and certified products. Another great way is to order perfume from catalogs. Only in this case will you be deprived of the opportunity to test a new fragrance. When buying products from catalogs, you should know exactly what you want and how this or that perfume "sounds". It is better to refuse to buy perfume in "unreliable" places. If next to expensive and exquisite perfume there are bottles of cheap, unknown origin and with unclear markings, then you risk spending money on a fake, which will not only unpleasantly surprise you with a smell that does not correspond to the declared aroma, but can also harm your health. Counterfeit perfumes are quite capable of causing allergies or even irritation on the skin in the places where you applied them. If in one of these stores you see very expensive perfumes and cheap perfumes next to them, this can mean two things: either the owners are trying to satisfy the demands of buyers of all levels, or this is a real fake. They say that France has not produced anything for a long time, since the licenses have been bought out by companies from different countries. It is their products that end up on the shelves of most retail outlets. This is true. Even in the most promoted and branded boutique you can be offered non-original perfumes. But the risk of encountering a fake is much higher in a little-known shop, enticing customers with an incredibly low price and the mysterious whisper of a sales consultant: "Oh, we import directly, without markups!" What will a modern person do? That's right, he will ask to see the certificate for the perfume he has chosen. Products that have all the necessary licenses are genuine. These are the very goods that can be purchased in branded boutiques. It is worth thinking about the origin of perfumes that do not have certification, and it is precisely with this that the shelves of small stores are filled. Retail outlets that value their reputation will not sell low-quality goods. So, buying perfume in a trusted place, you can be sure that it will be long-lasting, the aroma will not disappoint, fully meeting the quality of the declared manufacturer, and the consistency, color and smell will not change after a few days. Therefore, when choosing a new perfume, you should not give in to the temptation to save money and make a risky to choose the right perfume

How to reduce the probability of error?

According to research based on a surveyseveral dozen modern women, it can be said that we all experiment with the same pleasure and discover something new. A trip to the store for another bottle of perfume is a pleasant and very exciting event that brings joy to any woman. And there is no need to deny yourself such a trifle. By the way, the incentive to buy another perfume may not be an urgent need to replenish the collection, but a successful and promoted advertisement or a proven name of the manufacturer. However, it should be noted that after trying another new product, we often give preference to a well-tested old one that best matches our style and image. You can try an incredible number of fragrances, but each time return to only one, the purchase of which could have taken place completely by accident. To protect yourself as much as possible from an unsuccessful purchase, go in search of a new fragrance in the afternoon. At this time, your receptors are at the peak of their activity. Do not try to buy perfume at once. It is better to break this process into several stages. First, smell a couple of scents. The human sense of smell cannot correctly perceive a larger number of scents. And no coffee will help with this. It is better to come to the store the next day and make a final decision. And some women can walk around perfume boutiques for weeks just to choose that one and only scent. Do you know why it is so difficult for them to decide? Their mood gets in the way. Today it is cheerful and joyful, and tomorrow it has deteriorated or changed somehow imperceptibly. Therefore, an overly long choice can disappoint with its result. Even if you have decided on the future scent on the first try, do not rush to buy perfume. Use a sampler and apply a few drops of perfume to the back of your wrist. Walk around for a while, as if trying on a new scent, get used to it. This way you will understand how much it meets your expectations. If at the end of the day you are not disappointed and you increasingly bring your wrist to your face, inhaling the scent you like, this means that you can go to the store and buy yourself a new perfume.

Aroma from a beloved man

By the way, this is a question that has tormented hundreds of peoplewomen and concerning the ability of a beloved man to guess a fragrance for his lady, is still relevant for many. It's all about how much a young man is interested in his companion, whether he cares about her inner world and character, what he wants and what he expects from a relationship with her and, ultimately, how much he is able to understand and feel his chosen one. A man in love can also very successfully choose a fragrance for his lady if he is well aware of her tastes and preferences, knows what she wants and what she likes. But this option is more likely for couples that have already formed and established. Most women believe that a man simply cannot and does not know how to choose the right fragrances. Although there are exceptions when the perfume given by a partner becomes the most favorite. But, as a rule, this, like many other things, depends on chance. And another very interesting fact: quite a large number of women prefer men's fragrances, considering them "richer" in sound and character. Have you ever caught yourself thinking that deep woody notes, tobacco or sandalwood are much more attractive than violet or verbena? True, it is not entirely correct to use men's perfume. Fragrances are a whole world filled with the intoxication of secrets, mysteries and temptation. All you need to become "one of them" is a drop of your favorite perfume that suits only you and makes you irresistible. Of course, the search for such a personal scent can drag on. But when you find it, you will not regret the time and money spent. After all, only a smell can say more about us than a thousand words. Dare, experiment, search and find yourself! We recommend reading:

