dark spots Pigmented spots are able to plunge into despondencyalmost any woman. Still - a little pleasant in such "decoration"! But you can completely get rid of age spots. The easiest way, of course, is to seek help from a professional cosmetologist who knows exactly how to help cope with your problem. But sometimes on a visit to a specialist or not enough time, or trivial there is no money - but there can be little reason. And in this case, you should not get upset - help will come handy tools: recipes of traditional medicine are often much more effective than salon procedures.

Causes of pigment spots

Before talking about ways to eliminate pigmentation spots, I would like to briefly mention the causes of the appearance of pigmented spots.

  • Hormonal background

Sometimes the distribution of subcutaneous pigmentoccurs unevenly due to a violation of the normal hormonal balance. This can be the result of a disease, hormonal changes in the body - for example, during adolescence or during pregnancy. By the way, expectant moms appear frequently enough.

  • Long stay in the sun

Tanning is, of course, great - a swarthy tingeskin decorates any woman. But in a number of cases, if the pigment is developed too actively, it may not be able to distribute evenly. And then do not be surprised whence the notorious spots of pigment appeared.

  • Age changes

But most often, pigmentation spots occur in humansolder age. First, the production of melanin does not occur in all cells. Secondly, the liver and kidneys eventually lose the full ability to remove toxins from the body. And they are excreted from the body through the skin. As a result, pigmentation spots appear.

  • Genetic predisposition

Sometimes the tendency to the appearance of age spotscan be inherited. Therefore, in the event that your parents had such a phenomenon, do not be surprised to find one day pigment spots and on your skin - the reasons for their appearance are your genes. As a rule, in most cases of the appearance of pigment spots for human health there is no threat. The only negative side is the aesthetic side. That's why we are now trying to figure out how to get rid of pigment spots on the skin. But we can not fail to mention the small percentage, when spots can appear due to certain diseases. Therefore, to visit a dermatologist is still worth it - he will be able to determine exactly why these spots appear. from which there are pigment spots

Whitening lotions

In the event that the pigment spots are not toobright, you can try to do "little blood" - bleaching lotions. They act rather gently and spare the skin. But at the same time they manage the pigment spots quite effectively. Just remember one very important thing - if after lotions your skin starts to flake off much or even worse, immediately stop treatment. This means that your skin is too sensitive and people's recipes do not suit you.

  • Cucumber lotion

To prepare this whitening lotion youyou need one fresh cucumber of medium size and 50 grams of vodka. Wash cucumber, grate on a fine grater, place in a glass container with a lid and pour vodka. Put in the refrigerator for a week and do not forget to shake the container every day. After the lotion is infused, strain it with gauze cloth, add 50 grams of water and pour into a glass container again. Twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, wipe pigmented spots with a cotton disc moistened in cucumber lotion. After the skin dries, be sure to apply any moisturizing cream to the treated areas - this is just necessary in order to avoid drying and peeling of the skin. The duration of the course of treatment should not be more than one month.

  • Dill lotion

Dill lotion very effectively eliminatesdark spots. And besides, it will become a real find for those girls who suffer from the fatty skin type. Prepare a bunch of fresh dill, 50 grams of vodka. Dill very finely chop, pour it into a small glass jar or bottle, tightly closed. Then pour vodka and put it in a dark and cool place. Insist lotion should be at least a week, not forgetting to shake the bottle several times a day. After you strain the lotion and add 50 grams of pure boiled water, mix thoroughly. Everything, the lotion is ready! Pigmented spots should be wiped at least three to four times a day. If you have oily skin, wipe the entire face twice a day - this will help get rid of black spots and other rashes. And in this case, do not forget the moisturizing cream - alcohol, which is part of the lotion, dries the skin drastically. Do not use this lotion for longer than two weeks in a row. If necessary, continue the treatment, make at least a week's break.

  • Tomato lotion

Tomato lotion also helps to whiten the skin inthe shortest possible time. Yes, and it is prepared very simply - you will need only a tomato and pure boiled water. Squeeze the juice (you can do it with a normal gauze cloth), pour it into any container and add a little water, shake it. Such a lotion should be applied to the pigment spots three times a day. After about 15 minutes, rinse the skin with cool water, dry and apply moisturizing cream. In most cases, if the pigmentation spots are not very dark, there is a roughly two-week course of treatment. If the treatment needs to continue, take a week off, then repeat.

