Tea is an amazing drink. It invigorates in the morning, soothes in the evening, warms up in winter, and in hot weather quenches thirst. Black tea is good for health (in particular, for our cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract), and also helps to preserve the beauty and youth of our skin. Benefits and harm always go hand in hand. However, the useful properties of this miracle drink, known to mankind for nearly four millennia, are much more than harmful. Actually, the use of the word "harm" in relation to tea is simply inappropriate. Rather, we can talk about some contraindications for people who have certain health problems. For a healthy person, the benefits of tea have long been proven, and we want to convince you of this again.
From the history of the drink ...
Botanical name of tea indicates itsOrigin: Camella sinensis - Camellia Chinese. It is the wild tea shrub that grew in the southeastern provinces of China, and is the ancestor of all known varieties of this plant today. From there it spread throughout the region - from time immemorial tea is grown and drunk in Burma, Vietnam, India. Japan stands apart, which not only pays tribute to this drink, but also made tea in the rank of high art. Tea ceremony in Japan is a real performance, in which the roles for each participant are clearly spelled out. To Europe, or rather to England, the tea was brought by the British merchants as a gift for the royal family. It happened in the late 16th century. Initially, due to the high price, due to duties, tea was not available to ordinary citizens, but over time, the cost came back to normal, and the drink received unprecedented popularity in the country. In Russia, tea leaves fell in the XVII century, and then they were forgotten for almost 30 years. And in 1769 Russia entered into an agreement with China on the supply of tea. It is interesting that initially as a raw material for the drink used dried green leaves of the tea bush. Black tea, like all ingenious, was invented completely by accident. Once the lot of leaves got wet, they did not want to throw it away and decided to dry it. It turned out that this drink is fundamentally different in taste from the usual green tea, but it is also very good. So began the industrial production of black tea. Today we can buy a variety of types of black tea: large leaf, small leaf, bay leaf, granulated and packaged. It comes to our market from India, China, Sri Lanka, some African countries.
Useful properties of black tea
According to experts, black tea is good and simpleas a tonic drink (but more about this later), and as an excellent diaphoretic and antipyretic agent for colds, especially in combination with honey. Black tea lowers blood pressure and helps with gastric disorders. Strong sweet tea with milk is used for poisoning (alcohol, arsenic, overdose of medicines), it positively affects the body even when radioactive contamination, binding strontium. The benefits, as they say, are obvious. Black tea has antibacterial properties - it perfectly neutralizes microorganisms that cause eye, abdominal, skin infections. The very first remedy, for example, with the initial stage of conjunctivitis, is the washing of the eyes with freshly brewed strong tea. It is also used as an antibacterial agent for various infections of the oral cavity. In addition, it positively affects the health of the teeth, since it contains a significant amount of material necessary for a strong enamel, like fluoride. This is an undeniable benefit of black tea, especially for those people who suffer from tooth decay. Presence of tannins allows to struggle with intestinal infections. With diarrhea, strongly brewed black tea removes unpleasant consequences for just a few hours. Contained in black tea, theophylline stimulates metabolic processes, helps to control the level of cholesterol, positively affects the capillaries, improves blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. During the research, scientists have found that regular use of black tea increases immunity, and prolongs life. The benefit of black tea for the elderly is also that they keep cheerfulness and high performance for many years.
Cosmetic aspect of the beneficial properties of tea
Tannin, which we have already mentioned above, slows downprocesses of tissue aging, that is, acts as a kind of elixir of youth. The usefulness of tannin manifests itself both with the use of tea as a drink, and with its use as a cosmetic. Tea leaves contain more than 200 useful substances: provitamin A, vitamins B, C, K, R, trace elements, essential oils, tannins, catechins, theotanine, caffeine. Tea has antibacterial and rejuvenating effect, it tones well the skin of the face, restores freshness and healthy color. When oily skin is recommended to use a tea lotion, which is prepared in just a couple of minutes. To hard boiled tea should be added a few drops of lemon juice. By rubbing your face with this lotion, you will smooth the enlarged pores and improve the complexion. For dry facial skin, cosmetologists recommend toning masks made of strong tea and honey. For all skin types, ice, prepared from strong tea leaves, should be used, which should be massaged every morning - good tone and fresh complexion are guaranteed. And for the beauty of the eyes, we recommend cold compresses made of strong tea. Tampons, soaked in tea leaves, must first be held in the refrigerator. An excellent tonic is tea bath, very popular in the Middle Kingdom. However, to get such pleasure, it is not necessary to go to China. You can prepare a tea bath at home. To do this, simply mix the black and green tea (you need about 5 tablespoons of the mixture) and brew a liter of boiling water. An hour later, the resulting infusion pour into the bath, add a few drops of your favorite essential oils and enjoy. The use of this bath is to improve blood circulation, it also has a powerful antiseptic effect. Strong welding is shown for strengthening and growth of hair. It can be used as a mask with various additives, the use of which for hair has long been proven (this, in particular, castor oil, cognac, etc.).
Harmful consequences should only beIf a person abuses a strong tea. But this caution can equally be attributed to any food and drink: everything is good in moderation. Harm brings immoderate. Although there is a small percentage of people who can harm tea. However, to be precise, this is not harm, but, rather, a contraindication. It's about people who are hypersensitive to caffeine, or even addicted to it. This harm manifests itself in the form of increased excitability, insomnia, tachycardia, headaches. With such symptoms it is necessary either to refuse tea altogether, or to use weakly brewed tea. Strong tea has one very annoying drawback - it removes from the body such an important trace element responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system, like magnesium. This causes absolute harm to the human body. The lack of magnesium is manifested by very unpleasant consequences: the syndrome of chronic fatigue, nightmares, convulsions. If you love tea and do not want to deprive yourself of such pleasure, then simply include in your diet more foods rich in magnesium. These are nuts, apricots, peaches, cauliflower. It is also useful to drink mineral water with an increased content of magnesium. In case you know that strong tea harms your health, and weak does not bring any pleasure, you can try to prepare black tea with various additives - it can be herbs, berries, currant leaves, cowberries, strawberries. It is also not recommended to drink tea with medicines, multivitamins. Substances contained in tea leaves adversely affect the absorption of medicinal and vitamin preparations. We advise you to read: