how to get rid of spools on clothes Each of us really want to have clothesremained new as long as possible. Anyway, getting updated, we hope that this thing will retain its original appearance for a long time. However, trouble awaits us where we least expect them. Often, even good and good clothes somehow suddenly "overgrown" treacherous spools, which are unclear where they come from. And the thing is still good, and presentable view loses! What is there to say, the spools on our clothes - a phenomenon not only unaesthetic, but also difficult enough to be eliminated. True, this is only if you do not know how to get rid of the pellets. But it is also very important to understand why these same pellets appear. Let's try to understand the reasons for their occurrence, and also learn how to remove the spools from the clothes. coats on clothes

Why do they appear?

Probably everyone is familiar with the spools on the clothes. After all, knitwear is practically in any wardrobe, and the pellets appear faster and more often on such things. Usually spits are formed because of frequent contact of the tissue with other surfaces and its friction. For example, on warm sweaters and pullovers, which are worn under the outer clothing. Or in the place where the bag hanging on the shoulder touches a T-shirt or a skirt. It is generally accepted that pellets are a sign of poor-quality tissue. Most often, they appear on clothing made of loose fabrics, in which the interlacing of threads is loose. Fabric with nap is also the first contender for fouling by pellets. And this is all - the hallmarks of knitwear. However, there are other reasons for the appearance of spools on clothes sewn from other tissues:

  • The presence of synthetic materials. By the way, artificial fabrics are less prone to the formation of pellets on them than those that combine natural and synthetic elements.
  • Violation of the rules of clothing care. First of all, washing in water at an unsuitable temperature and using unsuitable powders.
  • Long pulling threads in the fabric. This can be determined visually, simply by carefully reviewing the purchased item.
  • Loose fabric, in which there are not enough tightly twisted strands. This, by the way, does not apply to knitwear, which by definition is made from light and lush threads.
  • Remember that to prevent the appearance of pellets onclothes is easier than trying to remove them later. Therefore, try, first, to buy things made from quality fabrics. Secondly, strictly follow the recommendations on the labels with clothes. So, for example, absolutely all things wash with the addition of a conditioner for laundry. Clothing from loose, thin and woolen fabrics should only be washed in a delicate mode or washed with hands. Do not use too hot water for washing. If possible, then give such clothes to dry cleaners. If the pellets still appeared, then try to remove them early on. Too neglected in this respect, it is difficult to restore a pristine appearance. And yet it's worth trying. In addition, ways to remove spools from clothing is not so little. spools

    How to remove spools

    As we already said, dry cleaning is excellentway to prevent the rolling of pile on the tissues, as well as a real opportunity to completely get rid of the rolling villi. True, pleasure is not cheap. It's one thing to give a dry cleaning to the outer clothing, and quite another - to clean things that are in intensive "exploitation." Therefore, most often we resort to a proven grandfather's method - we simply clean the fabric with an ordinary razor. This method, by the way, is quite effective. True, it is not suitable for all tissues. For example, fabrics with a relief surface can easily be damaged when shaving. Knitwear is also very easy to cut, since its loop structure will not allow the blade to move along the fabric unimpeded. Another drawback of this method is the "alopecia" of the tissue. This, in the first place, concerns woolen and fleecy fabrics. If you still get rid of the pellets with the help of a blade, then choose the usual safe disposable razor, in which there is no soap strip. When starting the procedure, try to lay out the thing on the maximum level surface. Pull the area to be treated so that there are not even the smallest creases on the fabric. If the spools on clothes are not very much yet, and the thing is woolen, then try to remove them more gently by using a toothbrush or a dishwashing sponge. With a fleecy fabric, you can simply comb out all that is superfluous. True, this will only happen at the very initial stage of rolling down the pile. A very convenient and effective tool, devised specifically for the removal of spools from clothing, is a trimmer. This is such a special machine that either cuts them off, or collects them with a sticky roller. It is not expensive, but it works very efficiently. In addition, the undeniable convenience of such a device - its power from conventional batteries. Therefore, the machine can always be anywhere near at hand. Another possibility of combating the spools is wide office scotch. This tool is especially convenient if it becomes necessary to clean small areas on clothes. However, for a broader field of activity, scotch is also suitable. And with this tool, you certainly will not damage the clothes. To do this, you just need to stick the strip of adhesive tape tightly to the fabric and take off the tape with a sharp movement - and the villi will fall off together with it. You can use the adhesive tape a little differently, attaching it to the paint roller. Only in this case you need a double-sided adhesive tape. A roller with scotch tape just needs to walk through the fabric, collecting all these icky balls that have fallen off their clothes. Well, the most innocuous option for combating pellets is the use of a detergent containing special additives. Usually it's not even a powder, but a liquid detergent labeled "softens fabric fibers." Usually, after several washings with such a tool, the fabric becomes smooth. By the way, you can use this tool for preventive purposes. And, finally, the usual manicure scissors will also help you get rid of the pellets. True, it will take a long time. But you can more thoroughly clean your clothes from ill-felted lapping villas and completely protect the tissue from possible damage. So, now you know how to get rid of spools. It remains only to choose the most suitable method in your case and test it in practice. By the way, whatever you choose, practice first at some old thing. In general, try to buy clothes from quality fabrics and take care of it according to all the rules. Then the problem of fighting with the notorious spools, you probably will not arise. Good luck!