  • Lemon Lotion

Grate a medium-sized lemon on a grater,Place it in a small glass container with a narrow neck and pour 100 grams of cool boiled water. Close the container tightly and place it in the refrigerator for about five days. After the lotion can be filtered, so that the particles of lemon do not remain on the skin. This lotion wipe the skin at least five times a day - try to treat only the pigmented areas of the skin. After about a week, you will notice significant improvements. If skin irritation does not appear, the treatment can be continued for as long as you need it. pigment spot

Whitening Masks

If some lotions could not do,try bleaching masks. They are much more active than lotions. But caution should be exercised a great deal - otherwise there is a risk of developing damage to the skin. And be sure to give up whitening lotions! The effect you do not amplify, but the problems are hard to uniquely!

  • Mask made of clay

To fight with pronounced pigment spotstry this mask. Acquire in the pharmacy the usual therapeutic clay in powder and hydrogen peroxide. Make a creamy mass, mixing clay with water - you should get a tablespoon. Add a third of a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, mix again and apply to the pigment spots, avoiding contact with other skin areas. Remember - strictly on the pigmented spot! On top, cover the mask with a plastic wrap. Leave the mask for about 15 minutes, then rinse with plenty of cool water. You can feel slight discomfort - this is normal. But in case if tingling or burning is too strong, immediately wash off the mask to avoid burns. Be sure to use a moisturizer! And not only immediately after you wash off the mask, but every day - in the morning and in the evening. By the way, immediately after the mask it will not be superfluous to lubricate the skin with sour cream. Do not make this mask more often than in a day - you risk damaging the skin. And the duration of the course of treatment should not exceed three weeks. It is better to repeat it again, after a couple of weeks. But, as a rule, even the most moody spots are surrendered after the first course of treatment.

  • Sour cream mask

Strictly speaking, it would be correct to name itmask from hydropyritis, but painfully frightening it sounds. Sour cream in this case is just the basis - you need to buy at the pharmacy pill hydropyritis. The most usual, the one that our mothers in their youth hair clarified. Pour into a half tablet powder, mix it with one tablespoon of sour cream and apply to the stain. Take care that the mixture does not get on the rest of the skin! To avoid spreading the mask, cover it with a gauze cloth. Polyethylene film can not be used, because under it the action of hydroperite will be several times stronger. So, there is a risk of developing a burn - exactly what you can not allow in any case. After ten minutes, wash off the mask with plenty of water. In the event that the discomfort is too strong, immediately wash off the mask - it does not suit you. And be sure to watch the skin for several hours after the mask - if it turns red too much, rashes or flaking appear, refuse to use this mask any further. And do not make the mask more than twice a week - you injure the skin. The duration of the course of treatment is two weeks, not more. Next, you need at least a month's break. Although in most cases after such treatment the spots look almost invisible.

  • Mask with ammonia

Very effective remedypigmentation is the most common ammonia. If you do not have an allergic reaction to honey, you can use it as the basis. Otherwise, take the usual yogurt - of course, without additives. On a teaspoon of the base you will need five drops of ammonia - mix the mass thoroughly and immediately apply its problem areas of the skin. Burning will be in any case, but it should not be too strong. The duration of the mask is not more than 10 minutes, but if the discomfort is intense, immediately wash off - you this mask is not suitable because of the increased sensitivity of the skin. Immediately after the mask, apply a thick layer of moisturizing cream to the treated skin areas and leave until completely absorbed. This mask can be done three times a week. And the duration of treatment should not exceed two weeks. To repeat the course of treatment, if it did not help for the first time, is not worth it. If the pigmentation spots do not disappear, then this mask does not suit you. But this is absolutely no reason for the disorder - try another remedy.

  • Cottage cheese mask

All the above masks have enougha strong action directed at the removal of strongly pronounced pigment spots. But often you can get rid of pigmentation with much more gentle masks that do not hurt the skin. For example, curd mask. You will need the most common fat-free cottage cheese in packs. Apply a thick layer of curd on the problem areas of the skin, cover with gauze and leave for about 30 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and grease with cream or sour cream. The mask does not threaten your skin at all, so it can be done almost every day.

  • Kefir mask

This mask is done quite simply, and the effectsurely please you. You will need a third of a small lemon and a tablespoon of kefir. Mix them and apply to ill-fated stains. To prevent the mask from spreading, cover it with a gauze cloth. The mask should be on the skin for at least 30 minutes, after which it must be washed off with plenty of water. Be sure to follow the reaction of your skin - in the event that there are redness or flaky skin, reduce the amount of lemon juice by half. And always use moisturizing cream! A mask can be done every other day, for a month. As a rule, all these funds are enough to eliminate pigmentation spots - at least one, but it will be effective for you. If this still does not happen, then the only way out is to recover to the cosmetologist. We advise you to read:

