how to choose a ceiling light No one will argue that the pace of our livesis constantly growing. And the more we need rest in our own house. Such a need sociologists call "the desire to hide." And the house should be cozy to make it a place of rest. A cozy house without good lighting is unthinkable. Light prolongs the day for us - muffled light for evening rest by the fireplace, good bright lighting for the feast, soft light for work. A good light puts emphasis and gives us a sense of security. And vice versa - incorrectly used or bad light makes perception of the surrounding world difficult. The tension of sight causes a headache, disturbs mental comfort. Most annoying blinding direct light of bright lamps or improperly selected fixtures. Only a harmonious correct distribution of light can guarantee visual comfort and good visibility - you will not be annoyed by either twilight or monotonous brightness. How to choose a ceiling lamp? This question affects the balanced ratio of shadow and light facilitates orientation in the house, emphasizes the shape of objects. How to choose the right lamp? It turns out that this is a very important task. To begin with it is necessary to understand with terms that in the further there were no misunderstandings. Very often people confuse the concept of lamp and lamp. A lamp, or a light bulb, as people call it, is a source of light. The lamp is the whole light device, which protects the lamp, which directs and distributes its light.

Rules for choosing a fixture

Most often, when a person appearsthe need to buy a lamp, he goes to the store and chooses from his point of view the most beautiful or the one that most suits the interior in style. And then, at home, there are problems: in order to read without straining your eyes, you have to include all the lighting in the room; in the bathroom it is impossible to make up or shave; and the faces of the guests gathered at the table acquire an earthy, unhealthy shade. Undoubtedly, the appearance of the lamp is very important, but its main purpose is lighting. And it must be right. In order to fulfill this requirement, one must know in advance what task the lamp performs, what its light should be. Fixtures usually differ in the form of light distribution:

  • Direct

The light must be directed only one way. The directional light flux is intended for directional accurate illumination.

  • Mainly direct

The main, most of the light fluxis directed downward, and the smaller one - dissipates gently upwards, providing uniform illumination. The light is evenly distributed in all directions. Usually it is a luminaire made of transparent material. For example, frosted glass. In this case, background lighting is provided.

  • Mainly scattered

In this case, the lamp's light is directed to the ceiling and reflected from it. At the same time, a smaller part of the world places emphasis and emphasizes the shape of the lamp itself.

  • Dissipated

The light is directed only at the reflecting surfaces of the ceiling and walls. which lamp to choose

Space and light

Our perception of the interior depends mainly on thedistribution of color and brightness between objects and elements of interior decoration. The size of rooms can be adjusted by varying the brightness of the color, because with its change the visual perception of the room and its proportions changes. It turns out that the distribution of the shadows on the subject and the brightness of its individual surfaces also determine how we perceive the shape of this object. This means that light "controls" the shape of objects, reduces or increases their expressiveness. It depends on how the direction of the light flux is selected. It should be remembered that with sudden changes in brightness, visual fatigue intensifies, but monotonous lighting is also not a good solution. Harmonious, comfortable lighting is achieved by combining fixtures with different light distribution. It is difficult to say unequivocally where and which lamps are best used. When asked which lamp to choose, experts only recommend adhering to the basic rules of lighting in an apartment. Hallway In the corridor, where the need for lighting is constant, general lighting fixtures with a fluorescent compact lamp should be selected. Living room This room is designed for different purposes: here they receive guests, gather with the whole family at the TV, read and communicate, and sometimes they work. Therefore, here the main rule of good lighting is the need for its lamp for each function. And this means that several light sources should be created here. Lamps must be placed in different levels. Not bad, if they are equipped with rheostats. This will make it possible to adjust the brightness of their luminous flux, and hence lighting. At dusk, it must be done more intensively. Near the armchairs and sofa it makes sense to put floor lamps or mobile lamps that will be able to isolate this corner. Background - diffuse flat lighting - will help create floor lamps, the lampshade is made in the form of a bowl, directed upwards. Such architectural elements as arches, columns or niches will look mysterious and effective, if you highlight them from the bottom. Individual zones can be illuminated with integrated ceiling spotlights. Which built-in lamps to choose, it's up to you - today's market provides a wide range of them. If it is not possible to install lamps, you can choose low-voltage systems on busbars. This for the living room will be a great solution. With the help of such systems you can play with light and create various light compositions. If we talk about light bulbs, then for the living room, either conventional incandescent lamps or halogen lamps are suitable. In no case can you use fluorescent lamps for the living room. Cabinet The ideal scheme of light for this room is a common lamp that does not give shadows, and an additional lamp in the workplace. As the first, it is recommended to use a floor lamp with diffused light, and not a multi-chandelier chandelier. Avoid in the office of light contrasts and directional light, because sharp transitions from shadow to light tire. Work lighting can not be original - it involves monotony. For the workplace - a lamp with adjustable flow of light on hinges or flexible rod. For the cabinet are more incandescent than halogen. Directional table lighting and indirect lighting of the room are recommended when working at a computer. Kitchen In this room, the same laws apply as for the cabinet: whenever possible, lights with scattered light are used, which does not dazzle. Very convenient solution, when small halogen bulbs are built into the kitchen furniture. For high-quality cooking in the work area, you need active worktop lighting. At the same time neutral light of the lamp is desirable so that it does not distort the natural kind of products. The dining table is the place where the whole family meets. With the help of a pendant lamp it can be turned into a cute island of light. Such a luminaire should be located slightly above the eye level, that is, not less than sixty centimeters from the surface of the table. The light from this lamp must provide an appetizing and pleasant view of the dish. Soft muted light will create a comfortable atmosphere, both for a casual dinner, and for a festive family meal. Bedroom Light here should have different centers - at the closet and beside the bed. In the upper light, there is no need. Who did not encounter this situation: while you want to read before going to sleep, your partner is already falling asleep. This problem is solved very simply - a lamp with dimmed light on the night table, illuminating only one side of the bed. For these purposes, a lamp with a shade and, if possible, a flexible "leg" is a good choice. If the bedroom has a wardrobe, it should be well advised. For this, point-in-line luminaires of directional light are ideally suited. This task will cope with low-voltage halogen lamps installed on walls. The general light in the bedroom can be created by using evenly located local sources. The basic rule here is that there is no light-beating eye, and directional sources are used to create reflected light. Choosing and combining different lighting fixtures, you can create in your house not only comfortable lighting, but also give special expressiveness to the interior. We advise you to read:

