furuncle treatment Furuncles are not uncommon and they always appear in thethe most inopportune moment. Of course, to leave this phenomenon without attention in any case it is impossible - treatment should be started as soon as possible. Of course, it is most reasonable to seek help from a doctor, because a boil is not just a pimple and self-medication can lead to very sad consequences.

What is a boil?

Furuncle is a strong inflammation of the hairfollicle (pouch, from where the hair grows). And not just inflammation, but with signs of necrosis - the necrosis of nearby tissues. In addition, it does not do without suppuration - in a word, the inflammation proceeds in a very acute form. It develops, needless to say, not without a reason - most often the source of purulent inflammation becomes Staphylococcus aureus. To catch this infection, alas, is very, very simple - staphylococcus almost everywhere: handrails of public transport, unwashed vegetables and fruits, household items. And if staphylococcus falls on the skin, which has at least the slightest microtrauma, the chances of becoming a "happy" owner of a boil are very, very large. Especially if your body suffers from additional negative effects - a strong sweating, unhealthy food, a weakened immune system. The appearance of the boil is very specific - it is easy to recognize. The skin is inflamed, swollen, looks like a nodule in appearance, the size varies very much: from a few millimeters to a centimeter in diameter - it depends on the stage of the inflammatory process. Inside the reddened condensation, the furuncle, a whitish shade with ulceration in the center is clearly visible. Most boils occur in the area of ​​the back, neck, face, occiput. Sometimes the situation is more deplorable: furuncles are not isolated - this phenomenon is called furunculosis. Furunculosis can not be ignored in any case, because it can lead to the development of such serious complications as sepsis and even purulent meningitis. boils treatment

Treatment of boils

The very first thing that needs to be done is discoveringfuruncle - immediately treat it and the skin around with any antiseptic. For these purposes, alcohol, greens and iodine, and, in extreme cases, hydrogen peroxide, are suitable. Apply the solution to the cotton pad and lubricate the boil. And then be sure to go to a dermatologist or surgeon! To date, doctors offer several ways to treat boils:

  • Conservative treatment

First, doctors use the most gentle methodstreatment - UHF, various ointments. After the boil opens, antibiotic ointments come into play - they prevent secondary infection. Independently, it is not recommended to select medicines - only the doctor can make the right choice, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the organism. Otherwise, the treatment of a boil may result in new health problems. And in the event that furuncles have chosen a face, doctors prefer not to waste time - immediately prescribed ointments with antibiotics. In this case, preference is given to antibacterial ointments that are effective against staphylococci - Levomecol, oxacillin, methicillin, erythromycin. But we will repeat once again - ointment should be selected by your doctor-dermatologist. And do without them you will not succeed - otherwise the treatment of the boil will last for a long time.

  • Operative treatment

In some cases, if the inflammation is verystrong and drug treatment does not help, doctors are forced to make a decision about the need for surgical intervention. To be frightened of it it is not necessary, as the procedure is very simple - the surgeon will open a furuncle, will clean a wound from pus and will process corresponding medicinal preparations. After this, the treatment with ointments will be continued until the wound heals. Fortunately, in most cases this can be avoided - if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, at the first signs of a boil.

Traditional methods of treatment

If you do not have any categoricallyopportunities or desires to consult a doctor, you can try to cure the boil by folk methods. But remember that in this case you will act solely at your own risk and risk - there is always a danger of complications, which we mentioned above. So think again - maybe, after all, it's worth giving up the folk method of treating boils? And, of course, do not forget that any of the recipes you choose can contain a component that can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, if there is even the slightest doubt, be sure to make an allergic test - apply a small amount of the substance to the inner side of the wrist and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and evaluate the result - the skin should not be red and rashes, in addition, you should not experience itching and burning. Only in this case it is possible to begin treatment of a furuncle by the way chosen by you.

  • Dough cake

This product copes with boils fora very short time - just a couple of days you will notice a significant improvement. To make a cake, you will need one egg yolk, one teaspoon of any natural honey, three tablespoons of wheat flour and a teaspoon of butter. Oil and honey, melt in a water bath, add yolk and flour, knead a steep dough. After this, divide the dough into three parts, two of which are put in a plastic bag and put into the refrigerator. From the remaining dough, form a cake, attach it to the boil and firmly fix it with a bandage or plaster. Leave cake for at least 12 hours. And even better - continuously for several days, changing every 10 hours. After the boil opens, the treatment can not be continued in any case! It is better to buy the ointment "Levomekol" and treat the wound five or six times a day, until it is completely healed. On average, a week is needed to treat a boil.

  • Onion

Onions - a remedy for suppuration, testedcenturies. Take one head of medium onion, peel it from the upper layers of the husks and place in a preheated oven to 200 degrees. Bake the onion until it becomes soft - about 15 minutes. After that, cool the baked onion, cut it in half and cut it into a boil, fix it and leave it for two hours. In a day it is necessary to make at least three such compresses. After about three days, the abscess will break through, and then you can not avoid the treatment of the boil with levomelem.

  • Buckwheat cake

In the event that the boil is very large, you cantry buckwheat flour. By the way, cook it easily and at home: in a frying pan, without adding oil, bake five tablespoons of buckwheat, cool and grind to a powder state with a coffee grinder. Store this flour in a tightly closed container in a dry, dark place. In order to make a cake from this flour, you need apple cider vinegar (not essence!) - add it and mix a dough. Please note - in this case, it is not advisable to make a dough for stock - cook strictly at once. Form a cake, attach to the boil and fix, leave for about an hour. Repeat this procedure at least three times a day, until the boil breaks. And further treatment of a furuncle proceeds according to the standard scheme - in a course there are ointments with antibiotics.

  • Laundry soap

From an aesthetic point of view, this recipeit is unattractive, but those who test it assert that the boil is opened quickly enough. Rub on a fine grater household soap - you will need two teaspoons of soap chips. Bake in the oven one small head of onions, cool and halve with a fork, mix thoroughly with soap. The resulting mask is applied to the boiling water, top with a plastic wrap and fix with adhesive plaster, leave for the whole night. Approximately two days later the abscess will open and you can start treatment of the furuncle with "Levemecol" ointment.

  • Crude potatoes

A simple action has simple crudepotatoes. Wash one small tuber, peel it and grate it on a fine grater. The resulting mass is applied to the boil, cover with a gauze and leave it for at least an hour. This procedure should be carried out at least three times a day - of course, until the boil does not open. Further, you can not continue this treatment - use "Levomekol" ointment. By the way, crude carrots have about the same effect - so choose the vegetable that you like best. As a result, the quality of the treatment of boils will be the same.

  • Lilac leaves

In the spring and summer period pay your attentionon ... leaves of lilac, which for a very long time have been successfully used to treat purulent wounds. Preparing the tool simply and quickly - you will need only a few minutes. Take three or four leaves, scald them with steep boiling water and cool. Then finely cut, attach to the boil, cover with a gauze and leave it overnight. Repeat this procedure every night, until the moment when the boil breaks through. Then use the "Levemecol" ointment - apply it abundantly to the wound, place a gauze pad on top, fix the adhesive plaster and leave it overnight. The full course of treatment of a boil takes about 10 days. treatment of boils

Prevention of furuncles

Any person who has at least once faceda furuncle, hardly will want to face it or him once again. But to the great regret, some people this attack pursues throughout life. Of course, ignoring this state of affairs is extremely unreasonable - be sure to see a doctor who will find out the cause of the regular occurrence of boils. However, very much depends on the person himself - do not sit idly by. We focus your attention on the most important points that should be paid attention to people suffering from furuncles. But let's talk about everything in order:

  • The state of the immune system

The first thing to think about - is it reallyyour immune system works perfectly? Of course, an unequivocal answer to this question can only be given by an immunologist, but preventive measures have not been prevented. First, reconsider your daily routine - go to bed on time, do not spend much time at the computer, do not forget about walks in the fresh air. Secondly, be sure to drink a multivitamin complex - which is exactly what your doctor will tell you. Third, do not ignore and temper - even walking barefoot can do real miracles, and if you add water procedures, the gratitude of your body will be truly unlimited.

  • Diet

Very often furuncles are formed from the usualan inflamed pimple. Therefore, if your skin is far from ideal, be sure to revise your usual menu. From it it is necessary to strictly exclude fatty, sharp and smoked dishes, sweets, especially chocolate, any pastries, alcoholic, carbonated drinks, coffee. In just a couple of weeks of such nutrition, the condition of your skin will radically change for the better. And, by the way, you get a nice bonus - a couple of centimeters will leave your waist without any difficulty.

  • Skin care

Expensive cream, quality cosmetics - all this,Of course, it is very important. But hygiene should come first. It is not our idea that cleanliness is the guarantee of health. Cleanse your skin at least three times a day. In the morning and in the evening - with the help of gels for washing, and in the afternoon - at least with alcoholic napkin. Women, of course, will be more difficult - will have to abandon the use of foundation and powder. But for your skin it will only benefit. By the way, for the period of treatment of boils from the use of toning funds should also be.

  • Skin After Shave Treatment

Particular attention should be paid to the skin before andafter shaving and epilation. Before the procedure begins, wash the skin thoroughly with soap and then wipe it with alcohol tincture. This simple measure will exclude the entry into microdamages, which will inevitably arise, infections and, as a consequence, the appearance of boils. Probably, it will seem to you troublesome, but believe - in comparison with treatment of furuncles it is mere trifles. Compliance with these simple rules in most cases helps to take furuncles under strict control. But if nothing helps, then the problem is more serious and it is necessary to solve it together with the doctor. Be healthy and beautiful!

